Taking care

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-How is she?
-She will be...Fine... - i nodded.
-Hi, guys. - i greeted everybody else.
-Mer! - Izzie nodded, with George.
-Is she okay? - Callie asked.
-Will be..Just don't stress her. She is better off without him.
-Did he really just...left? - Callie asked me, as i kept standing, because there were no empty chairs left. I leant to the kitchen counter, the whole day's exhaustion starting to wear me out.
-Yeah...Took his stuff. - i answered, rubbing my eyes, messing up my make up too. Derek noticed my exhaustion, and pulled me into his lap. I relaxed under his touch, now leaning to his chest.
-She is sleeping over. So, just be normal. - i looked at Izzie, warning her to not be too kind, and she nodded.
-Mer..-Christina entered the room, still in the some place dirty dress, and her make up all over her face, and her hair tangled.
-Oh great...- she said sarcastically as she saw everybody in the room, watching her.
-I am fine. Really. I just need a towel. - she said sighing.
-I will give her one.- Izzie hopped up to eager to help.
Once they left the room, I turned back to Derek, still in his lap.
-Should i go to the trailer? - he asked me.
-No.. Stay.. - i hugged him, enjoying his warmth. I was still cold, in my summery dress. I forgot my coat in the hospital, and the wind and rain combo isn't the best idea.
-Your cold. - he pulled his fingers from my neck on my bare back.
-So...Will you stay? - i asked him hoping he will.
-Thank you. - i mumbled, grabbing the collar of his shirt, and pulling him in, into my mouth. He accepted it, and opened his mouth for me. His familiar smell comforted me too, and he placed a low-key kiss on my lips, still aware of my friends talking in the corner. He wanted to pull away, but i held him back, not letting go of his chin. He took the sign, and kept the contact between us. He did the same things as i did to him some days ago. Just kept his lips on mine, not kissing, just enjoying the company.
-Hey Juliet! Where will Yang sleep? - Alex asked me, ripping us out of the comfort bubble. I didn't even say anything to the name he called me.
-I don't know. I...have to figure it out. - i got out of Derek's lap.
-I'll go see her. Save us some pasta please. - i asked them, and squeezed Derek's hand one last time, as i got out of his lap.
I walked myself up the stairs, and went into our room. She wasn't in the private bathroom, so i knocked in on the other one.
-Can i come in? - i asked.
-Yeah. - she yelled back, so i opened in. She was standing with a towel around her body and her wet hair on her shoulders.
-There is pasta. Is that okay? - i asked her.
-Do you want to watch a movie, or talk? Or should i just give you some privacy?
-A movie.
-My mother's surgery tapes? Again?
-Okay. - i sighed.
-Mer. - she said.
-Thank you.
-No need. I'm your person, remember? - and she finally gave me a smile.
-I'll sleep on the couch.
-You sure? I can kick Derek out.
-Okay. I will make it for you. - i came out as a i closed the door behind myself.
I entered our room, and chose a sheet and grabbed a pillow with a blanket.
Derek was sitting on the couch, reading a surgery magazine and Izzie was sitting next to Alex, eating some snacks. I saw them from the corner of my eyes, while i was going down the stairs, with all of the stuff inside my hand, still in my long brown dress. I was thinking about having a shower after, when on nearly last step i tripped over my dress, and i slipped, with a big bang. My socks didn't help much, on the carpet it was just more slippery. When i got to the end of the staircase, i was just lying on my stomach.
I saw Derek instantly jump, in sync with Alex, coming towards me.
-Are you okay? - Derek asked and i didn't answer. He pulled me up, holding one of my arms, and Alex holding the other. It felt good that they pulled me up. Izzie was standing in front of me, getting the blankets from me.
-Mer? - he asked again.
-Yeah. I am fine.
-Meredith, are you okay? - Alex asked too.
-Yeah. Really. I just stepped on my dress, and slipped.
-Are you dizzy? - he asked me, sitting me down on the couch.
-Did you hurt anything? - Derek asked.
-Just my knee a little, but it's barely an injury. It's just a chafe. - i shook my head, standing up.
-Do you want to sit down a bit? - Izzie asked me.
-No. I am making the bed for Christina and we are watching a tape. You can watch it too. - i grabbed the sheet out of Izzie's hands.
-Hey, not that fast! You're bleeding.- Derek held my hand, as i stood up.
-I am fine. Okay. Really. She just needs me today, and it's about her.
-Are you lying?
-No. I promise. Trust me, please. - i begged him with my eyes.
-I will help you with those. - Izzie nodded towards the pile of pillows.
-Thanks! - we quickly pulled put the coach out, and i put the sheet on. Izzie did the blankets, and i arranged the pillows.
-I'll get a bandage. - Alex stood up, making his way towards the kitchen cabinet.
-Here. - he passed them to Derek, who sat me down, pulling up my dress, revealing my knee.
-Derek, i am not a kid. I can put a bandage on!
-Let him! - Izzie stood on his side. I watched ah he carefully wiped my blood with a tissue, making my leg clean, and stick it on the small injury.
-Thanks. Good hands. - i smiled at him.
-Nice to have a doctor boyfriend, huh? - he joked, and helped me up.
-I'll go and pack in the kitchen. . - i told them. When the dishes were clean enough, I climbed up the stairs, feeling the bruise on my knee slightly making it more difficult. As i closed the door of the room, i undressed, and threw everything into the corner. I entered the bathroom, just to find Derek already in the shower.
I opened the door of the shower, scooping in next to him. He shared the hot water with me. Recognizing without words, that today i needed another type of caring. He turned me over, and pressed some of that lavender shampoo on his hands, massaging it into my scalp. I immediately relaxed under his touch. When my hair was floating in bubbles, i pressed some of his shampoo on my hands, now making him relax. We washed it off together, and he got out first, handing me my towel, and i took it gratefully. I put on my pajama pants, and a T-shirt. I secretly stole one of Derek's long-sleeves, and pulled it on. I took in his usual sense, and wondered down the stairs following him. I saw Christina with a bowl of popcorn in her hands sitting in her bed. Alex was sitting in the wing-chair, and Izzie was sitting on the side of his chair, laughing about something. They seemed to be getting closer and closer as i have noticed in the past. Actually as i thought about it, i haven't heard Izzie talk about any guys since Denny. And Alex was now definitely over Ava. I scooped in next to Christina, letting Derek get in next to me. I was sitting between them.
-Are we waiting for George or Callie? - I asked.
-Callie went home, and George will join us, i guess.
-Okay. Did you chose one?
-Laparoscopic technique on several patients. - she answered smiling.
-See you feel better Yang. - Alex teased.
I leant against Derek with my back, and i felt his even breathing. The tape started.
-Nice shirt! - he mumbled into my ear. I giggled at his answer, and snugged a little closer. During the first part of the film i was paying attention, but i kept dozing off. Keeping my eyes open was a challenge after the first fifteen minutes, and i decided with my foggy brain to let the pull which was promising, get me. I felt the exhaustion wash over me, and i was out.
I kept my head on Derek's shoulder, and leant against him.

-Is that her? - Alex asked hearing a deep sound come out of somewhere.
-Yeah. - Christina answered.
-It's only half past nine.
-Does she always snore this loud? - Alex turned to Derek.
-Most of the time. - he confessed, looking at his loudly snoring girlfriend.
-Dude, how do you sleep?
-Got used to it. But first i used earplugs.
-She is actually drooling. - Christina took a closer look.
-I can't even hear the tape from her. - Izzie laughed whispering.
-I'll take her upstairs. - Derek got up, smiling at the sight. He scooped Meredith in his arms, letting her head fall onto his shoulder, and easily picked her up. Her small figure didn't even move, kept snoring.
-Goodnight! - he said goodbye with his girlfriend in his arms.
-Goodnight! - they said in sync.
As Derek disappeared on the stairs, Meredith's friends continued talking.
-Burke wasn't like this, was he? - Christina asked.
-Did you want him to be like this?
She kept thinking about the question, and finally came to an answer.
-I always make fun of them, but it'd have been great if he was a little like Shepherd. - she sighed.
-Little more caring. I mean look at them. He won't leave her again ever. Tangled in each other. I think Burke wanted a wife, kids. Not me. - she said opening up, with a hardcore look-on her face.
-Shepherd wants her no matter what.. I mean she was drooling on his shirt, and he looked at her with that...fishy face.
-Will you miss Burke? - Izzie asked making her the subject again.
-I ... yeah ... sometimes. - hearing the answer Izzie scooped next to her, changing places, and hugged her, against her will.

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