Meeting Carolyn & I'm sleeping with her (slexie)

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When they broke apart from the hug, Derek turned to me, and i thankfully took his hand.
-Mum, this is Meredith.
-It's a pleasure to finally meet you dear! Derek was hiding you like a present! - she told me and immediately pulled me into a hug too. So,she was a hugger.
-Yes, it's nice to meet you too Mrs.Shepherd! - i tried showing her a friendly smile.
-Oh, dear please call me Carolyn! - she patted my back lightly.
-Meredith, i want to know you during the time i spend here. - she told looking into my eyes. I was still holding Derek's hand for comfort, and luckily he decided not to let go of me.
-So, how about a coffee? - Derek asked her mother, silently gaining my permission, when he squeezed my hand.
-That's a wonderful idea! - his mother said, as we started going towards the cafeteria.
-So, Meredith, tell me, are you a busy surgeon too?
-Yeah. I'm still a resident, but busy for sure. - i answered honestly, when we found a free table. I spotted another one, where my friends were sitting, clearly here just to watch the show, where Meredith, the girl who moms hate, meets Mrs.Shepherd. Izzie shew me an encouraging look, while Alex was just enjoying the situation. I couldn't read anything from Christina's face in that second. George was just smiling at me, nodding once. Derek pulled out a chair for me, and i accepted is by sitting down. He sat down next to me, while her mother was facing us.
-So are you from Seattle?
-Yes, i've been living here since i was born..
-And what about your parents? What do they do?
-Dead..-my muscles tensed when i answered her, and i felt Derek's hand on my thigh, in order to try and make me relax a little.
-Oh, i'm sorry, i didn't know...
-No, it's okay.
-Mer's mother passed away just over a year ago.
-And what about your father? - she asked me politely.
-I'm sorry, but i should go and get the coffee..I'll be back in a minute. - i excused myself. I quickly walked to the stall, and ordered three cups of coffee. When i turned around i bumped into Derek. I accepted his closeness snd rested my head on his chest for a moment.
-Mer, i should've told her not to ask about family...And -
-No, it's fine...She just wants to get to know me..And it's really important for you. - i took a big breath.
-Are you sure? - he asked me worried again, and i nodded still not so sure.
-Thank you. - he pulled me in for a kiss, and i let his sweet kisses again relax me for a moment, however listening to my last sensible thoughts, i broke apart before anything could happen.
-Wait for the coffee. - i kissed his cheek, and turned back towards the table.
-I ordered the coffees. - i told her when i sat back down.
-Meredith, Derek told me you family isn't - she started, but i interrupted him.
-No, it's okay. My father and i don't have the easiest bond..But i've recently found out about my sister..She is kind..and we're friends now.
-I'm glad to hear that, you know Derek has four sisters.
-Yeah, he's told me about them. - i answered smiling nervously.
-I wanted to thank you for letting me stay with you while i'm here, i hope it's not too big of a burden.
-No, of course not, we've already set up the guest bedroom.
-Thank you.
-So, Meredith, tell me, how long have you been together? - she asked me when Derek sat down, handing us the coffees.
-Nearly a year and a half..- i answered smiling, thinking of our relationship with his son.
-But we've known each other for 4 years. - Derek bragged, and his attitude made me chuckle.
-That's true..-i told him, agreeing.
-And what's new about you? How are you doing? - she asked us again, smiling.
Derek looked at me silently asking for permission from me to tell his mother about us building a house. Carolyn must've noticed the silence for a minute, and i nodded for Derek.
-We're moving in together. Building a house on the land. - he spit it out.
-Really? Congratulations! - she smiled at us.
-We've been living together in Mer's house for a while now, but it's time to change.
-And the trailer. - i added reminding him about the trailer, where we've spent quite an amount of time.
-Oh, that trailer. - her mother sighed.
-I'm feeling, you don't really like that trailer. - i looked at her in a funny way.
-You do? I've never seen one woman who liked it. - she couldn't believe it.
-Well, Mer does. - Derek smiled at his mother like he's won a contest.
-Derek, i'm sorry, but i really have to get going...I've still got 3 hours left.
-Go, dear! I'll spend some time here. Is Mark busy? - she asked us.
-I think he is here somewhere..- i looked around while standing up.
-Page me if you're ready! - Derek stood up, and he gave me a solid kiss on my lips. I couldn't notice he was smiling so wide, at me with his usual Mcdeamy smile, so i gave him another brief kiss, not letting him deepen it in front of his mother. He'll thank me later.

-Mark! - Carolyn said when he saw Dr.Sloan.
-Mrs.Shepherd! - he said with a guilty look on his face
-You've been avoiding me!
-What? No!
-Mark, i met Meredith! The girl Derek's been hiding! And you have that same guilty look on your face that you had when you were ten years old, and you put Derek's favorite frog in the microwave.
-I never pressed start!
-What's going on? - he asked seeing easily through him.
-I'm sleeping with her...-he confessed.
-Oh Mark! Not again! How could you? They are happy!- Carolyn scolded him, thinking about Addison.
-No...No...Not Meredith! God, no!
-Meredith's little sister...
-Which one is she? - she scanned the cafeteria.
-The one with the juice box... - he confessed, looking at Lexie, drinking apple juice.

-Okay...So Lexie, do you want to come over? Tonight. - i asked her as we were doing charts.
-Uhm, yeah, sure. Although i have to get going early in the morning.
-Really? I thought you were off tomorrow.
-Yeah...Apartment hunting...My roommate is moving out..And that flat is too big for just one person...
-Yeah, i get it.
-But, i'll be there tonight. - but she kept not looking into my eyes.
-Lexie. - i saw through her, realizing she was hiding something from me.
-Tell me.
-What? - she tried changing the subject.
-You are not telling me something.
-I am...I am everything.
-Lexie. - i kept staring at her.
-What is it?
-I've slept with Mark. I've slept with him.
-What? Really? - i asked her surprised.
-Yeah...And it was soo good...- she blushed.
-But i don't know how serious he is.. - she continued.
-Wow...Well...You and Mark. My sister and Mark. Big words...
-You mad?
-Nope. Surprised.
-Okay...-she sighed.
-Just...make sure that - i started but she interrupted me.
-He doesn't hurt me...I'm trying so hard, Meredith, but i just can't...resist..
-I know...Know the feeling. - i said, when i felt eyes on my back. I turned around, seeing Carolyn there.
-Hi, Mrs...Carolyn - i corrected myself.
-This sister..Lexie. - I introduced her.
-Can you with something? - Lexie asked when she kept looking at her.
-Were you...looking for Dr.Shepherd? Or wanted to talk to Meredith?
-Are you a good girl? - she came close, and held Lexie's chin.
-A good girl? I don't mean perfect...I mean relatively speaking. - she explained, still not letting go of her chin. I stood there, frozen from the scene in front of me.
-Are you?
-Yes! - Lexie answered honestly.
-Is she? - Carolyn turned to me, and i quickly nodded
-How many sexual partners have you had? I won't judge. - she asked out of the blue, still holding her cheeks.
-Six...- she answered, but i gave her a look.
-Seven. Kind of six. Or kind of seven. - she looked at me for help, but i didn't know what to do. The one thing i knew that kind of seven meant Mark.
-Criminal record?
-Speeding ticket. - she answered again, as rapidly as she could.
-How fast? - Derek's mother asked again.
-12 miles over.
-That's fast! - she finally let go of her.
-It's not...It wasn't...It's..Yeah, you' was probably too fast. - she rambled.
-It was downhill...I was coasting...Mam.. - she added trying to stay respectful. I chuckled behind her back.
-Now i don't suppose you can tell me...where the gift shop is.
-First floor, east wing. - Lexie answered again, quickly. She nodded, and watched as Carolyn turned to me.
-Meredith, could you please help me with something? - she asked kindly from me.
-Yeah, of course. - i followed her, leaving an amused Lexie there.
-Is there a chance that she won't think i'm a beast? - she asked me as we entered an elevator.
-She won't. I'll tell her. - i offered.
-But...may i ask what..what was that? Can i expect the same? Because i know you're very protective of Derek...But you's different...and my history..may not seem the - i rambled, but she interrupted me.
-Don't worry. Fools can see that you are in love..It's different. He's changed. He wasn't smiling like that. When he was married to Addison. - she saw the look change on my face when she brought their relationship up.
-I'm sorry. For talking about them. It must've been hard. But .. his face lights up when you enter. And he ... kisses you every chance he gets.. He only kissed Addie before me, on their wedding day. And some other times..You are just different.
-Good...good different? - i asked shyly.
-The best different. - she assured me.
-So i assume you know...about Lexie and Mark..
-He told me. Couldn't keep a secret.
-Can you? Keep a secret? - i asked her.
-Honey, i have five kids. Tell me.
-I think Lexie is falling for him..
-Does Derek know? - he asked me.
-No. - i sighed.
-Tough situation..- we got out of the elevator.

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