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I got up in the morning at the sound of the alarm clock. Another Monday morning... The strong arms were missing from next to me, so i turned around in search of them. The sight wasn't so promising. Empty bed... - i sighed getting out. I chose some black jeans, and a stripped sweater, learning from my mistake from the day before. I brushed my just-washed hair, and my stomach was reminding me constantly that i skipped dinner last night. I made my way to the kitchen, finding Christina in bed.
-Hey! Get up! You have to work today!
-I don't want too...
-Christina please, you will be late. - i begged her.
-Why? I can skip one dayy...
-Yes, but not today! You - i pulled the blanket off of her.
-Have to - i opened the curtains.
-Go in! - and grabbed her hands making her sit up.
-Fine...Just bring me coffee.
-You have 15 minutes! - i pulled her out.
-Morning! - i greeted everybody else in the kitchen. I went to open the fridge, and found a note on it, with Derek's long letters. "You slept in last night, couldn't tell you about the early surgery" - and a small heart, with a letter D. I pulled it off, pulling it out of under the magnet, tossing it in my pocket. I made a sandwich, and took a bite of it. I filled three mugs with hot coffee, and handed one to Izzie, and one to the entering Christina. I took one myself.
-Am i driving everybody today?
-I think so.
-Okay, then let's get going. - i grabbed my purse, sipping a last out of the pot.

As we arrived in the hospital, we immediately changed into scrubs. All of our pagers beeped at the same time.
-There is a meeting for the fourth year interns, the residents and attendings
at 10.00 at the conference room. - George read it out.
-Yang, are you okay to work? - Bailey entered.
-Yeah, just fine. - she answered. Bailey shot me a questioning look, and i nodded showing my approval.
-Then until the meeting rounds! Grey you are in the pit today with Yang, Karev, today paperwork, with O'malley. Stevens, go and see if you can help at the clinic today! This is until the meeting. We will talk after it.
-Now go!
I spent the time doing sutures and taking blood the whole morning with Christina. I assumed she put Christina here, because she could easily be distracted, and me to take care of Christina. When the clock hit 9.50, we left the pit, taking a big breath, and managing to get to the conference room. Alex was already there, talking with Izzie. George just got there before us. Exactly at 10.00, the Chief stepped in, and looked around.
-Thank you for being here! I called this meeting together to tell you some news.
First of all, i would like to thank the work of Dr.Montgomery, who finishing her work at Seattle Grace hospital next week.- he turned to Addison.
There was a short clap, and he continued. Addison is leaving. I can't say that i was devastated that she was leaving. But strangely, i wasn't happy either. Her given history with Derek should've made complications with them, but since their divorce, she was okay. Addison didn't make it uncomfortable, and the shifts that i worked with her were acceptable. She didn't comment, our and their relationship was professional.
-I am still looking for the best replace. However, if she decides to come back, we are waiting for her! - he smiled at her professionally.
-Also, i have the results of the exam, the ones who passed are getting an intern team next week. The ones who didn't, will continue their work as a fourth-year intern until the next term. - he pulled out some envelopes. I felt the excitement rise in me, and i found Derek's eyes. He looked sure i would pass. My friends were freaking out.
-Dr.Karev! Please take your envelope! - Alex got up, and accepted it, not opening it.
-Dr. Yang! - she took it, and shook the chief's hand.
-Dr. O'Malley!
-Dr. Stevens! - they both thanked it, and sat back.
-Dr. Grey! - I stood up, my blood boiling, and shook his hands, thanking it, sitting back, politely waiting for the other groups to get theirs too. As Richard thanked everybody for their patience and work, we were the first ones who left the conference room. Bailey stood in front of us, filled with excitement.
-Open it already! - she nagged us, i saw Derek appear too, and he was smiling at me.
I teared the envelope open, and i heard Izzie scream next to me in happiness, followed by Alex's agreement. I pulled the paper out.
I inform that Dr.Meredith Grey have successfully passed the exam which allows her to become a first year resident, with an 89% score.
-I did it! - i turned towards my friends.
-90% baby! - Christina bragged.
-I passed! - he cheered.
-Congratulations to all of you! You are officially not my interns anymore! - Bailey told us shaking our hands one by one. After she congratulated me personally, i turned to Derek, hugging him.
-Congratulations Mer! - he smiled kissing me lightly.
-Thank you!
-You are officially dating a resident now! - i made him laugh.
-I knew you were going to pass! There was no way you were getting 74% or under.
-This feels soo good. - i kept smiling at him.
-You are a genius, you know that, right? - he asked me, pecking my lips for a moment again.
-How many did you get?
-I am good. - i giggled.
-Grey, today you finish at the clinic, with Stevens and me. Yang, Karev, pit! O'Malley, you are treating incoming traumas! Go! - we laughed with Izzie, as i waved goodbye to Derek.
As we stepped into the clinic, i have noticed Susan sitting on a hospital bed. I have met her, when Molly gave birth. She was kind to me, but we have only talked three or four times...But still more often than with my father. We once had a coffee together, and she introduced me to Mollie. I liked her, and probably wanted to get to know her better. She treated me as a daughter. Going towards something like a daughter. Anyways, it was enough, to see her on a hospital bed, for me to start worrying.
-Hey! What's the problem? Why are you here? - i asked nervously.
-I have the hiccups. - Susan said.
-You could've called. You didn't have to wait for me.
-Oh, it's such a silly problem..Hiccups?
-We didn't want to bother you. - they said as i listened to her chest.
-Well, it's not silly if you can't sleep.
-Chlorpromazine is good, but it doesn't always work long-term - Bailey started but Susan interrupted it with a hiccup.
-We've had some good results with endoscopic gastroplication. - they looked at me for translation.
-We put a tube down your throat, and sew together the bottom of your esophagus, to protect it from the acid in your stomach.
-It would be an outpatient procedure. I'm sold. Ready when you are. - Susan smiled at me.
-You sure that's not - Thatcher started.
-Just think of it as breathing in a very expensive brown paper bag. - she joked.

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