Seattle Grace Mercy West Hospital

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-They are like an infection. - i told them.
-I know...Taking over everything. The whole body- Alex added.
-Why are they in orange scrubs? - George asked.
-I heard from a nurse that they ran out of blue ones - Lexie told us.
-It's over...they are unbearable. - Christina sighed pessimistic.
-This is our hospital. And we should hold onto it, with our last gasping breath. - i said to them.
-Enough of the Sigourney Weaver quotes. - Alex told me.
-Why am i fighting for? - Christina asked me.
-For surgeries. When there is a cardio god again, you'll get good surgeries. - i encouraged her.
As we arrived in the ER, i saw the big crowd there.
-Need help? - i stepped next to Derek, who was struggling to treat the patient with only two hands.
-Thanks. - he smiled at me. I overheard a Mercy Wester's and Owen's conversation, while inserting a chest tube, working next to Derek.
-Help out where you can!
-We had a zone system at Mercy West. A nurse puts a patient in your zone, you know it's yours.
-Very creative. - Christina mocked it.
-We'll give it a try. Make the zones. - Hunt gave permission.
As we were wheeling the patient with Derek, i heard Lexie come after us, following with April Kepner, another new doctor.
-Thank you for being my tour guide on the first day.
-You're welcome. However i had no choice, we both got assigned in zone five. But i know the first day can be scary.
-Kepner, update on the patient's background. - Derek turned back when we got to the scan room.
-Billy Simmons, burglar, that's why he's handcuffed to the bed. The owner of the house he broke into, beat him up with a golf club.
-I don't need the cop. - Billy mumbled half consciously.
-We should keep the cop. - April suggested.
-He's not a psycho. - Lexie protected him.
-We're losing the cop for now. - Derek told us.
When we were looking at the scans, Lexie assured him.
-You'll walk again.
-Maybe an approach using screws might be a good idea. - April told us.
-I think so too. - i answered.
-We'll be using screws. - Derek confirmed smiling at me.
-He may end up with sever weakness in the legs.
-We'll fix him up just fine.
-Lexie, prep him for surgery. - Derek asked her, and she left.
April was sitting in front of the computer in the scan-room, and we were standing behind her with Derek.
-Dr.Kepner, we'll do the surgery in the afternoon. 1 pm. Please book an OR for after the lunch break. You're scrubbing in.
-Yes, Dr.Shepherd.
-You look pretty today. - Derek complemented me whispering close to my ear.
-Mer, coffee in an hour? - he asked me, taking my hand.
-Only if you keep telling me, how pretty i am today...- i giggled at him, and we walked out of the room together, feeling April's eyes on ourselves.
-Meredith, i need to talk to you. - Christina pulled me away at the hallways.
-What happened? - i asked her.
-Nothing. Nothing is happening to me. You know, I don't... I don't know what I'm doing. I'm, like, chasing after surgeries I don't care about. Do you know how long it's been since I've held a heart in my hand? Since I felt that- that joy, that rush? You know, I miss Burke. I miss him all day. I miss... You know, it's... It's not the relationship or... or the sex. It's getting better with Owen. I miss... Every day when he was here, I held hearts. And I got picked, not because of some favoritism, but because it was just, like, it was right. And I learned. I learned. And I felt...And now you know what? I don't know what. I spent this entire day fighting... And I don't want to do it anymore. - she cried out, and i handed her a tissue.
-You are not giving up. That's not how i know you. A cardio God will come. Sooner or later. Hold on until then. Chris, you can't give up.
-I just...need a teacher. And need to feel that rush again.
-You will. I promise.
-Do you want to go out tonight?
-Joe's? - she asked me, and i nodded.
-I'll be there. Eight. - she answered.

-I've prepped everything. - April said.
-I was supposed to do that! - Lexie turned to her.
-I just wanted everything to be perfect for Dr.Shepherd.
-Thank you, you're making it easier on your first day already. However next time, please let the interns do something too. - Derek came into their fight.
When he went to scrub in, they kept continuing.
-You know you have a really nice nose. - Lexie complemented him.
-Thank you.
-I can see the plastic surgery there.
-I need a moment. - she stumbled off in the opposite direction.
-You are cruel..- i turned to my sister.
-I know...I feel guilty. But she's..doing what i was supposed to. And she's flirting with Derek.
-She's not!
-Oh Mer, she's so is.. i know. I did the same thing with Mark.
As i was sitting in the gallery, examining their movements, i kept my eyes on April.
-Hi. - someone entered.
-Hi. What's your name? - i asked him. He was new. Orange scrubs.
-Jackson Avery. - he sighed, hopping down.
-Your's? - he asked back.
-Meredith Grey. Grey Shepherd. - i added.
-Grey as in Ellis Grey? - he raised an eyebrow.
-And Shepherd as in Derek Shepherd? - he nodded towards the OR. I nodded my head once, irritated.
-Avery as in Harper Avery? - i asked him too, giving an answer with this.
-Good point.
-How's your first day? - i asked him.
-'kay..Better than her's. - he looked at April.
-Girlfriend? - i asked him.
-No. Just friend.
-Was Mercy West better? - i asked him again, but when Derek looked up at me, i kept eye contact with him for a minute, smiling.
-I don't know..Not really.
-Lucky for you that you said that..
-I like you. - he said to me.
-Thanks. I guess.. May i ask why?
-Not bragging with your name.
-Well, than i like you too, because neither are you.
-I'm going. See you around..-i stood up, and went towards the door of the OR, to meet him there.
-Hey. - he kissed me on the cheek.
-Derek..- i called his name, as we entered the hallways.
-Good surgery. - i said something different than i was planning to.
-That's not what you wanted to tell me. - he turned me towards himself.
-How'd you know? - i asked back surprised.
-I know you. So?
-It's just...Do you like April? - i asked him shyly.
-What? Kepner? No. - he chuckled at me.
-You sure? - i asked him.
-Yeah. I like one girl. I love one girl. You.
-Where did this come from?
-She may like you...And that's okay..I just wanted to make sure...that you like me.
-Love you. Wifey. - he pushed me playfully.
-Joe's tonight husby? - i pushed him back laughing.
-Great. - he took my hand.

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