Blessed DNA-Luke imagine

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"Lucas I dare you to name one thing you like about me."

"(Y/n) it's impossible to name one thing I love about you, there's too many."

"You're too sweet Hemmings, you might give me a sugar rush one of these days."

"That was so cheesy babe."

"I think I may have picked up a bit of that from a certain guy that I know."

"Really? What guy?"

"He's really tall, he has awesome hair, piercing blue eyes, and he's super cute."

"Should I be worried about this guy trying to steal my girlfriend?"

"Nope, not at all."

"That's one thing I love about you."


"You're adorable."

"You are too mister."

"You're insanely beautiful."

"You're quite handsome yourself; bless your parents DNA."

"I'm assuming that was a compliment?"

"Obviously, have you looked into a mirror before?"

"There's another thing I love about you; you're sassy."

"I'm not!"

"It isn't necessarily a bad thing. I can go on and on about what I like about you because I find something new everyday."

"You're such a sweetheart."

"I never told you this before, but my heart skips a beat every time you look at me."

"Luke you're going to make me cry."

"I'm sorry, I just want you to know how special you are to me."

"Honestly I'm truly lucky to have someone like you." "I'm the lucky one, I can't imagine life without you."

"Words can't explain how much I love you Lukey."

"And I love you (y/n/n)."

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