Izzie needs help

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When i walked down into the kitchen after some good minutes of hugging Derek collecting energy to face today, i found Izzie sitting in one place, not moving, just drinking some water.
Christina was sitting next to her,without saying a word. I nodded, accepting the invitation to the quiet club, showing my approval and caring by actions, not words. I made some eggs for Izzie, and boiled her some tea. When she took it gracefully i knew it was worth it. Fighting for her. With her. When we got out of the car in front of the hospital, Derek following the three of us from behind, we made our way to the front door. As soon as we got in Bailey found us, taking the opportunity to flood us with tasks. I interrupted her mid-talk.
-We're not working today.
-W..what? Grey, i don't see you being on vacation, so you're working.
-Miranda, they're off duty today. - Derek backed us up, as we held Izzie's hand on two sides with Christina. Even she held her hands, when she hated physical contact.
-Shepherd, i don't see you being chief. They are working today. So you have two minutes to change into scrubs, and i'll see you in the pit or you won't meet -
-I have a tumor. - Izzie said with a straight face.
-I have a tumor. And i need them. So today they are visitors. - Izzie said telling the truth.
-Stevens, what the hell are you talking about? This is not a joke.
-Dr.Bailey, i have an inoperable tumor. And let's face it, it isn't looking good for me. So i need them. Today. Off work.- she said with teary eyes, and i saw Bailey's face transform immediately.
-Yang, is she? - Bailey asked her.
-We need to talk to the chief. - she excused us, leading all three of us towards the elevators, to get to Chief's office.

-she excused us and we left a shocked and confused Bailey standing there in front of the elevators. I turned back to Derek and mouthed:
-I'll find you. - to him and he nodded.
An hour later we were sitting in an exam room which was personally set up only for Izzie. She was lying in a hospital gown, and we were sitting around her, surrounding her, keeping company and trying to turn her attention to something else. Alex has also arrived and after we gave them some privacy with Christina we barged in. I saw both of their eyes slightly red, reminding me of the situation constantly.
-Mer. Can you give me my bag?
-Sure. - i handed her it. She took out a big dossier of papers.
-Could you give it to Derek? Please. He is the doctor on my case. - she asked me and i nodded with an of course. She was asking me politely to leave. I knew that she was grateful for us, but I understood her. I would've needed some alone time with Derek too.
-Chris, don't you want to come with me? - i raised my head to look at her, realising the eager need Alex had, to spend some more time just with Izzie. He was half lying in bed next to her, keeping her fragile figure in his hold. Izzie seemed more relaxed with his arms wrapped around her, and she arched her back into the comfort he was providing for her. Christina followed my eyes taking a quick look at them.
-I...'kay. - she sighed, and i caught Alex's thankful look. When we stepped outside Christina turned to me.
-Where is Derek?
-Uhm..I don't know. I'll page him to the basement.
-Meredith. Do you think Izzie will survive?
-I...hope so. - i answered her question while paging Derek.
-Owen wants a relationship. The vanilla relationship. Where he sleeps over and brings me coffee and i leave my toothbrush at his place and we go to Joe's together.
-And don't you? You like him. He likes you back. Isn't that enough?
-Hey. You're not the one who gets to say that. Plus you have a vanilla relationship with Derek.
-Right. Just one thing. I...I think you should do it. He is different than Burke. So don't say no because you're afraid. And - i made her keep in what she wanted to say.
-I know i'm still not the one to talk, but.. i am glad i did it. Maybe you'd be too. - she just sighed at what i said.
-Hey! What's up? - Derek asked me as i pulled him into a hug.
-Sit. - i told him, and i sat in between him and Christina.
-Scans. - pulled out the files. As i opened it i saw a bunch of MRIs, and films, test results with notes pinned to them. Izzie's handwritten notes, about her problems, hallucinations and experiences. As we read through them carefully i saw what she was talking about. If she was a normal patient we'd probably tell her that she has a small chance of surviving. And that she has one option. A risky surgery. On her inoperable tumor. There's the chance that she dies. With the surgery. But without the surgery too. Soon. Or memory loss. Or hundreds of other opportunities.
-Wow. - Christina lay down on the bed that we were currently sitting on.
-Yeah. - Derek agreed.
-Her only option is the surgery. But it's...dangerous.
-Worse than living for half a year and slowly waiting for it to tear her apart? - i asked saying what all of us thought.
-Will she choose it? - she asked.
-I...I would. I wouldn't want to be a vegetable. - i told them.
-I would too.
-Derek? - i asked him for his opinion.
-I'm..not sure. But i'm sure that if she chooses the surgery we need to do it soon. Really soon. Or it gets worse. Quickly. Would she want me to operate?
-Yeah. - i held his hand for a moment, and leant with my back to his chest. I closed my eyes processing everything that had happened in the last 24 hours.
-We need to talk to her. - he stood up after he pressed a nice kiss into my hair, taking in my usual lavender essence. I took his held out hand, and we made our way over to her room.

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