Waiting-Michael imagine

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Eighteen hours; its been eighteen hours since Michael and I got the call about my sister going into labor, I can't imagine the pain she must be in.

"Do you think she'll have the baby soon? I'm getting sleepy." Mikey rested his head on my lap and closed his eyes.

"I don't know, I hope so." I started running my fingers through his hair but he stopped me from continuing.

"You know that makes me fall asleep babe." I kissed his forehead and stared at the chairs in front of me.

"Miss (y/l/n)." A nurse came out to inform us that it was time for my sister to give birth.

"Are both of us allowed to go?" I asked the nurse.

"It's okay babe, she's your sister, I'll be right out here." I nodded and followed the nurse.


Seeing the way my sister's eyes lit up when she held her baby girl made me tear up because her child, Michael and I are the only people she has left.

"(Y/n) go out and get Michael so he can meet baby Delilah." I walked back to the waiting room to see Michael fast asleep in the chair cuddling my sweater.

"Mikey wake up." His eyes slowly opened and a smile appeared on his face.

"Did she have the baby yet?"

"A eight pound baby girl named Delilah. (Y/s/n) wanted me to come go and get you so you can see her." When we got to the room (y/s/n) was holding onto her baby girl with the biggest smile I've ever seen with tears in her eyes.

"She's beautiful." Mikey whispered as he admired the bundle of joy wrapped in a pink blanket.

"Do you want to hold her?" He froze because he hasn't held a baby before.

"I don't know how."

"(Y/n) will teach you." I picked Delilah and placed her in his arms.

"Am I going to drop her?"

"No, don't worry, you're doing fine." He nodded and stared at Delilah and smiled as if she was his daughter.

"You two will be great parents someday." (Y/s/n) complimented.

"Can't wait." He responded and kissed my forehead.

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