Back to work - results of Mcdreamy

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We were walking towards the hospital, when Izzie suddenly stopped.
-Just go guys, i'm thinking my speech over. - she explained.
-You sure?- Alex asked.
-Talk to the chief. We are on your side, Bailey is on your side, and the chief will put on his angry face, but he is on your side too! - i said trying to encourage her.
-Okay. - she sighed.
-Go guys, i am okay, you will be late! - she pushed us.
When we walking in through the front door, Alex, George and Christina immediately turned left, and Callie was paged at the nurses station, so she ran towards there. I was alone heading to the intern's locker room. I pushed the bottom for the elevator, and let the people get out. I smiled when i got in, because only one man was left standing in there. Derek. He was at the left corner of the elevator. I stood in front of him in the middle, after pushing the 2nd floor button inside. I was smiling to myself, looking straight, when i felt his presence behind myself, his usual Mcdreamy smell hitting my nose. He came closer, smelling my hair, my back and his upper body slightly touching. I felt the butterflies in my stomach rising, and the elevator dinged, letting us know that we arrived. Without even turning around, i walked out, and left. The doors closed after me, and i opened the door to the locker room. The others were already in there, changing into their light blue scrubs.
-Hi Mer. - George nodded towards me.
Christina took a look at me, and turned back to tying her shoelaces.
-Mer make that smile disappear! Did you have sex with Mcdreamy in the elevator? Or was it Mcvet?
-Shut up Christina! - her cheeks turned red, while she opened the door of her locket.
-Is this a rumour club or a group of surgeons? Now get yourselves ready, we don't have all day! You've got exactly 30 seconds! We gotta start doing rounds on our patients! - Bailey stormed in letting the door close with a big noise.
- Follow me! - Bailey led us to room 2241, and managed us around the patient's bed. That's when Derek entered the room.
-Good morning! -he said.
-Benjamin, Ruth-he looked at them.
-Doctor Shepherd.
-It doesn't feel like a very good morning to me. I have to have brain surgery today. Pretty scary. Plus my sister is nervous, and when she gets nervous she sweats, and windows here don't open, so it's pretty bad.
-Benjamin! - Ruth interrupted him.
-Was that rude Ruthie?
-Let the doctors talk! -she said.
Christina told the name of the patient and the reasons he is having brain surgery, she reviewed the case for us. I wasn't really paying attention, because our eyes locked a few times with Derek while my friend was talking. They had a short conversation too with the patient, while Derek whispered near my ear.
-Your hair smells great. You are still using that lavender shampoo.
When Christina finished, he broke the eye contact, and turned towards Benjamin.
-Okay.. Do you have any questions for me? - Dr. Shepherd prevented the argument which was just starting.
-Is that blonde your girlfriend? Cause the way you keep looking at her, you might as well just mount her right here and now. -he asked. Meredith's cheeks turned red, but she was smiling, and she bit her lip, while her friends seemed to enjoy the situation, Bailey looked like she might explode.
-Khm. -Derek cleared his throat.
-Benjamin! - Ruth scolded him.
-I'm sorry. Was that rude?
We left the room, with the leading of Bailey.
-I'm proud of you all, you make me proud, you reflect on me well. Grey if you thing you can keep your clothes on to follow up on the labs, I'd appreciate it, Karev you can cover the pit, since Dr. Montgomery-Shepherd is out sick, or you can.... - she paused
-You can tell me whose those damn panties are on the bulletin board? - she raised her voice.
-Is that yours? - Christina whispered to me, and i nodded.
-This is a hospital people, serious work happens here, we save lives!!! -she nearly shouted.
Alex started laughing instantly, while i was scared as hell about what will happen, and tried to disappear.
- Oh something funny? - she turned to Alex.
-Whose are these? - now everybody, the nurses, the doctors, attendings, surgeons were looking at the group of us, and at Bailey.
-This is bad. This is really bad. - i whispered to Christina.
-You better claim them. She thinks it's mine. Claim them!
-No! - I looked at her as she was completely insane. There was no way i was going to claim them. Unluckily, Bailey noticed us trying to disappear, and whispering, and she was heading towards us.
- I know it is one of you! It is always one of you! It is always from-my group. So tell me! Which one of you left your dream underwear on my surgical floor?! - she pointed the charts at us. I was cursing Derek and Finn and the prom and Mcsex in my head, when Callie stood up.
-Oh no, did i leave my underwear lying around again? I am so sorry Bailey. It, it is my bad. - she put it in her pocket, nodded, and left, keeping eye contact with me. However this still did not convince Bailey, she was staring at us suspiciously.
-Now go everybody! - Bailey shouted generally.
I walked away as quickly as i could, going to follow up on the labs. When Christina finished with her thing, she came to talk to me.
-Burks mama got me in my underwear on top of his little son! - telling me about the rumours that everybody has heard by noon.
-I am making a decision by the evening. If i can not choose, I am flipping a coin. Girl can only hold out for that long.
-How is it that you're the one sleeping with two men, but I'm the dirty stripper?
-I am not sleeping with two men. I am not sleeping with any of them. - then i decided that this is the end of the conversation, so i left her standing there.

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