Zola's first steps

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Hi everybody! Please vote because it's so good to see you enjoy reading it! Have fun! Pregnant Mer is coming soon..

-Hey Zo..- i pulled her put of daycare. She immediately grabbed my shoulder, and i soother her back.
-We're gonna go see your daddy's surgery, okay? - i talked to her, while standing out into the hallway, choosing the right direction.
-Let's see..Do you want to push the button? - i asked her, going down a but, so she reached it.
When the doors opened in front of her eyes, they opened big with surprise. I stepped into the small crowd, but as soon as the elevator doors closed, Zola started fussing. I caressed her back, and held her head protectively to my chest. She was just about to start crying, when the machine stopped, letting us out.
-Well, you don't like lifts, do you? - i comforted her, and found OR1s gallery, where a bunch of people were already sitting.
-Mer. - Izzie called my name and lifted an apple juice and a sandwich from an empty chair.
-Thank you. - i smiled at her, taking the food. I put the sandwich in my pocket, and opened the canned apple juice for Zola, pushing the straw inside.
-What did i miss? - i asked her, while letting Zola get the straw.
-Lot. It's nearly over. But you'll see the final cut. Final cord now.- Alex informed me.
-Bailey spent the last two hours with telling me how crappy my life is. But look at her face. - i smiled.
-That cute cheek argues against this. - i added.
-Webber is dangerous and mean. Look at him. Standing there all... - Alex started furiously while thinking of the Chief.
-Webbery? - April guessed.
-What Teddy is doing to Christina is all horrible and mean.
-That's not true. She's a cardio God.
-Having a dead husband is horrible. Teddy has a dead husband. - Jackson thought out loud.
-Teddy's OR is like a morgue. - April dramatized it.
-Logical. Henry died on that table. Payback is a bitch. - Alex shrugged his shoulder.
-Hey! Baby here! - i warned him, and he mumbled a sorry.
-Shut up! I can handle it.
-Two weeks of this must get to you. - i looked at her confused.
-Not a day earlier. - she agreed.
-I am fine. I can handle it.
-He's making the final cut. - i warned them, making Derek the center of my attention.
We watched as he carefully finished the surgery.
-Separation is complete. - Callie nodded, calling the time.
-Shhs! I need to check motor functions. - as they did so, and eventually he nodded, we started applauding. Even Zola clapped her hands, and he was looking at us, smiling.

-How was your lunch break? - Ben asked me, as we were standing above the patient again.
-I was able to grab a sandwich, see my daughter and my husband, catch a record breaking surgery, and still make it back in time. I'd say successful. - i answered proudly.
-Sound like you have it all.
-Finally. - i agreed.
-I've heard enough about lunch. - Bailey ordered.
-Maybe we could grab a drink after the surgery, but i know you have no place for joys in your life. - Ben looked at her, and i pulled my mouth on his comment.
-I focus at work. I'm focused as a laser. That's why I don't make mistakes.
-Dr.Bailey. - a nurse called her name.
-We...don't have a sponge. We've looked everywhere. Except inside of the patient.
Half an hour later, Bailey was looking at the scans.
-Bailey, we need to close. He's been under for too long. - i updated her.
-We can't. This is not something you want on your boards before becoming an attending. - she looked at me seriously.
-Oh God..- i stepped away.
-What Grey? - i looked down at her shoes, and Ben followed it with his eyes.
-Focused as a laser. - he smiled sarcastically.

-This has been a long day...-Derek sighed, as we were sitting in the living room, with Zola between us. We've been building a big castle for an hour now.
-We should walk around with her. To get her to step alone. - Derek suggested.
-I know...But i'm too tired.
-Want to watch the tape from the morning? - he asked me smiling.
-Yeah. - i nodded happily.
-She's definitely gotten bigger. - I looked at her, after watching some of the tape.
-She is growing like a mushroom.
-Derek! - i shouted excited, as i saw Zola walk in front of the television. Her clumsy few steps, which were unstable and small, but a miracle were happening right there and then.
-The camera? Where is the camera? - he jumped up, and grabbed it from the table, opening it quickly. But just as he did, Zola grabbed my leg, holding onto it.
-I missed it! I didn't catch on camera her first steps! - i giggled out, lifting Zola into my lap.
-I'm so proud of you Zozo...-he caressed her face.
-You are an athlete. - i complemented her too.

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