Victoria-Ashton imagine (part nine)

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"How did everyone react to your engagement to Tori?"

"Her family was happy about the news but they seemed a bit saddened because they knew something that I didn't know at the time because we told them about the engagement and that were going to have a baby."


"We did but she was unable to carry the baby, so we had to get a surrogate."


We walked through the park holding hands like usual, observing the scenery around us. She started to look different than her normal self, like she was getting weak.

"You look a bit sick Tor, maybe we should go home now."

"I am sick Ash."

"Take my coat, we should head back now." She pulled her hand back from me and took a few steps back.

"Ashton listen to me! I'm sick and I don't have much time left!"

I couldn't believe what I was hearing an I didn't want to accept what she was saying, I didn't know how to accept it but I know that I didn't have much of an option.

"Why didn't you tell me Tori? We have a wedding to finish planning, a baby coming in a few months, a whole lifetime to spend together!"

"I didn't know how an I didn't want you to be hurt by this." Honestly I was falling apart.

"It hurts even more knowing that you are leaving me and that I'm barely finding out."

"Just know that you changed my life for the better and I truly love you." Those were the last words I heard from Victoria before she left me standing in the park.

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