Is my sex life this known?!

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I woke up the next day feeling normal again. I got ready for work, and as i was washing my hair, i kept thinking of Derek. I was wondering i he wanted or didn't want to date me, or if he even liked me. I mean he said that he loved me. But did he? Our situation was difficult. But i got an answer. I got an answer as soon as i got into the elevator at work.
-So apparently we both live in this elevator? - i asked him.
-I like it. I like that we both live in this elevator. - he pressed the emergency button, turning around to face me.
-Meredith, do you want to go on a date with me? Tonight. A real date, just you and me.
-Yes, i would love to. - i smiled facing him.
-Good. Then good. - he pulled a small piece of hair out of my face. It became his habit. He did it every chance that he got. I looked at him. I looked at his lips. I licked mines. I crossed the space between us, and kissed him passionately. My hands were immediately pulling on his dark curls above his neck, and i felt his tongue begging for entrance. I denied it, but as soon as he pulled me closer, and took control, by kissing me back, and grabbing my hips, i suddenly let him in. I pressed my body against his, and he moaned into the kiss. I pulled away, pressing the emergency button again, starting the elevator.
-We are taking it slow, this time. - i looked into his shining eyes, and went through the opened doors, facing Christina.
-Oh my god. You were making out with him. - she pushed me.
-I was not.
-Oh you so were.
-I was not. I was so not.
-Let's see. It took ages until the lift arrived. Your lips are like cherry swollen, you are blushing, and he has his Mcdreamy smile on. I guess you told him you broke it off with Finn.
-He asked me out.
-And you are giving him Mcnasty-nasty as a thank you?
-I am not. I am so not. We are taking it slow this time. We started with sex last time, and it didn't go well. So we are taking it slow.
-Where are you going tonight?
-I have no idea. - i smiled.
-Oh you so won't be able to resist him.
-I will be able.
-You won't! - we stormed in the locker room.
-What are you two arguing about?
-Mer is going on a date with Mcdreamy. They have nearly had sex in the elevator now, and she keeps saying they will take it slow.
-Oh Mer, you can't resist him. - Izzie smiled apologetically.
-Grey that man looks at you, and you are taking off your panties! - Alex looked at him.
-I so can! - i argued.
-Good for you Mer! - George looked at me, smiling.
-Wanna bet how long it takes for them to do it? - Christina asked.
-Of course! - Alex agreed with an evil smile.
-Hey! I am right here! - i said angrily.
-20$ says that Shepherd will get into her pants tonight. - Alex stated.
-No, she will not give in that easily. Right Mer? - Christina asked.
-No, i will not.
-Hey! No manipulation! - Alex warned her.
-I think Shepherd will bang her in a week. - Christina said finally.
-I'm in. - Izzie joined.
-Sorry Mer... I think it will take him like one and a half weeks. So 10 days. - she placed down a 20 dollar bill on the bench.
-That long? - Alex asked.
-Yes. - Izzie stated.
-I am not playing.
-Thank you George. - i smiled at him. Bailey chose exactly this moment to enter.
-Care to tell me what the hell are you doing? You are all late!
-Khmm..-we all started going quiet.
-At least give a good excuse! So what were you doing?
-Betting. - Alex confessed.
-On what?
-Please don't. - i said whispering into Christina's ear.
-On Meredith and Dr.Shepherd.
-George! - i gave him a furious look.
-And what's the deal? - Bailey asked.
-How long does it take them to... -Izzie started.
-Izzie! - i turned red
-What? She would've found out anyway.
-We were betting on how long it takes for Shepherd to get into Mer's pants. - Alex spit it out.
-And what are the bets so far?
-Tonight, 10 days, and a week. - Christina told her. I was so embarrassed, I couldn't even look at Bailey. She pulled out a 20 dollar bill from her pocket, placing it on the bench. I couldn't believe it.
-8 days. Now leave!

I was at the nurse's station with Christina when Mark came up to us.
-I've heard that there is a little bet going on here.
-Dr.Sloan! Please, no! - i begged him.
-Yang, you can scrub in on my surgery this afternoon, if you let me participate.
-Meredith, shhs! What is your bet? - she held out her hands, and Mark dropped the money in it.
-3 days. Maximum.
-Dr. Sloan!
-Grey, i am with you! Let him do his job!
-Yang, one question. How will you know if the bet is over?
-Dr.Sloan, don't worry about that! We will either hear them, you know Alex and Izzie live with Mer, or the look on their faces tells us! Now when does that surgery start?
-Christina! What are you doing?! Don't discuss my private life with everybody who offers you a surgery! - i started freaking out.
-Grey! Calm down! I won't tell anyone, that you are the loud type. - he winked at me, and i become even redder, turning around.

Few hours later
I was in the shower, getting ready for my date. With Derek. He was the only thing on my mind. I washed my hair with my lavender purple shampoo, and got out of the shower. I was standing in front of my wardrobe, naked, trying to find a dress, that wasn't too revealing, but also made him think about me. There is a red one. But it's too cold for that. Green. Too slutty. Trousers. Too normal. Blouse. Am I 90? That black dress. It's too ... it's perfect. There thoughts went through my mind. I took the dress off the hanger, and pulled my head through it. It was that dress.. that dress, i wore when we first met at Joes. The memories came rushing back to me. From his smell, to his naked butt on my sofa, to our shower fun, to the taste of tequila. Perfect. I might even give in tonight. No definitely no. We are not starting with sex...again. I put on some perfume, when i heard a loud knock coming from downstairs. I grabbed my back, and took the steps twice as quickly as i normally do. I opened the door, revealing Derek in a blue shirt. It matched the color of his eyes perfectly.
-Wow. You look...beautiful. - he said, handing my some flowers, tied with a purple string. They were lavenders.
-Thank you. - i blushed slightly, accepting the flowers.
-You look good too. I'll put these in some water, and we can leave. You can come in, if you want to. - i quickly rushed into the kitchen, and tried to calm down. My heart was beating as fast as it has never before. I opened the tap, and filled the vase, putting the flowers in the middle of the kitchen table. He was waiting for me in the living room, standing near the door.
-You ready? - he asked, putting out his hand, waiting for me to take it.
-Yeah. - i accepted it, and let him lead me out to his car.
-So, where are we going? - i asked him, fidgeting with my seatbelt.
-I don't like surprises.
-You will like this one. Trust me. - he said looking into my eyes, rearranging my freshly washed bangs.
When we got out of the car, in front of the sea, i knew exactly why we were there.
Ferry boats. We both love ferry boats. Lots of memories, calming, and it connects us. I gave him already plus points for the flowers, but for the place of the date, he got twelve more.
He held my hand, while i chose a seat. It was late night, so the only people who were on the ferry, were just us.
-This was a great idea. - I smiled at him, making a compliment.
-Thank you. - he said down next to me, still not letting go of my hand. We were having a conversation about the hospital, when the night breeze gave me goosebumps.
-Are you cold?
-Just a little. - he immediately got up, pulling off his coat, putting it on my shoulders.
-You look beautiful. You always look beautiful, but tonight...-he said, stroking my thighs.
-You are wearing that dress...I've noticed it. This was the one you were wearing when we first met. - he whispered near my ears.
I didn't even give him a chance to say anything else, i made him quiet with my lips. I pressed mine against his, not hard, just softly, as the moment required. He kissed me back, when i pulled on his curls. He lifted me into his lap, as i was a feather, and i kept kissing him. I felt the heat radiate off of him, and i got goosebumps, but now from something else. He moved onto my neck, kissing into the middle of it, exactly remembering the spot that made me weak in the knees. He found it blindly, and i moaned when he slipped his tongue over it. I pulled him back to kiss him again. When i was breathless, i pulled away, but still stayed in his lap.
-We are taking it slow this time. Remember? - i asked.
-Yeah...Taking it slow. - he rearranged my bangs again.
-So, where did this taking it slow come from?
-We started with sex last time...and it didn't go well. So now we are taking it slow.
-Your body is saying something else... - he whispered into my ears, aiming to the movement i was making. I was still grinding against his torso. I might've started it when we kissed.
-I'm sorry...- i instantly stopped, and turned red.
-No, it's okay. I like it. - he laughed a little, his giggle warming me from the inside. In fact, he held my hips, and started me grinding against himself again. I knew it wasn't gonna turn into anything else, and he knew it too, but we liked it.
-So..I heard there is a bet going on...-he started as i was still grinding against him, avoiding eye contact.
-Yeah...about that.
-Meredith, don't pay attention to them. We won't do anything until you don't want to. You know...taking it slow. - he lifted my chin with his finger, sending me a Mcdreamy smile.
-Thank you. - i sent him a sweet smile, and got off his lap, still holding his hand, getting up.
-Now come on. We're back.


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