Mercy West merger

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I'm writing Zola in soon! Have fun!

This was our first day back at the hospital, after the day we'd taken off. And i returned as Dr. Grey-Shepherd.
-You ready? - i asked Derek, before hopping in to the car.
-The only thing I don't like about the house is that we have to get up earlier...- i sighed.
-I know..But it's the house.
-It's perfect. - i continued.
-The fire place and the color and the view... - i started counting.
-And let me guess. The big bathtub? - he asked me, as he started the car.
-Yeah. - i giggled out.
-Any surgeries today? - he asked me.
-I have no idea...
-Mer. Can my sisters today? They are still here, and i want them to get to know you a bit better. I promise I'll be there the whole time, and if it's uncomfortable -
-Sure. If you want to, we can. What time? - i asked him honestly.
-Oh, thank you. I was thinking dinner. Maybe.
-Do you want to invite them to the house? - i asked him.
-Really? You'd be okay with that?
-Derek. It's our house. Of course i would. They are your family, and you love them. So invite them. But i'm not in charge of cooking.
-Yeah, i'll do that. - he chuckled.
When he parked the car at the hospital, we got out.
-What time do you get off? - he asked me.
-Five. You?
-Four. I'll wait for you here. Maybe watch your surgery, if you have one. - he raised his eyebrow, as i took his hand.
-Sure. I'll be waiting for you. But i need to get a surgery first. - he walked me to the resident's lounge, and i heard the pager go off. Not even seven am, but already something happening.
-It's the Chief. He has a meeting, and wants everyone there, at ten o'clock. - he informed me while i changed.
-Everyone? - i asked back confused, from behind the scrub T-shirt on my head.
-Yeah. Nurses, residents, interns, attendings, everyone.
-What do you think it's about?
-Must be something important. He rarely does anything like this.
-I'll see you there. Please hold a seat for me. - i kissed him, as i exited the changing area with him.
-So how was the wedding night, Cinderella? - Christina greeted me in front of the OR board.
-Good. Really good. And the house is just awesome! - i blushed.
-You've got to sleep over tomorrow! - i invited her, and was planning on giving some more details, when Owen appeared behind my back.
-Good morning. Christina. I..i brought you coffee. - he handed her a cup.
-Thank you. - she answered politely, taking it.
-Grey, congrats on the wedding once more. - he nodded towards me.
-She's Grey-Shepherd now...-Christina corrected him.
-It's okay. Thank you. - i smiled at him, and then shot a 'you'd better tell me later' look, while i left them there, going towards the ER. I saw Lexie doing sutures there.
-Hey. - i greeted her.
-Mer, hi!
-How are you?- i asked her.
-I'm...fine. What is married life like? - she looked at me changing the subject.
-Lexie, find me at the meeting. - i told her, ignoring her question, knowing exactly that something was going on.

-Hey! - we entered with the girls in the huge room, where the chief was supposed to talk, greeting Derek.
-Hi. - Derek kissed me softly, then pulled me down next to himself, holding hands.
-Okay, stop with that! - Christina warned us.
-You've been doing that for the last 24 hours, keep your hands off of each other until you get home! - she added. Derek looked at me with a questioning look, asking how she knows about our day and night.
-Girls talk.- Izzie answered for me, and i just shot him an apologetic look, while i blushed.
-Lexie! - i waved to her, inviting her over.
-Sit. - i told her when she came over.
-Hi, Mer..Derek. - she sat down to the empty seat next to me.
-Lexie. - i whispered to her when the Chief appeared.
-What's up with you?
-Nothing. I'm fine. Really, i am okay.
-No, you're not. Tell me.
-Lexie, i swear to God, if you don't tell me, i'm gonna stand up now and drag you out to the hallway. - i told her quietly, but confidently, as the conference started.
-Shh! - Christina pissed me.
-So? - i asked her not caring.
-It' is her birthday. Actual birthday.
-Susan? - i asked her knowingly. She left me without an answer, so i knew i hit the nail on the head.
-I'm sorry Lexie. Is there anything that i can...?
-No. - she sighed.
-It's just.. my...father has locked himself in the house. And i've already talked to Molly. We're having lunch together. But...i want to think about something else. I need distraction.
-I know you've all heard rumors. And i'm sorry about that. Whatever i'm about to say..I'm sorry about that too. But it's true. You all know what the economic climate is. Seattle Grace Hospital will be merging with Mercy West hospital in the next week. I wish i could tell you, that you'll al survive the merger, but there aren't so many jobs. Me and the board had some tough decisions to make. I was on your side, and rooting for all of you, but i couldn't save everybody. All i could do, is tell that every one of you is the best. The first emails will be sent out tonight, and the last ones tomorrow morning. I am sorry for your inconveniences, and about the short notice. Every further information will be in the letters, you get. The first Mercy Wester doctor arrive tomorrow. Thank you for your attention. - he finished, and stepped down. As soon as his speech was finished, whispers started all over the room. I saw the nurses hopping up, and running to make sure their patients were okay, and gossiping furiously. The interns were left wordlessly, being sure that they are the fired ones. Most of the residents stayed calm, but i saw a girl nearly pass out. I couldn't read one thing from the faces of the attendings. They had the best position right now. A bunch of them weren't replaceable. I turned to Derek, who was already looking at me.
-You won't get fired. - he told me.
-He protects you until the end. - i told him.
-You too. - he assured me. Then i turned into the other direction. Lexie was sitting there pale.
-Lexie. - i called her name.
-You won't get fired. You are one of the bests in your intern group.
-I might lose my job. - she told me. My eyes connected with Christina, who seemed pretty sure, that she wasn't going to be sent away. But Izzie was worried, and Alex was comforting her, so i looked at George too.
-Meredith, what am i gonna do if he fires me? - he asked me.
-You won't get fired George. You've done some impressing stuff. He won't fire you. He knows you are a great surgeon. - i told him.
-Lexie. - Derek called Lexie's name.
-Come over for dinner. My sisters are coming. And her sister needs to come too. - he bopped his head into my direction.
-I'm not want me..there today.
-Heads you come, tails you don't. You need company. - he pulled out a penny, and raised his eyebrow, asking if she's in. My sister nodded confused. Derek flipped the coin in her direction, and reached after it, to catch it in the air. But Lexie beat her. She caught it first.
-It's heads, isn't it? - i asked her, while she took a look at it.
-How did you do this? - she turned to Derek, but he just shrugged his shoulder, enjoying the situation.
-I need an intern and a resident for my surgery. Starts at one pm. Both of you are scrubbing in. - he kissed my lips softly, and let me go, leaving the room.
-Lexie. I hope you'll really come. - i smiled at her, and followed Derek out, pulling Christina with myself.
-What is it with Owen? - i asked her.
-I am an idiot.
-I'm going on therapy. With him. My boss is going to therapy with me. And do you know what that ass woman suggested? Don't have sex, connect emotionally. And do you know what is worse? We are not having sex. I was lying next to him yesterday, and that's it. Holding hands. What am i 13? I want sex with him.
-Wow..Christina Yang going to therapy for a man, she likes. A man she loves. - i finished, and waited for her to correct me. But she didn't.
-Christina! Christina you love him? - i stopped her, but she didn't look into my eyes.'s difficult.
-Oh, you love him...
-Keep going to therapy. Please. Maybe he's worth it. But i swear, if he hurts more time...i will actually kill him.

-Owen. - i approached him.
-Grey. Shepherd. - he added while looking at me.
-I need to talk to you.
-About what? - he asked.
-Something private. - i turned over, and heard him follow me until we got the a scrub room.
-It's about Christina.
-I don't think...this is a good idea. - he told me.
-It is. I'm telling you...if you hurt her. Once more. I won't forgive you. And you think i am a tiny girl, and you are a huge man, but believe me. You don't want to do anything bad to her. And she...hasn't been like this. Since Burke. And he turned her out. She became a new person next to him. In a bad way. So don't you dare change her. And tie your scrub cap, because it's loose. - i finished, and let him there, surprised about my break out. But it needed to be done. Because i was her person.

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