First date with Michael (part 1)

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Immediately after agreeing to let your friend set you up on a blind date, you regretted it because she didn't choose very good candidates last time.

"(Y/n) I'm sorry about the last guy I set you up, but I promise this one is better."

"Leanna you told me that same exact line the past few times."

"Then why would allow this to be happening again?"

"Because I obviously have too much trust in you."

"It's because you love me."

"Whatever you say. Do you know anything about this guy?"

"His name is Michael, he's very very attractive, he is taller than you, and that's all the information I'm allowed to give you." She smirked.

"If this goes wrong Leanna I swear I'll kill you."

"I pinky promise it's a legitimate date this time."

"Hopefully you are telling the truth."

After Leanna finished curling your hair and helping you find an outfit, she sat in the living room with you while waiting for 'Mystery Michael' to arrive.

"I'm going to look in the mirror again."

"Whatever." She continued to flip through the gossip magazines that were only filled with rumors and crappy outfits celebrities buy for high prices.

"(Y/n) the doorbell is ringing!"

"You wanted me to go on this date so bad, you answet the door!"

"You're so stubborn."

"Only when I have to be." You blew a kiss in her direction but she dodged it.

"Hey Michael"

"Hey Leanna"

"Are you ready for your date?"

"Kind of nervous honestly." The sound of his voice was soothing for you and created a billion buteerflies in your stomach.

"Don't be nervous Mike, I'm positive that (y/n) is going to like you."

"Hopefully you're right about that." You giggled at the line he just gave her since you said the same thing.

"(Y/n) you can come out of hibernation now." You slowly walked towards the door where the two were standing-chit chatting away.

"Hi my name is Michael." You giggled once again because he was so awkward but you found it to be extremely cute.

"Hi Michael, I'm (y/n), pleasure to meet you." You two shook hands but didn't let go right away.

"I see that you two crazy kids will have fun tonight. Mikey keep her as long as you want to." You and Michael were being shoved out of the door by a very impatient Leanna.

"Gosh she's a mess." You laughed and he nodded but kept quiet.

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