Susan's funeral & drunk Thatcher

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I got up at the sound of the alarm clock. Derek was hugging me from the back. Today was the day of Susan's funeral. Molly invited me and Derek to it, and it started at 9 am.
-I don't want to get out. - i whispered to him.
-It can be a closure, if you want it to be one. You can get past...everything that has happened. - he mumbled sleepily into my ears. 4 days have passed since Susan died, and Thatcher still blamed me. My face recovered easily, and my soul was only on the way of recovery.
-How can you be so handsome and right too? - i asked him, messing up his perfect hair with my fingers in it. He just chuckled at my answer. He really had helped me to get over my deep point, and kept his promises. He stood next to me. I was now even more sure that i love him. I didn't want to be separated from him. I pecked his sweet lips with mine, in a short kiss, and got out of bed. Izzie had ironed a black dress for me the day before, with Derek's black shirt. Now both of them were hanging on the wardrobe's wall.
We got dressed. Derek zipped my dress at the back, and i helped him arrange his tie.
-Good morning! - i said politely to Alex.
-You look good! - he complemented me.
-Thank you! - i sighed, and took a spoonful of muesli.
-Hey, Mer! - Izzie entered.
-Dr.Shepherd! - she nodded against Derek.
-Izzie, you don't have to call me Dr.Shepherd outside the hospital. - he offered.
-I...Okay, thanks. - she smiled at him, accepting it.
-George? - i asked them.
-At work. Last day without interns. Are you excited?
-I mean...yeah. Do you need a ride?- i asked.
-I was on-call, so i only have to be there at noon.
-Then it's only us. - i turned to Derek.
-Are you ready? - he asked me.
-Yeah...I think so.

-You know, you don't have to do this. - i turned to him at the elevator of the hospital. We came here first, to pick up some things from Derek's office.
-Yeah, i do. You don't have to go alone.
-Thank you. I really appreciate it. Everything in the last few days. - i looked at him relieved.
He kissed me in response, and the doors opened.
-See you here in five minutes. - he said to me, and walked towards his office.
-Mer, guess what? - Christina jumped in front of me.
-I am doing a heart surgery! Alone!
-Are you leaving now?
-Yeah. Waiting for Derek.
-Take care! - she said, as i saw Derek appear.
-Okay, i'll be fine.
-Meredith! - George turned towards me.
-George, i gotta go.
-Your dad. - she pointed behind me. I turned around seeing Thatcher there.
-Hey. I...I..I was just on my way - i started, but he interrupted me.
-No...I..I came here to tell you, you are not wanted. - i could smell the alcohol coming from his whole body. It was so strong, the whole floor could've smelled it. I felt Derek step protectively next to me.
-I don't want you at any funeral Meredith!
-Thatcher, why don't you - Richard started, deciding it was time to step up.
-She trusted you! She came to you for help, and you killed her! - he nearly yelled.
-You killed my wife. You did! You took her from me! - the smell of alcohol kept getting
stronger and stronger as he came closer. Derek pulled me back a little, so there was space between my father and me.
-Dad! - Molly appeared in the background.
-So, so I don't want to see you! I don't want to hear from you! And i do not want you anywhere near her funeral! You understand me? - he came closer, following me. As he started getting frustrated i felt my eyes become teary, and Richard was standing at one side of me, and Derek on the other, both staring at me.
-Dad, Lexie is waiting in the car. We have to go now! Dad! - Molly pulled on his arm.
-She was everything to me. She was all i had! And you killed her! - my first tears escaped my eyes.
-She was all i had. - he repeated it looking into Richard eyes, and then once again into Derek's eyes. My friends were all staring at him, and me. I felt their eyes burn my back from behind. The elevator dinged, and i kept standing there, quietly letting out some tears. I clenched onto Derek's hand, and he turned me towards himself.
-Mer. Mer look at me. Please. - he asked begging me to look into his eyes. When i did as he told so, he continued.
-He is drunk. He is drunk, and even himself doesn't believe what he is saying. You did nothing wrong, okay? - i nodded, and hugged him, hiding my head from the curious looks in the crook of his neck. When i couldn't see everybody staring at me, i allowed myself to let out some more tears, into his neck. He stroked my back, while i was still hugging him, rapping my hands around his neck. After a few minutes, i let go of him, and straightened myself. 
-I am okay. - i looked at him, and he wiped my tears with his thumb
-You're okay. - he confirmed, and squeezed my hand.
-Can i ask you out on an OR date? - he asked, making me laugh. I sniffled my nose and nodded. He always found a way to make me smile.
-Can he? - i turned to the chief who was still standing on my other side, looking at me worried.
-On a what? - he asked back.
-OR date. - Derek answered instead of me, pulling the hair out of my face.
-What the hell is that?
-A surgery where both of us scrub in. He as an attending, and me as a resident. It's like a date, but in the OR. - i explained to him, quietly.
-Yeah, why not? - he sighed, giving us permission.
-I am going to change, and wash my face. - i sighed, letting go of his hand. I turned around still with red eyes, but feeling slightly better, towards the locker room, and my friends joined me on the way.

-Shepherd. - Richard said, calling Derek's name.
-Yeah, Richard?
-Is she really okay?
-She is on the way to being okay. - he nodded.
-But Thatcher just...always shows up and does something that upsets her. - he continued.
-And Shepherd...
-You are serious with her, right? I guess she really loves you. She doesn't need someone else hurting her...
-Chief, she is...she is unbelievable...I am not leaving her.
-Good. That's good. But those OR dates...
-Didn't need to know about them? -he asked back smiling.
-Well, kind of...- he laughed too.

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