Baby kicked

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-Good morning everybody! Now i have just one question before we begin. - the man started, who held us the training, back at Seattle Grace.
-Are you ready to rock some hernias?
-Wohoo! - Bailey cheered.
-Now that's what i'm talking about! First start with the stitches that i showed you! Do it that way!

-Listen, old man Webber is losing to me? Doing it the old ways? Who is trapped now? Wohoo, bring me a blanket! - Bailey teased Richard, while we kept working on our models.
-Now what do you say to a little friendly competition? - the presenter asked the group.
-The first surgeon who can perform 20 hernia repairs, using my exact tension free mesh technique, will win bragging right, the respect of the colleagues, and... this sweet baby. - he pulled out a sweater from the gift shop.
-Oh..I've seen those in the gift shop. They are not cheap. - i teased Bailey, pouring oil into the fire.
-I knew it! They are making us fight to survive!
-Shall we begin? - he asked, clapping once.
-Tributes! May be odds ever in your favor! - Bailey put on gloves.
-You're gonna choke Grey! You're gonna choke and die, and i will dance and sing! - i shook my head, smiling at her eagerness. She really wanted to be the top surgeon of the day.
-Okay...that's the right path. But not perfect. - the leader explained to Bailey as she showed her work to him.
-What? Tell me what you don't like, cause it looks perfect to me!
-All right. Take a look at what Doctor Grey is doing over here! See how she doesn't rush? Cut the mesh just right. See now, when done properly, the mesh will fit perfectly, and not require extra sutures to hold it. Thereby, reducing the risk of future complications! So do this over! Pay attention to details, and take your time. - i smiled at Bailey, enjoying my success.
-I would be happy to give you some pointers, if you'd like. - i told her, now that i was favored.
-That suture right there, may give your job secure Meredith Grey, but it's not making you immune from a smack in the mouth! - she started redoing it, and i raised an eyebrow.
-I'm on hernias! And maintain this level of excitement! Now you see! Perfection is exciting! - Bailey high fived the man, who just called her perfect.
-See Grey? I'm perfect! - she told me, and i slowly stood up, as i felt something flutter against my belly. From the inside. But it kept moving in the outside too. I took a big breath, while pushing my chair back.
-Look at Miss.Slow and Steady there, can't even bother to participate..- i took off my gloves, not listening to hear, only focusing on Berry. Something was wrong. Seriously wrong. I held my roundly stomach, trying to figure out quickly what was the thing i felt. Something went wrong. She immediately noticed the change, and changed her attitude.
-Now seriously Grey, you okay?
-Yeah. Yeah. I just need...- i turned around, running out of the room, holding Berry.
I felt Richard's eyes on myself. As i exited, i stood in the corner, holding my stomach. Something was wrong. Fluttering. And that push. It wasn't supposed to happen.
-Grey? - i heard her worried voice.
-Something's wrong. Something's wrong. I feel it. You're right. I got comfortable, happy and flip and the universe is smacking me down for it. I'm not immune. Berry isn't okay. - i muttered, holding my shirt.
-Don't! Wait! Wait! Wait! Stop! What is going on? - she stopped my freak out.
-There...There is a flutter. It can't be right. A push. - i explained. She took off her gloves, and put her hand on my lower stomach, where i guided her hand.
-Oh, sweetie..This is not a bad thing.
-What? It's not? - i exhaled, still panicked.
-Oh no...It's good. - her voice lowered, melting.
-It's good. It' good. Your baby. Is kicking. - she told me, putting my hand over it.
-W..oh. - i smiled, relieved, and she watched me feel it for the very first time.

We were sitting in bed at home in the evening silently, Derek's hand on my stomach, next to mine.
-Wow...That was big! I felt that! - he raised his head, looking into my eyes, and i giggled out, repositioning his hand.

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