Disconnected (song preference 2/4)

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Turn off the radio

Those late night TV shows

Hang up the telephone

And just be here with me


Luke and I have a love story similar to Romeo & Juliet, minus the death part of course. We were prohibited from being together due to my parents expectations of what the perfect guy for me should look like instead of allowing me to be happy without hiding things. Any chance that Luke and I can see each other we make it happen; whether he's climbing through my window during late night hours or I'm sneaking out while he waits outside of my house so we could venture off to our favorite spot in the park. Tonight was different because he surprised me by coming over, but I didn't mind considering the fact that my parents were away for the weekend which left me home alone.

"(Y/n)?" He was laying on my bed holding the stuffed penguin he won at the fair for me on our first date, he says it's our child for now until we have a real child. "Yes babe?"

"Turn off everything please, I just want to be with you."

"But you're here with me right now."

"Buttercup you know what I mean." I giggled at his nickname for me; peanut butter cups are our favorite snack.

"I'm kidding Lukey." I turned off the radio evem though his band's song was softly playing in the background, I turned off my phone and he did the same with his, and he turned off the bedside lamp. The peace and quiet plus knowing that his chest would be my pillow for the night was enough to make me happy; the precious moments like this mean the most.

You are my getaway

You are my favorite place

Calum: Cal isn't necessarily a fan of spending too much time on the internet because he works all of the time, so he hardly has time for anything. He mentioned a few times that the best parts of his days after work is going straight home to you.

"Baby, I'm home." Your apartment wasn't too far from his but you spend most of your days at his so he'd have a clean place and a home cooked meal, in which he very much appreciated and you never minded doing those simple things for him.

"Living room!" When he came through the doorway he immediately took a seat next to you on the couch.

"Rough day?"

"Same as all of the others, tiring." His arms found their way to your waist and his head rested on your shoulder, you figured he'd fall asleep soon. "Looks like my little baby is sleepy." You whispered and pecked his forehead, running your fingers through his fluffy dark hair shortly afterwards. "Can we sleep right here or are you leaving me tonight?" You chuckled at his childlike tone.

"I'll stay if you want me to love."

"Good! You're my princess and you must stay with me forever."

"Whatever you say sir Calum."

"I always look forward to this (y/n); me coming home to you waiting up for me in my favorite sweatshirt watching our favorite movie."

"You remind me all the time lovebug."

"It's true."

"You're such an angel sometimes."


"Shh, go to sleep."

"I love you princess."

"I love you too."

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