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I was avoiding Lexie all day. I wanted to meet her, but also avoid her. It was already 8 pm, again an exhausting shift. Me and the Chief were treating two paramedics stuck in an ambulance all day long. And i've heard that Christina and Izzie was competing for cardio, apparently. They had some kind of a competition going on between them. So all day long, i was either trying to make peace between them, or helping the chief, or sneezing. Because i was sneezing all day. And had a runny nose. I was blowing my nose all day. And i needed to talk to Lexie, but also meet Derek and my friends at Joe's in 15 minutes. I collected all of the braveness i had, and after such a tiring, but not so trashy day, cornered Lexie, when she was doing charts.
-I...I have your mother's death note. - i didn't hide behind the bush, i was straight.
-Everything that happened on the day she died is here. And i know, because i wrote it. So, i'd like to go over it with you, if that's okay. - when she closed the charts i stepped closer.
-Okay. First if all, let me just say, that...everything that happened that day...every setback...there was a 1% chance. Each if those things happening. 1%. - i pressed i again, when she kept looking down.
-And your mother was the 1%. - i took a big breath when she was still not looking at me.
-She came in complaining of the hiccups. We did an endoscopic-treatment.
-You did it endoscopily? - she asked back, finally looking at me.
-So it would be an out-patient procedure. - i gave an explanation.
-We wanted to avoid major surgery. - i added when i saw the tears form in her eyes, but she kept nodding.
-For what it's worth, i was very fond of your mother. She was...I was very fond of her. - i told her, when the first tear escaped her eyes.
-She got bacterial endocarditis. - i continues, when she wiped some of her tears, which were replaced by new ones. She leaned on the counter, but didn't say a word.
-When is your shift over? - i asked her, and handed her a tissue, out of my pocket., changing the subject, when i saw that she didn't wish to talk about her mother anymore right now.
-Already over. - she said quietly.
-Do you...want to go to Joe's? With me? - i asked giving up my night. I needed Derek when i was on my low-point. And she needed somebody too. I sneezed one before her answer.
-Mhm, sure. - she answered honestly, and bit on her lip.
-'kay. Be in the lobby in 15 minutes. - i sighed again, leaving her there. I aimed the the residents' locker room to change from scrubs. I used the toilet and grabbed a banana out of my locker. You never know.. i thought when i peeled it. I wasn't planning on getting drunk tonight, but tequila is not a good idea when you don't have anything in your stomach.
When i got to the lobby, Lexie was already there, standing in front of the front door.
-Hey. - she said. I nodded as an answer.
When i pushed the button of my car, and sat in to the driver's seat, she chose to sit next to me. We were quiet in the first few minutes, until she shared something with me.
-Yesterday i saw a heart transplant.
-Yesterday i helped to build a little boy some ears. - i shared something too about the hospital.
-That's cool.
-Yeah. - i agreed.
-I dug up my mum's cat.
-What? - i asked confused, waiting for some explanation.
-My mother didn't leave any instructions because it was so unexpected..
So we had to figure out on our own...what she would've wanted. - i shot her a look at a red traffic light.
-And my mum loved that cat. So i dug her up..
-The cat from the backyard. And i took her to the cemetery in the middle of the night. - she spit it out, and i raised my eyebrows waiting for the end of the story.
-And i buried her. Right beside my mum.
-And it was creepy...And morbid. Carrying around a dead cat. In the cemetery. In the middle of the night.
-But...- she kept a break to swallow once, and to manage to hold her tears back. Her voice was shaky when she finished the sentence. I started the car again when the light turned green.
-It made my mum really happy. At least i think it did.
-Thank you. - i said smiling lightly. That was all i could say. And she understood it. Or i guess she did. Meaning more than one things.
We stayed quiet for the rest of the car-ride. I parked into an empty spot at Joe's, and saw Derek get out of a taxi, not too far from us. I locked the car, and we kept walking next to each other with Lexie.
-Hey! - i hugged Derek from behind.
-Hi! Lexie! - he greeted my sister too, and gave me a surprised look, while held my hand.
-How was your day? - he asked us.
-Good. It was...good. - i answered looking at my sister.
-Yeah...We..talked. - Lexie rambled looking at Derek.
-Yours? - i asked him after he coughed some.
-Okay. - he sighed.
-Want to talk about it? - i asked worried.
-Later. - he assured me.
-Hey guys! - i greeted my friends who were already at the bar.
-Ohh, what happened? - i asked instantly when i saw Izzie crying.
-Alex and i...had a fight...- she drank from her white wine.
-Wine? That bad? - i turned whispering to Christina and she shrugged her shoulders.
-Lexie, it's nice to see you here. - Izzie smiled with tears in her eyes.
-Yeah, you too Dr.Stevens.
-Call me....Izzie outside the hospital. - she offered sniffing.
-Lexie, what do you want for a drink? - i asked her ordering from Joe's.
-Tequila, please.
-Okay two tequilas and a single-malt - i started ordering when Derek interrupted me with coughing again.
-Just two tequilas. I think i have a cold. - he smiled at me.
-You okay? - i asked as we formed a circle with my friends again, just like last time.
-You know, Shepherd...- Christina started.
-Mer was blowing her nose all day long.
-I was so not! - i defended myself, while i rubbed Izzie's back to try and comfort her. Actually, she was right, but i was not going to confess that. I felt the need to blow my nose again, but i resisted, and sniffed once quietly, hoping they wouldn't notice it.
-Yeah, then why are you sniffing again? - she asked revealing my secret.
-You're gonna get that back, you know it right? - i threatened her.
-Are you sick? - Derek asked me worried.
-Nope. I just have a runny nose, and
-She sneezes. - Christina gave me out.
-Ass! - i looked at her, but i was still rubbing Izzie's back.
-How come both of you are sick? - Lexie asked curiously.
-Well...- i looked at Derek smiling while i was revising last night in my head. When i looked at him, he was already looking at me with a Mcdreamy smile.
-We spent some time outside last night and it was well, cold. - Derek answered respectfully, but i saw him smirking at me. He was talking to Lexie, but looking into my eyes.
-Yeah especially, if you are naked. - Christina kept teasing us.
-Hey! - i blushed.
-So it's true? I was just joking but you are so red. Like a little tomato.
-Nope. - i tried saving the situation, and sat into Derek's lap.
-Mhm. The candle house that successful?- she added with a well-knowing look. When i hit my glass to Lexie's she downed her shot.
-So...Izzie, what happened?
-We had a fight...about something. And he left. And i don't think he wants to come back...with me..- she struggled to say it.
That's when i accidentally noticed Alex enter the door. He didn't say anything, just came closer with big steps. I saw him before Izzie noticed him, and our eyes met for a second. He stepped to Izzie, and pulled her back, by holding her back, and kissed her. Not a brief kiss, a longer one. Izzie was basically lying in the air, while still sitting on the chair, only held by Alex's hands under her neck and back. They broke apart after a long kiss.
-Good night. - Alex said and left the bar. Izzie was sitting there with a washed-look on her face. She took a sip of her white-wine.
-Wow. - i said looking at her.
-You know, i need a boyfriend. - Christina said.
-It's unfair. One of you is having sex outside late night, the other is making out with her boyfriend in clubs...Two, do you have a Mcdreamy? - she asked turning to Lexie.
-What? - i asked back.
-You know, since you are sisters, i thought you might have the same type...
-I...I..don't..not a boyfriend...- she rambled blushing.
-Yet? - i asked her.
-Mhm..- she payed much attention to her glass.
-Even two's got someone...
-Hey! - i defended Lexie.
-It's okay. - she said.
-Don't take her seriously, she's already tipsy. - i whispered to Lexie, and she smiled in response. When some of them started a conversation, with Izzie just smiling over there, i went near Derek.
-You know, you don't look good! - i smiled at him.
-Wow, you know how to keep a man. - he smiled back.
-You sure you okay? - i asked him, sitting into his lap again.
-Mhm. - i leant my head back on his neck, and he pinned my head to his neck with his forehead.
-You have a fever.
-I don't.- he opposed.
-Yeah, you do.
-How do you know? - he lifted his head, making me look at him.
-I feel it. I'm a doctor, you know.
-Well, you are wrong.
-A pretty damn good one, they say.- i moved over his hand, and put mine on his forehead. He relaxed into the touch of my hands, and leant his forehead to my cold fingers.
-Yeah, you definitely do.
-Mhm, you are a good doctor. - he murmured while closing his eyes for a moment.
-We should go home. I have my car.
-No...You are just starting to have fun with Lexie. You are bonding. Doing the family thing. - he opposed but didn't open his eyes, the usual sparkle missing.
-Yeah, we are going. - i let go of his head, and grabbed my coat.
-Uhm, we are going..- i turned to my friends.
-How so? You've just arrived. - Christina said, now definitely tipsy.
-Don't let her drink more! - i asked Izzie, and she nodded.
-Derek's got a fever.
-Oh, the cold that man have... - Christina sighed while ordering another drink. I saw Izzie tell Joe not to give her any more.
-Get better! - Izzie waved us goodbye.
-I am sorry Lexie.
-No, it's okay. Really.
-Do you...have a place to go to? - i heard Derek's tired voice from behind.
-Uhm...I was...gonna go to my dad's today.
-You don't have a place? - i asked back.
-Yeah, i just can't go there today. Roommate's got a date. - she nodded awkwardly. Apparently nodding was her thing.
-If you want to you can come home with us. - Derek offered.
-Uhm...that's very generous of you, but i'm sure i'd be a burden, and...
-No, it's okay. - Derek invited her over. I still didn't say anything, just let him talk.
-Well, if it's not too much trouble, then just for one night - she started, but Derek interrupted her again.
-So, are you coming? - he handed her her coat.

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