Falling down the stairs

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I was running down the stairs, concentrating on my pager, which has barely stopped ringing the whole afternoon, reminding me of the several traumas, which were all rolling in.
-Are they done in OR 2? - i stopped a nurse who was running down next to me in a quick pace.
-They've just finished, Dr.Grey, now. - she announced, not stopping.
-I don't believe this. Why? Why? - i muttered under my breath, following her, as she exited the door. But as i was near the end of the staircase, my shoes slipped. My shoes slipped, and the ground disappeared from under my feet. In the next moment, i was rolling down the stairs, at least 10. My head was spinning, and my hands instantly wrapped around my stomach, as i hit my back into the cold and thick wall. My ponytail loosed, my shoes untied, and my pants slipped down a little. I was dizzy, and breathing heavily. Scared to death. 33 weeks. I was 33 weeks pregnant. My eyes were shut close, as i tried to manage my weight on my other side. But i couldn't. My whole body was trembling in fear and panic travelled down my spine, from the top of my head to my toes, filling me with pain and the feeling of a disaster.
-'kay. - a painful sob escaped my mouth, as i was shaking heavily, unable of controlling my own body.
-Help...me. - i muttered in a dead voice, knowing it's extremely unlikely that someone would hear me. Or even find me in the stairwell. I closed my eyes, collecting enough energy, just for me to shift into a sitting position. The dark mark on my elbow, which i had just gotten, however was not a helping factor. My eyes were teary, streaming out of my eyes, scared to death about my son. Our son. Derek. I need Derek. It ran through my foggy brain, and i was unable to think straight. I let myself fall back on my back, as the headache i was feeling was getting more and more unbearable. The last sensible though i had was my pager. I pulled it out of my pocket, fidgeting with its button, trying to turn it on, to page him. Or one of my colleagues. However my sweaty and shaky hands couldn't seem to press the buttons in the correct order. The last piece of hope left my body, as i kept trying to wipe my hands into my scrub T-shirt, and trying to take big breaths.
The door of the staircase flew open, but i just noticed a bigger bang. I heard some footsteps, further away from myself. High heels. They were probably high heels, belonging to a woman. Hopefully an attending. Or a resident. But a nurse would've been fine too. I tried calling for help, but a single sound couldn't seem to escape from my lips, just a shuttered whine. But maybe it was enough.
-Is there anybody? - i heard a woman's voice. Which i recognized. Instantly. I knew who it belonged to. I just couldn't believe my ears. Was she here? I mean i kew she came to Seattle Grace sometimes to help out. Occasionally to do more difficult procedures. Since she has left, i saw her here once or twice, with a chart in her hands. But she always disappeared after an afternoon. I even knew Derek and her had a coffee once, in the hospital's cafeteria, to even things out. But in my wildest dreams i never would've even imagined that maybe she could help me. In my worst situation.
-Help. - i mumbled again, hoping i gained her attention.
-Are you hurt? - she changed her direction, and i knew she was coming towards me, not knowing who i was, back then yet. My head fell back on my shoulders, as i felt unable to hold it even a second more.
-M...Meredith? - her red head appeared, as she recognized me.
-Mhm. - i managed to force a sigh out of myself.
-What happened? - she immediately kneeled down next to me, in a kind of purplish shirt. as she entered my gaze.
-I...slipped.- i answered her. Addison Montgomery. Derek's ex wife.
-Are you dizzy? - she immediately switched to doctor mode, holding my head from underneath, the warmth of her hand providing me some comfort, as i knew i was not alone. I nodded my head once, responding.
-Meredith, can you tell me how far along are you? - she put her hand on my roundly stomach, examining it with her hands through my shirt.
-Uhm..33.Nearly 34.- i whispered hoping she would get i was talking about weeks. At that moment not even thinking about that woman standing over me was once the closest to Derek, i grabbed her hand, wincing in pain.
-Take a deep breath for me, Meredith. In your nose, out through your mouth. - she guided me.
-Can you stand up? - she sat me up, pulling me, as i rested my chest by leaning to the wall.
-I..maybe.- i struggled.
-I am getting a gurney. Stay like this until i come back. Meredith, do not move, do you hear me?
-Mhm. - i nodded, with terrified eyes, with an uncountable amount of fear in them, as a tear flipped out. I closed my eyes and kept taking big breaths, and i only opened my eyes when i heard the door open again. Addison entered again, now with Shane behind her, who was wheeling a bed. When they helped me up onto the bed,my whole body trembled again, as a sharp pain ran through my body, and made me clench into the sheets. An involuntary sob also entered me mouth, which draw their attention more to me, while we were rolling through the hallways.
-Grey, breath. Keep breathing. - she ordered me, as my stomach tightened painfully, and my breath grew shaky again. I was nearly panting.
-Slower. Slower than that.
-I'm trying. - i stammered defending myself.
-What is happening? - i managed to get it out, awfully confused. My body and my mind too.
-Just keep breathing. - she immediately opened a door.
-What's your name? - she turned to Shane.
-Ross. Dr.Shane.
-Ross, set her up an IV, prepare an oxygen mask, we need an ultrasound immediately. I need a nurse. Find a nurse first!
-Addison...What is with me? - strands of my hair stick to my forehead, kind of covered in tears and sweat too, as i freaked out even more, feeling devastated.
-Meredith, i need you to breath. Calm down.
-Oh God! Is he...tell me he is alive! Addison...- i whispered while shifting uncomfortably in that sharp pain again, as a nurse tried to pull up my scrub top. The pain and fear strted to pull me into something unbearable, but i still wanted to keep still, to help the baby, but as i was choking on my tears, it seemed impossible. I needed Derek. Right then.
-Meredith, i need you to calm down. It's going to be fine. You need to try to relax. You are raising the heartbeat! - she pushed some more gel on my stomach. I gasped for air, but i felt like all of it had disappeared inside of the room. I started coughing, choking on my gasps. And the sudden gasp turned into a tortured cry.
-What happened? - i heard a fading voice, belonging to someone who entered the room.
-She needs to breath. She is raising the baby's heartbeat dramatically! She is gonna end up in preterm labor if this continues. - i heard her, and those bitter tears burst my throat almost killing me.
-Grey! Grey can you hear me? - I heard Bailey's voice.
-Mhm. - it came out of me quietly, and turned into a moan.
-Good. - she took my hand.
-He needs you to breath. Think of Zola. And him. They need you to breath. - she told me, as my nails dug into her fingers, while i was grabbing it. My breathed hitched once, and my shaking lessened a big, until another sharp pain knocked me out.
-Derek. - i wheezed out his name, crying for him.
-I....need.....Derek. -i curled up, and the thick liquid came off a bit of my stomach.
-Where..is.. -i started, but then i remembered that Addison was standing over me.
-I'm sorry. - i cried out in pain again, as guilt wedded up in me, as i reminded myself of her.
-Miranda, put her on oxygen. - she ordered, and soon enough i felt like i could get some air again.
-Ross, get Shepherd right now! - Bailey ordered him, as i mumbled for him again unconsciously, shifting in my position, still not letting go of her hand.
-Yes, Dr.Bailey. - he ran out.

-Dr.Shepherd! - Ross entered the OR, Derek was working in.
-Yes, Shane?
-Dr.Grey took a fall on the stairs.
-What? - he turned around immediately.
-Dr.Montgomery and Dr.Bailey are treating her, but she is not in a really good shape. - he added.
-I can finish. You are going. -Lexie stated, thinking of Meredith as soon as Shane mentioned her name, a worried glance in her eyes.
-No, you can't. - he opposed.
-You're nearly done. Hard part is over. I'll just retract the sheath, hold pressure on the femoral arrteriotomy. Done. I can do it. You go, now!
-Okay. Here. - he changed his mind, handing the equipment over to her. In the next moment his gloves were gone.
-What? - they heard Christina's voice, who ran after Derek immediately.
-Meredith fell on the stairs, and she is apparently in bad shape. Where is she, Ross? - he started jogging.

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