Cheat-preference (Cashton)

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Somehow Calum convinced you to go on a diet with him shortly after you two began working out together , which you agreed to.

Your personal trainer gave you and Cal a list of healthy alternatives of foods you two can eat to maintain the figures you both were aiming for.



"Do you know what day it is?" He asked excitedly.


"Yes and no."


"Yes it's Tuesday but no that's not the answer that I was looking for." He started smiling wider than before.

"Why are you smiling so much?"

"Babe did you honestly forget what day it is?!"

"Is it our anniversary?" Your mind was cluttered with so many other things, you couldn't figure out what he was talking about.

"(Y/n), it's our cheat day." The day you had been waiting forward to the most and you forgot about it.


"Glad to see you remembered." He said in a very sarcastic tone. "But anyway, we're going to go have large pizzas and burgers with-"

"Babe! One thing at a time please."

"This day doesn't come very often (y/n)."

"Yeah Cal I know but you're going overboard." He rolled his eyes and dragged you to the best pizza parlor in town.


You never had a problem with Ashton going out with his friends and he never had a problem with you going out with yours because you both needed some space every once in awhile.

Tonight you stayed home because you weren't in much of a party mood nor did you feel that great.

When Ashton returned home he came through the door, shutting it lightly because he assumed you were already asleep.

"Ash?" You whispered sleepily from the couch.

"Yeah princess, it's me." He went over and say next to you.

"How was your night out?"

"It was okay." He seemed to be bent out of shape about something.

"What's wrong?" You asked and he grabbed your hands in his.

"I kissed another girl at the club we went to." Sure you were disappointed but it wasn't as bad as you though, not to the point you though of leaving him.

"Did you drink a lot?"

"Only two beers." You nodded.


"Are you mad at me (y/n)? I'm so sorry."

"I'm not mad at all Ash, I respect the fact that you came to me and told me instead of hiding it; most guys wouldn't do that." He nodded because he knew that was the truth.

"Thank you for being understanding."

"Can we go to bed now and pretend nothing happened? I'm tired and I know you are as well."

"Sure but can you brush your teeth first so I can kiss you?" The thought of kissing him after someone else made your stomach turn a bit.

"Of course love." After he got himself cleaned up he laid next to you and stared at the ceiling for a few minutes.



"Can you kiss me now then cuddle me?"

"Sure thing." He smiled and gave you exactly what you wanted.

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