I'm ready (preference)

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Luke: "(Y/n) I don't want to continue going down the same path with you because I'm sick and tired of being led on so mny times; I won't allow you to mistreat me anymore thn you already have."

"I'm so sorry that I put you through all of that Luke, don't you believe me?" "I want to believe you (y/n) but you've given me so many reasons why I shouldn't believe anything that you say."

"Luke if I honestly didn't feel anything for you I wouldn't have came straight here in the rain begging for another chance."

"What do you mean straight here?"

"I wasn't happy Luke, not with him. My happiness has always been with you and I'm sorry that it took me so long to realize that I love you and I'm ready to love you properly if you'll allow me to."

"I'm glad you finally came around (y/n) because I love you too much to watch you walk out of my life."


You and Calum have been dating over a year and a half and decided to remain abstinent until you were sure that you wanted to take the relationship to the next level; being the gentleman he is, he respected your decision to wait. He invited you over for a movie night since it was summer vacation and yours and his parents trusted the two of you to stay the night together. "Are you uncomfortable or something?" He asked, noticing how you played with the tips of your hair most of the time.

"No, I'm fine."

"If there's something bothering you (y/n) you can tell me."

"Let's just watch the rest of the movie." You gave him a small smile before laying your head on his chest to listen to his heartbeat and draw circles on his skin.

"(Y/n) can you just-"

"I'm ready" Those two powerful words came out of your mouth quickly and you became highly nervous. "Ready for..."


"Are you sure?"



"Do you need more practice before it's your turn to go out on stage?"

"I think we should play through the song once more."

"You're nervous babe, just breathein and out and relax."

"Ok I'm calm now."

"You know every word and your vocals are perfect, you'll do great."

"Next up we have (y/f/n) singing us a beautiful original song that she's worked veru hard on."

"You'll do fine, just remember to keep your breathing steady."

"Ok got it."

It's showtime now, you ready?"

"I'm ready."


You and Ashton have been having marital issues for a long time but recently things seemed to be getting worse for the both of you. If you were in a room he'd walk in and walk out and vice versa. The two of you tried to stay in a different room as each other to avoid any awkward contact.

"(Y/n) we need to stop this."

"I know Ash"

"You and I have been through way too much together and wait..you just called me Ash."

"I've been calling you that since we were teenagers."

"But you haven't called me that in awhile, you just refer to me as 'Irwin,' 'the man you married,' or just 'him.'"

"I'm done with all of this."

"With us?"

"No,we can fix our problems and get back on track if we at least try"

"Whenever you want to go to counseling just tell me when you're ready because divorce isn't an option, we agreed on that."

"I never thought about divorce Asnton, I'm ready to start over with you and be happy again."

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