Ellis Grey and Richard Webber

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-Hi. Did you get paged here too? - i asked Lexie as we were standing in front of Richard's office.
-Yeah. Should we go in? - she asked confused.
-Mhm. - i nodded, and after knocked once, we entered.
-Chief, we got paged here. - Lexie said.
-I know. Sit down please. - our eyes with Lexie connected for a moment, before we did as we were told so.
-Your father...is just out of rehab. And he is taking his ninth step...which is to make amends where possible..i want you to hear him out...as a favor to me. Please.
-I...i have to cover the pit...- is stood up, ready to leave. I didn't want to talk to my father, and this was the only excuse i could think of.
-I'll do that for you. Just please listen. - he nodded, and left. As soon as the door closed behind him, it opened revealing Thatcher.
-Girls...- he said down facing us, and i already saw Lexie get emotional. However, i wasn't just gonna jump into his neck, and say that everything he did was alright.
-I'm...deeply sorry. For every time. Every time that i've hurt you. Or let you down. I don't deserve your forgiveness. But i hope i'll earn it. Hope you'll give me the opportunity to earn it. - he finished talking. That was all. Well, thank you. I hope you'll earn it too. But it won't be that easy. I was furious in the inside, but i kept it in, and stood up calm.
-Thank you. And congratulations. Also...good luck. With that. - i only said this to him, and before i left, i shot Lexie a look, warning her. But as soon as i left the office, i saw from the huge glass windows, that she and Thatcher were hugging. Great way to spend the minutes after lunchtime..
When i entered the ER, i walked back to Richard. He was standing next to a mother, and Arizona was cleaning a little girl's head injury.
-How did it go? - he asked me.
-Fine...- i sighed, not wanting to share anything.
-You're great.
-Dr.Grey, please clean up Maddy, and finish stitching up her laceration . - Dr.Robbins asked me, as she got paged.
-Yes. - i stepped closer, as sat down to the chair, in front of the little firl, who was covered in blood.
-So, your name is Maddy? - i asked her, as i wiped her forehead.
-Mhm. - she nodded.
-Kate, you're going to have to talk to the police. - Chief said behind my back.
-Maddy is really sorry. She didn't mean to shoot him. - Kate said nearly crying.
-Did my father die? - the little girl asked me with big eyes.
-I don't know. - i started doing stitches.
-How come my father didn't die? - Maddy asked while i was still cleaning her, and the police were talking to her and her mother.
-I shot him multiple times. - she said.
-She wasn't trying to kill her father. She was just trying to stop him..- Kate quickly added to the police, while wiping her teary eyes.
-So i conclude the mark on her face came from Mike hitting her. - Richard more like stated instead of questioning.
-Daddy loves us Maddy. You know he's been working on his anger. Maddy was not trying to kill him. Please. You need to understand.
-They are taking Mike to the OR now. - Owen appeared.
-Maddy needs a chance to tell him he is sorry before he goes under. - Kate said while her tears were making their way to the top. She made her daughter stand up, but i held her hand, and stopped her from going, by sitting her back down.
-Maddy won't have to apologise to him. There is no room for you to be a victim when your six year old is on line! - i turned to Kate calmly, but confident, and i think the frustration could be heard from my voice.
-Maddy is stronger than you. She stood up against her own father. Which is more that what you did. - and i helped her daughter change her bloody clothes to a small hospital gown.
-Meredith. - Richard called my name.
-Yes. - i answered kind of annoyed, because pf the thing he pulled earlier, and because of Maddy.
-I understand that you are angry at me.
-Please don't do this. You're neither my friend nor my family. You...don't get to page me to your office for a personal business. Or speak to me this way. That's an abuse of power. You have to treat me like a resident, and you can't yell at me for about what i just did, because someone had to stand up for that girl. I know that. Everybody knows that. Except her mother. Because she won't.
-Kate is a victim of domestic violence, and the hospital should be a safe place for her to tell her story. And as her doctor, your job is to help her, but you further battered an already battered woman. You stay away from that family or you will be suspended from the hospital, pending re-evaluation of your emotional and mental fitness at the end of second year of your residency. - he walked away angrily. I followed him with my eyes, and spotted Derek standing there.
-What happened? - he asked, coming to me.
-He keeps crossing the line that i've drawn him. He doesn't respect it. And he uses his relationship with you to get to me.
-I'm sorry. - he said taking my hand.
-And my father is here.
-Thatcher? - he asked back surprised.
-Yeah. He is out of rehab. And Chief arranged a visit for Lexie and me. He wants to spend time with me - i imitated his voice.
-And do you want to?
-No. Not now. - i sighed and got him on the lips before i turned around.

-Richard, you need to give her some room. You have history. - Derek told to the chief.
-I have apologized.
-I know and it's loaded.
-She keeps yelling at me that i am not her father. Well, i'm not.
-I am not Meredith's father. All i did was fall in love with Ellis.
-Her mother never got over you. And she's not gonna -
-Well, that's not my fault. Look, I was young. Lots of people have affairs. They have affairs and they don't - Look. What Ellis did after i left? That's on Ellis. And i'm trying to run a hospital here.
-She's doing the best she can Richard.
-Well, her best isn't good enough. If any other resident, if any other resident, pulled that crap today... She is still here because of my history with you. That's it. That's the only reason. - he yelled.
-You keep saying you're not her father but - you know what? Since we're talking, but you know what? You are the most professional guy i know. Most levelheaded. Except when it comes to Meredith Grey. You gave me hell. You know, you weren't gonna give me Chief, cause I was dating Meredith Grey. You told her about the ring, you sent her out to the woods to bring me back, you sent her to me when i was at my lowest. That's not running a hospital. You let her try on wedding dresses. During her shift. You paged her again for Thatcher. You have history with her. You keep saying that you're not her father, but you consider her family. For what it's worth. - Derek finished, and turned around, ready to leave.

I was sitting in the resident's lounge after the end of my shift, thinking about my mother. And Richard. And that little girl, Maddy, with her mother. As i pulled off my shoes, i heard the door open, expecting to see Christina there. But he entered. The chief. He kept looking at me, and then sat down next to me.
-Oh, great. Is this another heart to heart conversation? - my eyes teared up.
-I know you don't like me. And you have every right not to like me. I've abused my power. But now i'm here on your turf, and what i need to say..what i need to say is...i saw what your mother was doing. I saw how neglected you were, i saw her drive your father off. And i spent a lot of time beating myself up about that. I saw your mother leaving you when you were sick, and running to a surgery. Instead pf staying home or playing with you. You were always here at the nurse's station with your anatomy doll. I've spent a lot of time beating myself over it. But what does that do for you? Nothing. Nothing. - as he kept talking, a tear flipped out, and everybody knows when it starts it is hard to stop...
-I wasn't your advocate. I didn't fight for you. I never stood up for you. I didn't fight for you ever, and i let myself off the hook. I told myself i didn't know better, but i did know better. I wasn't much younger than you are now. I should've fought for you, Meredith. Like you fought for that child earlier today. I told myself that i wasn't your father. That it wasn't my responsibility, that i was right not to butt in. I let myself off the hook.- i kept sitting in one place, and wiped a tear.
-You were helpless. You were...a..a baby. A beautiful, nice, smart, funny little girl, and no one stood up for you. I'm sorry. Meredith, believe me i'm sorry for that. - as he finished the tears kept pacing up, and i let my head fall to his shoulder. He held it there, and kept rubbing my back, while keeping me in company.
-But i want to. Help you. Now. If you need it. Or whenever. You have Derek now. - he sighed.
-That man watches you like fire. He really loves you. And you are not the intern and attending sleeping together anymore. And not the little girl, who is helpless. - he tried comforting me. And in that moment, i felt what it's like to have a father figure in your life. And right now, for me, Richard was it. Not Thatcher. That's what i thought when my tears flooded his scrub shirt.

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