Mood swings

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-I can't believe that our baby is already a size of a large strawberry. - i held the sonogram pictures in my hand in the elevator. We had a bunch of them. This was my third visit. Three kinds of pictures were laying in our wallets and on the fridge. And next to our bed, and in our friends' houses.
-Me neither. Berry is growing like crazy! - he kissed my cheek.
-How did it go? - Mark entered the elevator holding Lexie's hand. Bailey came after them.
-Can i see my godson? - he took it out of Derek's hand, impatient.
-This sure berry is a boy? - i questioned him.
-I think it's a girl. - Lexie smiled at me.
-I need to see it! - an angry Christina entered when the doors opened again.
-Why are you so annoyed? - i asked her.
-You let him see it before i did! That's unfair!
-You are both godparents for the love of god! Nothing will happen is any of you see it before the other! - i scolded them like kids.
-I'll get to know the gender before him, won't i? - Christina pleaded me, while stealing one of the pictures, pushing it into the pocket of her coat, and looking at another one.
-Look, Shepherd, berry has your curly hair! - Christina joked pointing to the picture.
-And Mer's nose! - Lexie cheered. I caught Bailey's secret look on the photos.
-Dr.Bailey, do you want to...? - i asked her, handing her one, and she took it.
-I swear, you will make the most beautiful kids. If berry gets Mer's eyes and Derek's hair, i will never be able to say no! - Lexie giggled out, stealing one picture too.
-Berry has a really strong heartbeat! Beats other kids already! - Derek bragged.
-Berry won a fetus contest! - Christina and Mark high-fived.
-I'm sorry to interrupt, but where did this...berry come from? - Bailey asked raising an eyebrow, as we walked out of the elevator together.
-Baby is the size of a strawberry. For now. And at the last ultrasound she was the size of a raspberry.
-And blueberry before it! - Lexie added.
-You missed blackberry! - Alex arrived too.
-There was no blackberry! - Izzie laughed out, while touching my stomach.
-Anyways...Baby was a berry his..her whole life. It's stuck. - i gave an explanation.
-Well, then berry is beautiful. And healthy. Congratulations! - Bailey smiled at us.
-Should I...? - i pointed at the Chief, who was talking to Adele, when i pushed my finger between Derek's ribs, to make him look at me.
-Hey..- he pulled himself together for a moment while chuckling.
-Yeah? - he turned towards me. I looked at the Chief again and then at the three leftover pictures in my hand. He understood it, without further questions.
-You should do it. He'd be happy to see it.
-Are you sure? What if he doesn't want to? I mean i'd get it, but it would kind of also - i started, but he stopped me, with plunging his tongue inside of my mouth. Our lips connected, in a passionate kiss. As our tongues danced for a moment, he cupped my cheeks, and when i bit his lip, he held my hip, and sucked on my top one. I moaned into the kiss, feeling the spark between us, not wanting to break apart. I pushed my fingers through his hair, and caressed his neck.
-I really hope berry gets your hair. - i mumbled onto his lips and pulled us apart, before the kiss could go further in the hallway.
-I love you. - he let me go, and i slowly walked towards Richard and Adele.
-Meredith, nice to see you! - Adele greeted me.
-Yeah, you too! - i hugged her.
-I I have pictures of berry. I mean..berry is..the baby. We call it berry until we know the gender. It's..a whole long story. And i just thought maybe you'd want to see it. - i rambled the sentence.
-Of course we want to! - Adele took one out of my hand.
-That is really thoughtful of you! - Richard smiled at me, examining the picture too.
-So, how is it going? - i felt Derek's hands on my lower back, massaging it slightly with one of his hands.
-Your baby looks beautiful! - Adele cheered.
-Thank you. - i blushed, hiding behind my bangs.
-How is berry's heartbeat? You said berry, right? - Richard looked at me, afraid he misheard it.
-Perfect. Better than most babies'. - Derek took the opportunity to brag again. His eagerness made me smile.

-Mer, do you want my cookie? - Lexie asked me at the table at lunch.
-Ahh, i do! I'm so hungry! Thanks Lexie! - i took it from her, with a hug. Christina hopped down next to us with a big bang. Izzie and Alex was already sitting there, with Jackson and April. My relationship with April has gotten better. I think the main reason that helped this happen, was that she has gotten over her the crush, she had on Derek. I know she was dating a paramedic guy. Or Jackson. The whole story was confusing. I saw them kissing once. I thought i wasn't supposed to, but i did.
-Oh no. - my mouth turned into a sad smile, while my eyes teared up a bit.
-Oh, what now? - Christina rolled her eyes.
-Hey! No need to be so rude! - Izzie protected me.
-She's been crying over everything for the last one month! When she's happy, mad, sad, i can't keep up!
-I can't control it! - i sobbed, trying to stay quiet.
-She knows, Mer! - Alex handed me a tissue.
-Thanks. - i mumbled while wiping my dripping nose.
-I dropped my cookie! You scared me! - i blamed Christina.
-Look, i'm sorry. Here. You can have my cookie. - she handed me hers.
-Oh, thank you. I love you. - i took it.
-Yeah, i do too. Now, can i have my bitching time?
-Go on.
-Owen is treating me like we are a couple. But we broke up! - she drank a huge sip of her coffee.
-Do you want me to talk to him? - i asked, concentrating on her. And my cookie.
-What? I can be scary. - i shrugged my shoulders.
-I just..don't want to give in.
-Yet. - i read her thoughts.
-Fine. Yet.
-I'm gonna see Zola. Bitch with me on the way? - i offered her.
-How come you're already picking up Zola? - Izzie asked me.
-I am not. I just miss her.
-Didn't you see her in the morning? - April asked me.
-Oh, Kepner! Stay out of it! In a battle with the her, when hormones taken over, you can't win! - Alex warned her.
-Alex, shut up please! I just miss her. That's all.
-So, Grey, how are those mood swings going for you? - Jackson joined the conversation.
-No uterus, no bad opinion! - i told him, and stood up to follow Chris, while listening to her attentively.

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