My father is a drunk & house plans

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-Lexie, could to you? - i asked my sister catching her in the hallway.
-Yeah, sure. - she nodded.
-Your dad...our here. He cut himself, and he was in the ER, drunk. - i sighed.
-I know..- she nodded.
-It must've been a hard day for you...Your mother's birthday..I just say that you can come over...if you need somebody. - i sighed, looking at her.
-Thank you...That's very kind...of you. know... - i started again.
-He was charming really, but he seemed kind of sad. And he was wasted. you maybe should keep a an eye on him. So it doesn't happen.- i suggested.
-Meredith. - Lexie started.
-He lied. My mother was born in March. I'm glad, i'm glad, that you found him charming, really, i'm sure he was delightful. He's a blast after five drinks. But he gets a little weepy and mean after nine. He's a drunk Meredith. I had to buy him drinks, and Mark helped me. And you know why? Because he wanted to drive while being drunk. And he's a liar. He probably came in, and told you how wonderful you are, and sad he is that he didn't get to spend more time with you. - i nodded, because that was exactly what he said. My earlier smile had vanished, and a worried face took it's place. With anger. I wasn't angry at Lexie. I was angry because of Thatcher. My father.
-That you are the strongest out of all of us. You know what he is doing? Yesterday he said i was his favorite daughter. The day before - she kept a break.
-I was an ungrateful bitch. The week before he wrote me a check for 20.000$, because i deserved everything life had to offer, he was so proud of me, and i was worth a lifetime of proudness. That's what he told you too, didn't he? - i nodded again. Her eyes were teary as she talked.
-So thank you, for letting me know i need to keep a better eye on him. You can believe i'm trying. But i can't be his mother. He should be my father. And yours, but nowadays he seems to be failing, isn't he? So you can't listen to anything he says, because it's not about you! It's about a liter of liquors.- My eyes were teary too, and it took a lot of power to hold back those first tears, which were always followed by a hundred more. She finished, and turned around. As she disappeared from in front of me, i saw the chief standing there, looking at me. He probably overheard the whole conversation. I threw the full coffee i had in my hand, for my dad into the nearest bin, and after a last sip of coffee mine too. The liquid spilled in the bin, with a big bang and i followed it's way with my eyes. When i looked up, i saw Richard next to me.
-Meredith, maybe you should sit down for a minute. - he told me. good idea. - i mumbled and followed him. He opened the door of his office for me, and when he wasn't looking i wiped some of my accidental tears. I sat down to a chair, and he sat behind his table.
-I'm sorry...for keeping you from work. - i managed to say.
-This is part of the job. Like a nice principal. I promised Ellis to keep an eye on you. And i do so, even when i know i don't have to. - he handed me a tissue, and i accepted it, being sorry that he noticed me being upset. He was nice, but i wasn't sure i was supposed to break down in front of the chief.
-Are you friends with your sister? - he asked me.
-Yeah...Kind of. Lexie is actually...nice.
-I'm glad to hear that. You deserve a family.
-Thank you. - i heard a sharp knock at the door.
-Come in! - he gave permission to the knocker, and the door opened.
-Meredith, hey. - Derek looked at me, immediately noticing the tissue in my hand.
-Chief! - he smiled at Webber.
-Are you okay? - he asked me.
-Yeah. - i stood up, accepting his hand for help.
-We can just go home if you want to. - he offered.
-No..I want to do this. Now. - i promised, and turned back to the chief.
-Thank you, Chief...Richard. - i added slightly comfused what to call him.
-You're welcome, Meredith.
-Thank you. Good night. - Derek turned to too.
-Good night! - i said my goodbye.
-What happened? - he asked, cupping my chin with his hands on two sides of my face, stroking my jawline with his finger, when we exited the office.
-Long-story...let's just go..and we'll talk on the way. - i assured him, wanting to get out of the hospital for now.

-Are you excited? - i asked him when we sat into the car, after i told him what happened today.
-Yeah. This is the first step. For us to move in. Just the two of us. No roommates.
-I want a nice living-room. And a fireplace. And a big tub just for us. - i smirked at him.
-We get creative in your small tub..- he smirked back.
-Yeah, but think about opportunities in a big bathtub. - i started persuading him.
-Big tub it is..- she squeezed me thigh with his right hand, while he started driving.
-Okay, so the name of the architect is John.
-Mhm. - i nodded to the information he gave me, enthusiastic about every piece of information.
-Tonight he takes a look at the land. He has already seen it once, so he'll bring some plans, including the one that we already observed. We can choose, or ask him for more, if we don't like them. We'll tell him our concepts about the house, and eventually set up a final plan. Not today, later on.
-And what if i really like one of his plans tonight?
-Then you tell him to make it more detailed, and we arrange another meeting.
-This sounds great. - i said as we got out of the car.
-I'm so happy. - i squeezed his hand, when we walked to the trailer.
-I know. Me too. - he squeezed my hand back. He let me in through the trailer door, and i hopped on to his bed.
-We should stay here more often. - i told him, lying down, while he started preparing some coffee.
-We can stay here tonight, if you want to. - he offered.
-Yeah, good. So tell me more about this John. How old is he?
-Well, fifty something. He helped one of my sisters redo her house. I know he does things properly, so that's why i called him.
-Good thinking. - i giggled at him. We heard a short knock on the door of the trailer, and i immediately sat up, my heart pounding fast. This was the start. The start of our house.
-Hey John! - Derek let him in.
-Hi, it's nice to meet you. - i shook his hand.
-Meredith Grey. - i smiled at him.
-John Fillips.
-Can i give you something to drink? Coffee, tea? - Derek offered politely, while the older man pulled out some papers from his bag.
-A cup of coffee would be great, thank you. - i took a careful look at him. He was sympathetic . He was wearing a shirt, glasses, and he had an appropriate smile.
-So Meredith, are you a doctor too? - he asked me, trying to get to know me.
-Yeah. I'm a surgeon. I work in Seattle Grace.- i sat down facing him at the circle shaped kitchen table.
-That's nice. I'm sure you're busy.
-Yeah, tight schedule. - i smiled at him, when Derek sat down too, handing him the coffee.
-Thank you. So, i already have some plans. These aren't really progressed, just the basics, but it would be important for you to choose as soon as you can. If you don't like any of them, just tell me, i'll change them, and we should discuss the details tonight, if that's possible. - he started explaining.
-These are some of the plans. - he put out 3 pictures of bases of houses.
-These are positioned in a similar way on the land. All of them face the road, and a garden could be put here. - he pointed with his fingers on the right side.
-However, these all look to the lake. - he gave into our hands some new plans.
-If you choose to build one house based on any of these patterns, then more doors would be applied. One front door, facing the road, with a back door, which is on the lake's side.
-We can also rotate the house, which means that it lays completely differently. - he gave another picture to us.
-The first decision you should make is how you would like it to stand. Take your time. - he nodded, pulling out another paper-chunk.
-I don't want it to be this way. - i gave Derek a photo, which was in the 'completely different' category.
-That's fine. I don't want either. I think this is the best. - he gave me the plans on which the houses were facing the lake.
-Definitely. It's kind of similar to my mother's house. And i want two doors.
-And the garden could face the lake. - he added.
-We want this? - he asked squeezing my hand.
-We want this. - I confirmed.

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