Torture (mature)

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-Mer, save me! You need to save me! - Christina said panicking, catching me while memorizing some of the last papers.
-Mama Burke and Mamo are killing me!
-Burke's mom and my mother! Since they decided to show up and plan a fancy, big, nice wedding, they've not gotten off my back. I am trying on wedding dresses, i am choosing bouquets, i am planning the seating and I don't even care about that! I don't care! Burke wants a whole big fancy wedding, i just want a small gathering. But now I can't do that, because the place is already payed for, a hundred people were invited, and they want to give me a makeover!
-Okay, stop for a second. Take a breath. Where are they?
-Locker room.
-Okay, i will tell them you had to scrub in on a surgery. You hide, and study. The exam is in two days, we need to study as much as we can.
-Thank you! Thank you so much!
-Okay, now i am going. I will buy you 3 hours.
I stepped outside, and ran into the locker room.
-You are one of my daughter's bridesmaids honey, right? - Burke's mother came closer, hugging me, but she put a measure around my waist.
-You will need to try some dresses on! - she started getting enthusiastic. But the truth was that I didn't have time for this either.
-I...I just came to tell you that Christina will be in an OR for a while, and actually, i got to go too. - she blushed as one of the mothers asked her how big she is around her chest.
-Oh, you doctors are so busy. How will you have time for family? - i just agreed and rescued myself as soon as i could, finding Christina in my corner, studying from my notes.
-Done! Those two are hard! - i complained.
-Sorry! - i added when i realized i was talking about her mom.
-Don't be! It's true...When i said yes, i wasn't exactly thinking about this either. But the wedding will be on the weekend. The only things about this that it is over soon. Preston wants it now, moms want it now, and i just want to get over it.
-Good spirit! - i teased.

-Are you ready to go? - Derek asked me, grabbing my hand.
-Yeah...I am...-i snuggled close, and we left the hallways together. As the cold breeze hit me, i turned Derek over, to face me, and he guessed what i wanted, and beat me, pressing his lips to mine. We were standing not far from the front door, and his kiss warmed me enough even in the cold north wind.
-Better now! - i whispered. He pulled me in for another one, and this time, he made sure my bangs were in their right place, and i made sure that...his hair was tangled. If it wasn't, i just tangled it even more with my fingers.
-Even better. - i whispered pulling away again.
-Studied today?
-Yeah...Lot actually.
-Mer you already know everything...
-I..I need to practice.
-Tell me you won't do it when we get home.
-I...I can't say that.
-Take a shower with me. When we get home.
-Can't. Want to, but need to study.
-Mer, you could easily pass now.
-You are just saying that because you are my boyfriend. And my boss's boss.
-No, that's not true. Mer you are good. You are on the way to becoming an extraordinary surgeon.
-You just want to feel me up in the shower.
-Only partly true. - he started the car.
-I do want to feel you up, but it's true. I swear.
-If i quiz you on the way home will you take a shower with me?
-That's ... actually a great idea.
-Okay...- he sighed.
-Can you ask me ob-gyn questions too? - i giggled at him.
-The bases. But better than you would think. - he smiled showing me a cocky smile.

-Mer you answered everything! You are great!
-Yeah...I did know the answers.
-So shower time, now?
-Hey! Bigger enthusiasm! - he acted hurt.
-Soo....a shower? - i stripped off my clothes in front of him in my private bathroom. He came closer as i was half naked on the top, and pressed his lips to mine again heavily. When the heat rose, i mumbled into his mouth.
-Still mhm too muuch clothes... - i melted into his body.
He helped me out of my trousers and my underwear eagerly, and i pulled off his shirt. While i opened the door of the shower, he got out of his pants. He opened the water, and pushed me in with him. I hissed as i felt the freaking cold water on myself. When the water was comfortably warm, i pressed my body against Derek's, and felt the proof that he wanted me. He pushed me against the shower wall, which was still cold. I was ready for the bang my head would feel as i was on the wall, but the back of my neck only found his wet left hand, instead of the cold wall. He pinned me, kissing my neck, but then i quickly made us change the situation, i pinned him to the wall with my much smaller frame. I kissed his neck, his lips, and his shoulder, enjoying his body with the hot water. When we became one, i relaxed under his touch.
My legs were going towards giving up for the third time in the shower, so he held me up at my bottom, my back against the now hot and steamy shower wall. When he pushed me over my edge, i screamed out in pleasure, fully leaning on him, hoping he would hold me. He didn't let go off me, he held me under the hot water in his arms. He was panting too, and I didn't move, i stayed like that, waiting for him to get to the high with me. When he did, he groaned in pleasure, enjoying the after. I still couldn't move my legs, they were shaking like crazy. Like last time. And like before. My legs were always were shaking like crazy.
-We used a whole country's water needs. - i mumbled into his chest, letting the warm water fall over my head.
-Worth it though. - he mumbled back, trying to make me stand for a moment, to turn me around. He let go of me for a moment, but my jello like legs didn't feel stable yet.
-Don't let go of me yet. - i leant against him again.
-Sorry...Never. - he held me.
-I love your shaky legs. - he kissed my cheek.
-Well good for you. I somehow hate that i can't even stand...
-Means did my job great...can't deceive me...
-No need, you make them shake with a look....- i blushed.
-Made them shake only 3 times...
-Yeah, well with this...- i turned around now trusting my legs enough to stand, and shoved my tongue inside of his mouth, biting his tongue, and pulling on it -
-Felt like five...- i whispered, giving him goose-bumps.
-One more won't hurt...- he let his hands roam around.
-You will need to car ..ry me..e - my breath hitched as his hand found that place again...

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