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-Okay..- i sighed as i finished brushing my slightly wavy hair.
-You look perfect. - Derek smiled at me.
-Funny. Now go! - i took his held out hand. We managed to get down the stairs together. Derek's other was already standing in front of the door.
-You look beautiful, dear! - she complemented my dress.
-Thank you, mum! - Derek joked making us believe that Carolyn complemented him.
-So, are we ready to go? - Derek asked squeezing my hand for the first time throughout the night, probably not the last.. As we got into the car we made a conversation about the hospital, after i've apologized because of last night.
-How was your day today? - she asked us.
-Long...-Derek answered catching my eyes.
-We have a prisoner. - i explained.
-Oh...That must be hard for you...Treating him.Derek...are you? - he asked his son worried.
-I'm fine...It happened a long time ago. We're fine. - he closed his eyes again for just a second.
As we arrived at the restaurant he helped me out from the car, and we took our way towards the entrance. I smiled at his mother shyly as he talked with the receptionist to lead us to the table.
-So Meredith...Did you grow up in Seattle?
-Pretty much, yeah. My mother took me to Boston when i was younger, but we eventually came back. I started med school here.
-And do you like living here?
-I love it. There're just so many memories. And i love the hospital. And that Seattle is surrounded by water.
-Have you tried those boats yet? - she asked me.
-Ferries. - i corrected her, and caught Derek saying it with me as soon as his mother mispronounced it.
-I love them. Went there often as a kid.
-And now too. - Derek smiled at me, and squeezed my hand.

When we got home late after spending the whole night at the hospital, Carolyn and i got to know each other much better. As i was lying in bed with Derek's arms rapped around me, he whispered to my ear.
-Thank you. For being like that with my mother. She loves you. Now you won't be able to get away from her...
-I like her too. She is not so scary anymore.
-Good. - he kissed my head.
It felt like just a minute later the alarm clock rang again, waking us up. This time surprisingly i was the one who managed to turn it off, and woke up Derek.
-Derek...- i kissed his cheek.
-Your mother is leaving..We have to give her a ride.
-Sweetie...- he opened his eyes and turned towards me. I looked at him giggling out.
-What are you laughing at? - he pulled me on top of himself.
-You barely ever call me that.
-Don't like it?
-I actually do...Do it more often. - i bent down to capture his lips in a good morning kiss once again. He buckled his hips up against me, and sent a shiver through me when he stroked my cheek with his fingers.
-Don't get me wrong..but i'm excited for my mother to leave..-he whispered into my ears.
-I know..-I pulled on his hair, and stayed like that, lying on top of him for a while.
-We need to go. - he was patting my back, and sometimes his hands slipped below my waste, cupping my bottom, but i left it without a word, enjoying the cuddles.
-Yeah...- i rolled off of him, and opened the wardrobe looking for a suitable outfit for the day. I got out of my pajamas, and threw them back to bed, now just in my panties.
-I think you should go like this. - he teased me.
-Haha, funny.
-You look perfect. And i'm enjoying the view..- he kept mocking me.
-Well, you know i might go to Joe's like this...Guys tend to enjoy the view, i'm sure i'd be welcomed. - i shew him an evil smile.
-Yeah, maybe we should reconsider the idea...- he got out of bed too, laughing at me.
-Yeah, that's what i thought.
When we were both dressed properly for the day, i quickly took the stairs, amd entered the kitchen, holding hands with Derek.
-Hi Carolyn! - i greeted her.
-Morning you! I'm sorry to wake you so soon, i know you don't get much sleep, but the plane is leaving soon. - she handed us coffee.
-It's really no problem. - i took it gracefully. It was my house, but somehow she became the one who handed us the coffee. I didn't care, just enjoyed the drink.
-Do you want breakfast, Mer?
-Nope, thanks. I'll eat at the hospital.
-Meredith, it was a pleasure to get to finally meet you! And thank you for letting me stay with you! I hope to see you soon! -
she pulled me into a hug at the airport, and this time i hugged her back tightly. She was like a mother figure in my life. Had a lot in common with Susan. Not a lot with my mother. It was worth fighting the fear of meeting her. She was kind and caring and she didn't judge me although she had several opportunities for it.
-Derek, you better call me! Not once a month!
-Meredith, make him call me, please!
-I will. - i promised, as she pulled his own son into a long hug too. I saw her whisper something into his ear, and i turned away a bit to give them some privacy.
-Derek you'd better build that girl a dream house. - i accidentally caught her last sentence and smiled to myself.
-Dear, please visit us as soon as you can! - she told to both of us, and as we waved our last goodbyes, I squeezed Derek's hand. Again.
-Your mother is nice.
-She is. She wants you to meet my sisters. They are nice too. Except Nancy. Sometimes she can be rude..
-If your mother is kind, maybe they aren't too bad.
-Good thinking. - he kissed my head.
-I offered Lexie to take George's room. Did i make a mistake by offering it?
-Absolutely not. You made a step, and she took it, didn't she?
-She did. I saw some of her boxes by the door in the morning. It's becoming real. I never had a sister. And now i do.
-And what do you think so far?
-It's not bad. But strange. I had to get used to it. But she is my friend now.
-They've started building the bases yesterday. A month from now it'll be standing. From the outside of course. Until then we have to pick out furnitures, and make the rooms.
-I want to move in. - i told him enthusiastically.
-I want to too. I've been waiting for this for so long.
-And it's true too now. We'll have a house. Out house. I want a fireplace. And the big bath tub. And a playroom for our kids.- I got more and more into it.
-You're so cute.
-You're talking about us moving in, and having kids..And i just want to do that with you. So badly. Step by step.
-Will we get married? Once. - i looked into his eyes.
-Sooner than you think. - he pulled me in whispering into my ears before he kissed me.

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