Nothing ordinary-Michael imagine

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{A/N: I wrote this for someone awhile back and it is still my favorite! ♡}

"(Y/n) are you almost ready to go?"

"All set." She looked so perfect in just about anything she wore but I loved her more and more when she decided not to wear makeup, put her hair into a simple braid, dress comfortably in her summer clothes and being in her naturally happy mood.

"So what's on the agenda for today?"

"Well we're going to Disneyland because you love that place, we can also watch the firework show there or at the beach."

"Sounds great."

"Or we can just watch fireworks at the Disney parade and at the beach."

"Doesn't matter, you can choose."

"(Y/n) it's your birthday not mine."

"Both it is I guess."


"I'm going to go to the bathroom, stay here."


"Excuse me are you Miss (y/f/n) (y/l/n)?"

"Yes I am."

"Well then this is for you."

"Thank you."

I planned this for quite sometime because I didn't want it to be basic like other proposals.

'A wooden toy wanted to be a real boy but never got the chance, follow the trail that'll lead you to where I am, I'm in the mood to dance.' I watched as she read the first note and began to walk to her destination.

'You can't see me quite yet, you'll have to come and find me near the trees, just think about my wild side and the man who swings from vines and leaves.' She loved Tarzan so I knew she'd be excited to see what's over there.

'A fancy dress isn't a request from me to you for you to look perfect, you're closer to me than you know, just walk a little further I promise the last clue is worth it.'

I've been mentally preparing myself for this moment for awhile now because I knew (Y/n) is the one I can't live without.

'I'm glad to see that you've finally made it here, I hope this doesn't make you shed a tear. You're the only one that holds my heart and has the key, so turn around slowly to find me down on one knee.'


"You know how much I love you, how much I'm in love with you and I want you to be the one I spend the rest of my life with. Will you (y/f/n) (y/m/n) (y/l/n) be my bride?"

"Yes Michael." She stared at me then down at her hand as I placed the ring properly on her finger.

"I love you (y/n/n), I hope I made this special enough."

"This was incredible Mikey, I love the fact you went through all this-"

"I wanted to do something different than proposals you see in movies."

"I love you too Michael Clifford."

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