He wants you to move in (preference)

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(Y/n) sat in the living room of my apartment while I stayed in my room going over a few songs for upcoming shows the boys and I had scheduled. She nevee grew irritated by the sound of my bass, she loved it and considered it something amazing and worth listening to. As I was focused on playing a few notes, I heard a song like voice that was close to a whisper but it was beautiful. When I looked up I saw (y/n) in my closet pulling one of my sweatshirts out of my closet; she continued to sing along to what I was playing because I continued to play as I watched her in amazement.

"Your voice is beautiful." She turned around and stared at me.

"It's nothing special, really, I just love that song."

"I hope so because I wrote it about you." She blushed and placed one hand on her face. "That's very sweet Cal." I chuckled. "Sit with me." I patted the spot next to me, she walked over to me and sat as close as possible. "Sing for me love." She nodded and I began playing again as she sang with everything she had.

"That was amazing (y/n/n), you should sing for me more often."

"But when?"

"Your voice is something I'd like to fall asleep to."

"You want me to sing to you over the phone? It probably won't sound the same though."

"Move in with me so you don't have to sing over the phone."

"Calum a-are you sure you want me to move in with you?"

"I wouldn't have brought it up if I didn't want you to." She giggled and leaned against my shoulder. "Ok, I'll move in with you." I set my bass on the stand and picked (y/n), spinning her a few times.

"Put me down or I'll change my mind." I obeyed and placed my hands on her hips.

"Thank you." I leaned down to peck her lips, earning a smile from her.


The band needed a break rest for awhile so they were free for a few months to do pretty much whatever they wanted to. Luke purchased a flat and invited you over to help him make it feel more like home, even though he lived alone. His place is where you would spend most of your time because he mentioned that he always liked when you were with him.

"You're here so much." He spoke as we laid in silence. "Is that a bad thing?" "Well no because I want you here with me all the time." You smiled because he was always such a sweetheart. "I love being here with you, I hate sleeping alone at night."

"Maybe you should move in." You were taken back by his words because neither of you discussed living under the same roof.

"But how will we know that'll work out? What if we get tired of each other?" You began to panic and thought of everything that could possibly go wrong.

"We'll never know unless we try now will we? And besides, we used to spend lots of nights together once our parents allowed it."

"I guess it can't be that bad."

"So what do you say?" He turned on his side to face you and draped one arm on your waist.

"When should I start bringing over my things?" You asked with a smile, he kissed you softly and pressed his forehead to yours. "As soon as possible. Do you want to know something (y/n)?"


"I'll never get tired of you."


You and Michael always spent as much time together as possible while he was home on break from work relaxing, playing video games and anything that didn't involve spending time outdoors. "(Y/n) I got a few new games before you got here, let's play."

"Ok" He set up his gaming system but looked around to fine the games he thought he had misplaced. "Where's the new games I bought (y/n)?"

"I sort of..organized them."


"You know I like to keep things in order."

"You don't live here babe."

"I practically do though."

"Promise me something (y/n)."

"What?" You leaned against his shoulder.

"When you move in with me, can you please try not to 'organize' everything? Your apartment is so perfect and it makes me feel like a slob."

"Mikey you want me to move in with you?" You were shocked.

"Of course I do." He gave yoi a reassuring smile before giving you a soft kiss.


Another Saturday night meant another grocery trip with Ashton so I could make dinner for the two of us; it practically became a monthly tradition. "So what's on the menu for tonight?" I asked Ash as we roamed through all of the food aisles. "You're the ome that's cooking so I don't know (y/n)."

"Baked ziti it is." We collected all the needed ingredients and headed off to the checkout lines. I started dinner shortly after we return back to his place, concentrating on the recipe so I wouldn't mess anything up.

"Hello my love." Ashton whispered in my ear as I stirred the sauce in the pan.

"Hello babe." I giggled. We sat down at the coffee table to enjoy our meal while watching a movie.

"Dinner was really really good (y/n)." Ashton complemented and I felt proud of myself. "Thanks love, my mom taught me how to make it."

"If we lived together would you cook for me all the time?"

"I don't know, maybe." He smiled, showing off his dimples. "So when are we moving you in?"

"Whenever you want."

"Good then it's settled."

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