Meeting Derek's sisters I.

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-Shepherd. - Bailey turned back at the last minute to him.
-Lipstick on your neck. - she mocked him. I looked there. And it was true.
-Sorry. - i smiled apologetically at him, but giggled out, and closed the door.
-So..I need help. Please. - i said to them as they were sitting in my dressing room, while Lexie rearranged my hair a bit.
-What did you do that it's so messy? - she asked me.
-What do you think she did? - Izzie asked back sarcastically.
-Now, Mer? - Lexie pulled the corner of her mouth up.
-Witnessed it. - Callie told them, giving me out.
-Hey! You are not the one the talk! And neither are you! And it's hard to resist him. When he shows his Mcdreamy look. And smile. And today i don't want to..- i turned to Christina.
-Do i want to know? - Bailey asked sighing.
-I don't think so...-Callie answered for us.
-Yeah, skater girl? - Christina turned to her, getting back at her, and i saw Callie stay quiet for a minute.
-She is coming, isn't she? - i asked her, turning my head a bit.
-Yeah. - she nodded.
-Keep cool! - Lexie warned me.
-I need help. - i stated. Again.
-In what? - Bailey asked back, and i earned a curious look from Callie too.
-I'm meeting Derek's sisters today. Two of them for the first time. And Carolyn likes me. I know she does. But how do i act?
-You could try keeping your knees shut. - Christina said to me teasing.
-Grey, they are going to like you. Even if you do something stupid. And they'll see that you love each other. - Bailey told me, and i was surprised at her encouragement.
-And if they say something mean, we can call them names. - Izzie shrugged her shoulder, but i just sighed at the comment.

A little later, i was standing with perfect hair again, but still simple and natural. My make up was in a bit worse shape than before, but i didn't let them replace anything, just the lipstick. My friends were sitting and talking, as i was still in the yoga pants, and Derek's clothes, leaving the dress for the last minute. I heard a knock at the door, and looked at them.
-They're here. - i shew them a nervous look.
-It's okay. Calm down. - Lexie told me.
-And open the door. - Callie nodded. I stepped to the brown wood door, and opened it. It revealed Derek, standing in front of me, looking ridiculously handsome.
-Hey. - i greeted him, and then shot a look to the small crowd behind him.
-Meredith, it's so nice to see to again!  - Carolyn broke out of them, and immediately pulled me into a hug. I hugged her back, actually happy to see a familiar face between them, who I knew didn't hate me.
-Yeah! Come in. - I opened the door for them.
-So. - Derek stepped next to me, and held my hand. I was feeling pretty inferior next to them. All of them in nice, pretty clothes, even my friends, just me still being in his hoodie. Oh God! Meredith, not a good idea! In his clothes before them for the first time... - it ran through my brain.
-You've already met Amelia and Nancy. - he nodded towards them.
-They are Kathleen, and Liz. - he introduced everybody.
-Hi! Nice to meet you! - i smiled at them.
-Yeah, you too! - Kathleen answered cheerfully.
-Girls...- Derek sighed.
-She is Meredith.
-I thought maybe we could have a cup of coffee. - Carolyn suggested, as i accepted it, and i felt his sisters curious looks at myself, and my friends' curious ones too on my back. The only thing is, that they were curious in a different way.
-Yeah, why not? I know there is a coffee machine, and then maybe you could see the aisle. - Derek let them out in front of ourselves, and i heard Lexie and Christina run up to us from behind, joining. I thanked her with a look, and squeezed Derek's hand, telling him with signals that i am kind of nervous.
-How was your flight? - i asked them as we settled down, after Derek pulled the chair out for me, and i thanked him with a whisper.
-It would've been better if someone wasn't sitting next to me the whole time...talking. - Amelia sighed, as she looked at Nancy, with an irritated look.
-So you grew up in Seattle? - Nancy asked me, ignoring the comment.
-Yeah. I was here most of the time. We moved to Boston once, but i came back for med school. - i answered honestly as he still didn't let go of my hand.
-And what kind of a doctor are you again? - she asked back.
-Third year resident now. I'm planning on becoming a general surgeon. I've heard your all doctors too. Derek told me a lot about you.
-Really? Only good things, right? - I caught Amelia's sassy look, and as our eyes connected, i already felt a bond with her. Maybe because we've already met once. She was very sympathetic.
-Only good. - Derek assured them.
-And what about your family? - Nancy asked again, raising her eyebrows.
-She is my sister....Half sister. Sister. Lexie. And my best friend, Christina. - i introduced the girls who sat next to me.
-It's a pleasure to see you again, Mrs.Shepherd! - Lexie smiled at her.
-You too dear! Can you bear Mark? - she asked joking.
-Yeah. He's a gentleman..But don't tell him that. He'd tease me forever. - she giggled with Carolyn.
-And what about your mother? Or father? - she kept grilling me, but i shifted uncomfortably in my seat.
-Nancy. - Derek said to her in a warning voice, but i ignored it, trying to answer without hesitating what i should share.
-Uhm...My dead., well, it's difficult. - i finished.
-And where - she started again, but Kathleen interrupted her.
-Cut her some slack, Nance! - i thanked her with a shy smile.
-I'm sorry, i'm just trying to get to know her! I need to know her if she's marrying Derek, and i can't if i don't ask questions! I only heard that the Grey sisters are charming our brother. And Mark. Mark Sloan, who never had a stable relationship! And Derek after Addison!
-Nancy, dear, drink your coffee, please! - her mother asked her, and looked at me apologetically.
-Are you a doctor too? - Liz asked Lexie.
-Yeah. I'm at the end of internship soon.
-Mer, i have to go back to Bailey, and help them set up some things. Find me later! - Christina said goodbye, and stood up from the table. I looked at Derek, trying to find some comfort in his eyes, and he used that one moment where his sisters looked after my best friend, and kissed me cheek.
-Meredith? - Amelia asked, and i turned to her happy to know that something better is coming. And luckily, i wasn't wrong.
-Can i call you Mer? I heard that your friends call you that. And Derek does too, but if you don't -
-Sure. - i nodded, a hundred per cent happy with her request.
-Derek, what is with that house plans of yours? - her mother asked nicely, sending me a warm look.
-It's done. Beautiful. Absolutely beautiful. We're moving in next week. - he answered.
-Did you make him sell that trailer? - Liz asked back.
-Mom told me she likes the trailer. - Amelia said, answering instead of me.
-See? I'm not the only one who likes it. - Kathleen looked at me for conformation, and i nodded agreeing.
-Let her answer...-Nancy groaned.
-Do you all live in New York? - i asked them.
-I live in New Jersey. With Tim, and the kids. - Kathleen answered.
-You have two sons, and a girl, right? - i asked her, reminding myself of the conversation which Derek and I had about her.
-Yeah. You're good. - she complemented me, and i finally decreased the grip i had on Derek's fingers. He moved his hand to my thighs, resting it there.
-I'm sorry, this is totally random... - Amelia started.
-God...-Nancy murmured under her breath.
-But may i ask what you use for your hair? It seems so fresh and wavy.
-Oh...Thanks..Lexie did it.- i put her in spotlight. Her cheeks became pink as everyone looked at her, but she didn't block. She and Amelia started having a talk about how to get heatless curls, finding the sympathy as soon as they looked at each other. It seemed easy with her.
-And where is this magic house? - Nancy asked, but Liz pushed her arm a little.
-Near the coast. Actually there's a lake too. - i answered, giving some plus points for myself, for the putting together a sentence, this quickly.
-Did he make you obsessed with those boats too? - Kathleen asked.
-Ferries. - we corrected her with Derek at the same time, and to be honest,i knew it before he said it. We made eye contact, as we finished the word, and he smiled at me, pulling me close to himself. I leant against his chest, as a i felt him take normal breaths, his rising body.
-He's infected her. - Liz turned to her.
-You know, he's always had those dreamy eyes, didn't he, Mer? - Lexie joined them smiling wide, teasing me about out earlier conversation.
-I really like you. - Amelia told her, and i felt the heat rush into my cheeks this time, and i turned red under a second.
-Blushing really runs in your family. - Liz said to me, smiling at us.
-Yeah, now i believe they are sisters. - Kathleen laughed out a bit too.
-Maybe it's their thing. Like good looking doctors run in our family. - Amy chuckled.
-That's not the only thing they have in common. - i heard Mark's voice, and then he appeared  too, standing behind Lexie. As they sisters got distracted again for a minute, and got up to hug him, Derek lifted my head.
-Hey. You're doing great. And you're beautiful. I love these pants..- he mumbled into my ear.
-Yeah, well, if you do anything while they're here, i won't wear them. Ever. Again. - i told him, and in response, he just got me on the lips for a brief, quick kiss, hidden from everybody. He caressed my face, and held my back, and my fingers were tangled in his hair. But only for a rapid moment. A hidden one. Or i thought it was hidden. When i looked up, and sat back down, i met Liz's, and Nancy's eyes, and i looked down as quickly as i could. But i knew Derek didn't. He kept the contact with them, while his hand was on my back, under my shoulder. Standing by me.

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