First ultrasound

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-Are you ready? - Derek asked me as we stepped into the hospital.
-Yeah. Hopefully Bailey won't look for me.
-If she does, i'll send her away.
-Just remember, nobody is supposed to know yet. So please don't let them find out. - i asked him when we entered the elevator.
-Don't worry. The worst thing you can do right now is to worry. - he squeezed my hand.
-Good morning Chief. - i nodded.
-Hello Meredith. Morning Derek. - he smiled at us.
-Just take a deep breath. - Derek whispered into my ear, and i did as he told me so. When we stopped out of the elevator on the third floor, we took the direction towards the OB waiting area. But as soon as we sat down, they already called my name.
-Dr. Meredith Grey. - a young nurse looked out.
-Yeah, i'm here. - i stood up, and followed her into the room.
-Dr.Grey, nice to meet you here. - she greeted us.
-Please call me Meredith. - i asked her.
-Sure. So, Meredith, I'm Connie. But i think you already know me.
-Dr.Shepherd, please help your wife change into a gown. - she handed Derek a hospital cloth.
-Of course. But let's just..Derek. - he shook her hand.
-Great. - she accepted the opportunity.
-So, Meredith, how long have you known you're pregnant? - she asked as she put some gel on my still straight stomach.
-Just about two or three weeks.
-Any discomfort yet?
-Yeah..Morning sickness. And i'm hungry. Like always. But nauseous at the same time.
-Yeah, common in the first semester of pregnancy. Let's see. - she looked at the ultrasound.
-Yes. Here is a perfectly healthy baby. I'd is around seven weeks. - she turned the screen towards us.
-See? This will be the head. - she pointed.
-And the body. - she drew out the shape.
-Only the size of a lentil now.
-Wow...- i heard Derek's voice, and i forced to tear my eyes off of the screen to look at him.
-Yeah. This is amazing. Look at it...A tiny human is...growing inside of me...our baby. - i smiled with teary eyes.
-Congratulations! - Connie told us.
-Thank you. - Derek welcomed it for both of us.
-Heartbeat is 92 BPM.
-That's good, right? - i asked her hopefully.
-Yes, of course. Most babies' are between 90 and 110 around this time. Do you want pictures? - she asked us.
-Could you...print more? - i asked her.
-Sure. Evelyn, please make them more copies. - she ordered the nurse.
-We can't really hear the heartbeat yet, but at next visit, i'm sure we will. Which brings me to your next appointment. I was thinking that in 3 weeks, you should come for a quick check-up. We won't be able to tell the gender yet, but baby will grow a lot by then.
-Of course, we'll come. - i assured her.
-Super. So we should discuss the vitamins you should take and some further things. - she started, and pulled out a paper. I kept listening to her attentively, while Derek was stroking my shoulder.

-And she says that there is no way she is pregnant. - Heather updated me at the nurses station after my ultrasound, as i was snacking from a crisps bag.
-Everybody always says that and they always end up pregnant. - i smiled looking at Derek for a quick second, as our eyes connected thinking about the printed versions of the ultrasound lying our my wallets.
-But if the pregnancy test is negative? - she asked me.
-Okay. I am with you. But i'm not taking point. You are. - i gave her back the charts, and followed her.
-Yeah, you know, it really is a problem. People claiming not to be pregnant, when they really are. - Christina suddenly turned to Derek.
-You know? - he looked at her confused.
-Of course i know. Her boobs got huge about two weeks ago, and she's eating everything in sight, while going to the toilet.
-But she didn't tell you?
-No. But she knows i know.
-So you know she knows that you know?
-Mhm. She'll tell me when she's ready to be happy about it. Congratulations! - she smiled happily.

When the last hour passed before the lunch break, i hurried off to the cafeteria, just to find Derek already sitting there, at a table with Mark and Christina.
-Hey! - i hopped down onto a chair.
-What's up Grey?
-I'm so hungry...This morning never seemed to end. - i sighed.
-What do you want for lunch? - Derek asked me.
-I don't know. Anything. Just not lettuce. Or a burger. And please avoid pasta.
-So..fries and chicken? - he guessed.
-Good. I love you. - i thanked him as he stood up to get me lunch.
-What is with all this hunger? - Mark raised an eyebrow.
-I just...haven't eaten much today.
-Grey, i saw you snack all morning.
-Well, snacks are not so filling. - i cut him off annoyed.
-Okay, i didn't mean to get you all...angry. Just thought i'd asked. - he apologized while standing up and taking his plate with himself towards the garbage can.
-So what's with your patient? - i asked Christina changing the subject. She knew. I knew she knew. The look on her face told me. We kept eye contact for a brief second just until Derek arrived with my food. She pulled the corner of her mouth, and with this small movement revealed herself. Actually, i am sure she suspected it before. But with this she made it obvious. I just had to keep it a secret for a little longer.

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