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-Some more light over here. - Ross asked Brooke.
-Addison...what is taking so long? - i asked her worried.
-Meredith, you are bleeding.
-Oh...oh..god. That's a lot of blood. - i heard Brooke's voice.
-You keep quiet! Never say that to a patient, got it? - she scolded her blindly.
-How much blood? - i asked in a worried voice.
-I...i don't know, but it's not coming from your uterus. - Ross muttered.
-Brooks, shine the light over here, i feel something on my hand. - i asked her.
-There is blood coming out from around her IV. - she made a statement, while holding the flashlight.
-She's in DIC. She needs FFP, packed red blood cells and platelets. She had a fall. Meredith, when you fell down the stairs, you injured your abdomen. Scans didn't show it. - Addison mumbled much more to herself, than anyone else.
-Dr.Shane, we need to open her back up and find the source of her bleed. Basic midline laparotomy. Pack the four quadrants. We find the source of the bleed. We are not letting her bleed out on this table. - Addison talked to him.
-You. Brooks. Find Miranda and get her here. I meed more light. Now!
-Looks like the spleen is the source of the building. - Addison told him, while she was surrounded with flashlights now, as she had to be.
-I'm mobilizing the spleen, and dividing it by ligamentous attachments. Where is Miranda? I need more hands. To stop the hemorrhage.
-Mets and lap pads please. Ross follow me with the suction!
-Addison...I'm...gonna lose consciousness. In a few seconds. I need tell..Derek..i know ...the... baby' - i started taking air weirdly, panting nearly. And the nurse placed a mask on me.
-Dr.Bailey. - Brook found her.
-We need help. It's Dr.Grey. She's in surgery and she is in bad shape.
-Dr.Grey is very capable. She'll figure it out! - she answered fidgeting with a number lock on the cabinet of the drugs, which was closed. The power out closed it, and the only way to open it was with electricity.
-She's nit operating, she's the one on the table! She is having a C-section with Dr.Montgomery! She had complications!
-We've mobilized the spleen. She may need splenic salvage, but i can't control the bleeding. - Addison updated her.
-Shane, move over, hold a flashlight, it's in my pocket! - Bailey told Ross.
-We need to do a complete splenic to get rid of the hemorrhage. - Bailey told her opinion to Addison.
-We're doing it. - she agreed after a look, starting it.
-What happened? - Christina appeared in the doorway.
-Dr.Yang, not the right time! - Addison told her.
-What happened? - she repeated herself.
-Brooke! - Bailey asked her like this to tell her.
-Dr.Grey had the emergency C-section, but she started bleeding heavily, she has a hemorrhage, Dr.Montgomery and Bailey are trying to make it disappear.
-Thank you. - she nodded, and ran out. Sprinting her way towards the NICU. She sawDerek sitting there, holding him. The baby. Christina started knocking on the glass window of the room, to make Derek look at her.

-He looks like her. - Derek told Christina while they were sitting outside the OR, waiting anxiously. Christina stayed silent, thinking about Meredith.
-Did you see him?
-Oh, no. Not yet.
-He looks like her. - he sighed.
-His STATs are good now. He's gonna be fine. Not underweight.
-It's gonna be great.
-Christina. - a fading whisper escaped Derek's lips.
-Hey. Meredith Grey has survived a bomb, a drowning, a gunman, an ambulance crash, and...she's still here. She's gonna die when she's like 90, old and warm in her bed. She's not gonna die today. Today she's gonna be fine.
-I hope so. - Derek accepted it with an incredible amount of sadness in his voice,
-She has to be. She's out person. - their eyes connected for a moment, before Christina stroked his back once, trying to show some confidence, and trying to comfort him somehow. No one could ever do it like Meredith, but it was good. Felt supportive and nice.
When they saw Bailey exit the OR, they both jumped up from the gurney's bed at the same time.
-Uhm...Meredith had...a massive splenic bleed. We removed it. But...she...she..- her voice broke, and she started nearly shaking there.
-Oh, God! - Derek hurried in, while Christina cursed once with a 'no'.
-She's fine. - Addison told them as they stormed into the OR.
-We did it. - she added.
-I think with the power out it's the safest to keep her here, until she wakes up. In the next moment Derek's arms were hanging around her, closing her into his embrace.
-Thank you. - he whispered, and just got a nod out of Addison.
-She's alive?
-She's alive. - Derek kissed his wife's forehead, while she was still knocked out by the drugs she had gotten.
-I'm sorry...guys...i didn't mean to...cry. And...and scare you. I just...- Bailey started, but she was cut off by Derek, who hugged her this time, even pressing a kiss to his friend's and colleague's cheek. A tired sigh came out of Bailey's small frame, while Christina caressed Meredith's face.

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