You made me breakfast? / Sparkly pager

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The alarm clock rang at 6 am in the morning, and i paused it as quickly as i could. I shot a look at Derek's sleeping gaze. Now he was slightly snoring next to me. I got put of bed, after resisting the temptation to stay in bed. I pulled out the first jeans that came to my hand, and a purple sweater with it. I brushed through my hair, and washed my teeth, making my way down to the kitchen. I saw Lexie there, drinking a cup of coffee.
-Hey! - she greeted me.
-Morning! - i answered politely.
-How did you sleep? - she asked me.
-Good, thanks. You?
-Great. The bed was comfortable.
-Yeah. - i poured some of the previously cooked coffee into my pot. I heard some heavy footsteps behind me, and Derek appeared in pajamas.
-Morning. - he greeted me, by locking our lips together for a moment.
-Morning Lexie. - he nodded.
-Dr. Shepherd, how are you?- Lexie said hi formally. Derek chuckled at her answer, while looking into my eyes.
-I think you can call me Derek outside of the hospital. And thank you, i'm better. - he smiled, and i gave a cup of coffee into his hands. He sat down at the table and tasted it.
-When did you learn to make coffee? This tastes good. - he complemented me.
-Well, actually Lexie made it. - i bopped my head towards her.
-Great skills.
-Thank you. - while they were having a conversation about something, that i didn't really pay attention to, i was making scrambled eggs. I took three plates, mixed the egg, and put some leftover things in it from the fridge. I heard Alex enter too.
-Dude, what the hell was she doing in the kitchen? - he turned to Derek.
When i was ready i handed both of them a plate, with a piece of toast on it.
--I think she wanted to do something nice for Lexie. - Derek answered smiling.
-You made me breakfast? - Lexie asked surprised.
-Yeah.. No big deal. Just eggs and avocado, and whatever cheese that was in the fridge.
-I love avocados. - she put a piece on her fork.
-Is that okay?
-Yeah..Thank you. - she smiled at me again, and i exited the kitchen.

Thirty minutes later Lexie and Alex was already gone, and Derek was dressed in front of the car.
-You sure you're okay? - i asked him.
-Yeah.. I'm better now.
-Better, but not best.
-That's..true. invited my sister over, last night.
-You brought home somebody.
-Well it turned out pretty great, didn't it?
-Yeah. - i confessed. that i'm better..I'm gonna kiss you...normally.
-Well, you said you're still a bit sick...- i teased him, but the next second his lips covered mine. I melt into him, and put tongues connected again in their familiar dance. I parted my lips, and gave him an invitation to come further. He immediately accepted it, and tugged on my bottom lip, stroking the back of my thighs at the same time. My hands moved instinctly into his hear, pulling on his curls. When he turned his head slightly so he got better access, i moaned into his mouth. When we pulled away breathlessly, i groggily told him;
-Good thing i have a massive immune-system...
-Good thing you do...Now i get to do it again..- he pressed me to the wall, and kissed my lips again, starting softly this time.

-What happened? What is the 911? - i ran as quick as i could to the basement, just to find Christina lying on a bed.
-Hey...What happened? - i asked as she mumbled something into the sheets. I only got the words magazine and husband out of it. She handed me the magazine she had in her hands, but still didn't move an inch. When i looked at the covers, i knew it. Preston Burke. Posing at the cover of the surgical magazine.
-Dr.Preston Burke, a cardiological surgeon, previously worked in Seattle Grace Hospital as an attending.... - blabla doesn't matter i skipped the lines.
-Set up a record with one of the most difficult cardiological completing it in less than an hour. - i read out loud.
-He is building his career. Without me. I mean, look at me. I'm lying in a basement, when my ex-fiancé is setting up all kinds of records, posing on covers. What am i doing? Teaching interns? Really? Is that what I'm doing? Because it doesn't seem to work for me. Look at yourself. You did something incredible. With Shepherd. You made a discovery. You tried and tried and managed to do it. You didn't quit, and ran clinical trials. You changed people's life with that discovery you made. Magazines wrote about it for weeks! They printed your photo on it! You posed with Derek! And you opened that bottled champagne! Everyone knows your name now! And i am proud of you! I swear to God i don't want your success! I want Burke's! Because i helped him reach that! I did everything that i could to help him! And am i mentioned in even one of the articles? No! Shepherd told every magazine that you were partners! That you reached that discovery with the trials together! He got a Harper- Avery for that! Mer a Harper-Avery! - she brought up our success, amd compared it to Burke's. We just reached it before i built that candle house. The stress of unsuccessful surgeries were weighting my back, but eventually after a lot of deaths, we made it. We made history together. And Christina was right. Derek did give me point. We did pose together. We were on covers for weeks. People congratulated me. Us. The long nights spent in an OR, or a conference room, or fighting with Richard for his approval came back. Because he congratulated me too. Saying i had my mother's talent. And that it was worth fighting for. We made history with Derek together. We had a whole surgery named about us. The one we did together. The one where test-patients survived. The one where real-patients who were nearly dead survived. But Burke didn't give point to her. This was not about my success, or she envying it. She was by my side through it. But it was about Burke and his stupidness, his male head, her lack of credit, when she deserved it. About Burke's unfairness.
-You are right. Burke 's an ass. If it weren't for you he still wouldn't be able to hold a scalpel. - i told the truth.
-I was the unspoken help he had! And i read about that research! I planted the seed in his head. I did everything i could. And did he give point? Did he mention that we did it together first? That we tried it on a dead body in the basement? No! I am clueless...- she went back on the mattress.
-You are right. You will once beat him. You are so much better from him.
-You're just saying that..
-Look at me! What you need for a trial, a record, a journey is to feel! Do you know how many times i have nearly given up during out trial? Hundreds. And do you know what kept me going? The knowledge that i will help with thousands of people if i keep going. And that's not missing from you. But it is missing from him. You will set up records alone! Not now, then later. You nearly set one up as a resident. Do you know how much older Burke is than you?! And you managed to do similar things! So yeah. You are better.
-Mer...Can i get the sparkle pager?
-You want the sparkle pager? - i asked her, knowing she has never asked for it before. We used it in emergencies. When one of us was miserable. She has never asked for it before. I immediately saw that she must be needing it if she has never asked for it before. And the look on her face granted me that.
-It's in my locker, in a sock. Go! - i encouraged her, relieved to finally see a kind of a smile on her face. Burke has done enough. He has brought her down, and this was the last step. Towards her full recovery from him. Because now, she was out of character.

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