Baby shower

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-Oh, are you joking? - the heard the door's crack, and in the next moment it flew open, revealing Christina's head. The covers flew under my chin, thanks to Derek's quick reflexes.
-What the heck are you doing? - she came closer shutting the door.
-Uhm...- i pulled the corner of my mouth awkwardly.
-We were napping. - Derek helped me out, his voice coming out a bit irritated.
-Yeah, napping! Naked in the bed with him, you were napping! Do you want me to believe that Mcdreamy? - Christina raised her eyebrow.
-You were the one who asked. - i smiled at her, while snuggling close to his chest, closing my eyes for a second, while his hand slipped over my body, locking us close.
-Stop right there! You are getting up! Now! - she snapped.
-He wanted me to sleep. Berry. - i cleared my point.
-So we slept. - i added.
-You know, this is ironic! You got screwed and i kept listening to Izzie and your sister keep coming up with problems about whether there should be blue candles on the cake or that you don't need candles.
-I don't need candles. - i muttered.
-Hey, it's just candles. - Derek tried comforting me.
-Derek! - i told him while, Christina shot a 'Shepherd' to him at the same time.
-'Kay..- he apologized defensively, and his fingers slipped under my stomach, wondering on top of my thighs, as i started breathing heavily.
-Stop. - i mumbled, catching his hand, sure i wouldn't be able to bear keeping quiet.
-Whoa, Mcdreamy, you're getting too close! Hands out! - Christina noticed our secret play.
-I am getting up..- he sighed, ready to sit up.
-Wait! - Christina stopped him.
-So i need to stay? What a pity...- he sunk back to bed, knowing in advance that this would be her reaction.
-I will tell you what you are doing! I leave and close the door. You get her out and help her dress properly. Same goes for you! - she pointed at me, obviously seeing our secret looks.
-Put them on, do you hear me? On! If you don't, i will barge in in 15 minutes! Naked or not!
-And you! You were supposed to be here to wake her up! So you stop whining! And get out!
-Brush you hair, his mother will be here in like 10, and i can see that you were just laid! - she sighed warningly.
-I already did it! - i opposed.
-Should've thought before! - she smirked, closing the door behind herself.
-10 minutes? - i nearly jumped out of bed, awfully quickly even with my ball big belly.
-Calm down! - he asked me, crawling out.
-Your sisters will be here. And my father. Oh God, why did i let them invite my father? And Chief. Shoot...- i stepped to the closet to choose an outfit.
-It's fine. I'll be with you.

When i found my hair quite alright, and chose to wear a purple dress, which fit my shape, i let him drag me out of the bathroom.
-Are you ready? - he-asked me, as he opened the door wide, letting me out.
-Mhm. - i nodded.
-You are pretty. Really pretty. Purple always suited you. - he complemented my dress.
-Thank you. - i accepted it, chewing on my lip as i took his hand.
-Stop worrying. This is our...shower. Or what Stevens calls it. In our house. If you want to, we will kick them out. - he joked, leading me down the stairs.
-Mer! - Lexie greeted me with a big dose of enthusiasm, as we reached the last step of the stairway.
-Mummy! - Zola came running to me, nearly tripping over.
-Zozo! - i opened my arms towards her.
-Did you do all this? - i asked, picking her up, as i kept eye contact with Izzie and Lexie, after scanning the living room quickly.
-I helped!
-This is beautiful! You are talented! - i listened to her giggle, while i held her close to myself, seeking comfort from her, as i felt Derek's arms supporting me on my back.
-Come! They are already here! - Izzie pulled us into the kitchen, which was filled with our relatives and friends.
-Crap. - i muttered as i saw the crowd of people.
-It's okay. - Derek stayed behind me.
-It's so nice to see you again, Meredith! - she hugged me, and then took over Zola, hugging Derek too.
-Look at you! Can I...? - she motioned her hand closer.
-Of course. - i smiled lightly, nodding. She placed her hand on my lower abdomen.
-When is your due date? - i heard Nancy's voice from behind.
-Three weeks. - i answered.
-Do i get a hello? - Derek made her look at him, but instead Liz hugged him.
-Our big bro is kind of having another baby soon? - Amelia appeared.
-Hi, Amelia! - i greeted her.
-You can call me Amy.
-You let her call you Amy? And what is kind of? - Derek questioned her.
-You don't even let me call you Amy!
-You know, pregnant surgeons get the opportunity. But only the nice ones. She is the one who needs to push your son out! - she winked at me.
-She likes you more than she does me. - Derek stood out from the middle of the doorway, to let people flood through, with the leading of Zola's little frame, closely followed by Carolyn.
-Meredith...i am...happy to see you. - i heard my father's voice.
-We'll give you some time. - Kathleen took the hint, pulling her sisters out of the way.
-Uhm...yeah. You too. - i told him.
-Thank you...for the invitation.
-You are welcome. - i nodded, as Derek's arms were wrapped protectively around me.
-This place is really nice.
-Thank you. How is...Danielle?
-She's good. More than good actually.
-Zola has grown a lot.
-Yeah. She is just like a mushroom. - i smiled, letting my mind wonder off to our memories with her.
-Do you have a name yet? - he looked at me stomach between us. Not yet. - i answered, running out of idea to talk about.
-What's up with Molly? - Derek saved me.
-She's been back to work. For some time now. Laura is still in kindergarten. - he smiled.
-I'll go say hi to the others...I'll see you. Hope so.- i nodded.
-Sure, yeah. Go. - he stood out of the way.
-Grey, when are you popping this baby, again? - Bailey caught me.
-In three weeks. - Derek bragged.
-Proud dads. - she sighed.
-Are you on maternity leave?
-What? Of course not! I can work!
-Are you serious? - she looked at Derek.
-We've been through this. She won't stop until he is born. Apparently she'd miss out on a lot.
-Grey, what if he wants to come out in the middle of a surgery?
-Then Lexie takes over. Or Christina. Or April. And why would he come then? - i chuckled, seeing clearly Bailey's worried face.

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