Birthday-Calum imagine

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-his p.o.v-

I seemed to be a bit more excited about (y/n)'s birthday than her because she complained how I talk about it to much to the boys and that she doesn't feel like celebrating it.

"(Y/n) how do you not care about your birthday at all?"

"It's not anything serious that's all."

"But you're turning 20 though." She shrugged.

"Not that special love."

"Can I at least take you out to lunch and get you a present or two?"


"I'm not taking no for an answer."

"Alright you win." She didn't want anything fancy so I insisted that we'd go to Red Robin, one of her favorite places to eat.

"Thank you for allowing me to bring you to lunch."

"You're welcome, it isn't like you gave me much of a choice anyway."

"You're right."

"Lunch was great, can we go now?"

"No way, let's sit here and talk."

"At the emergency exit?"

"Why yes, this is a lovely area."

"You're weird Calum."

"That's kind of why we're best friends though."


"Happy birthday darling."

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