Drowning 1

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When i woke up in the morning, at the alarm clock that just went off, tangled with Derek, i smiled even though i was exhausted.
-Mornin'. - i stopped the alarm clock.
-I am so tired...- i said running my fingers through his hair.
-You kept me up all night...
-You weren't insisting, as i remember...
-Resenting you? Never...- he answered pulling me out of bed, into the shower.

I walked down into the kitchen, greeting Izzie and George as always.
-Morning. - i said with a huge smile.
-And the sleepless nights are back. - Izzie sighed turning to George.
-Heard the bet is over. - George looked at me.
-Hey! No teasing!
-All we get is teasing. We are up all night, we get to tease you...- George said.
-Morning! - Derek came in, hugging me from the back, looking at my friends, as he kissed into my neck.
-Hey! None of that here! You've done that all night! - Izzie warned us.
-Stop with the teasing!
-Maybe if you were less loud...- Derek smirked at me.
-Hey! You weren't protesting!
-Not so quiet yourself, Dr.Shepherd...-Izzie mumbled into her mug.
-Ha! Cannot say anything! - I pointed my finger at him.
-You are giving us a ride...to make up for the night... - Izzie gave us a look.
-And not make out...- George turned around, leaving.

When we got to the hospital, Bailey and Mark were talking at the nurses's station with Christina and Alex next to them. Oh no! - it went through my brain. All of them in one place...Awkward...I shot Derek a look, and he just calmed me down with another one.
-Won't let it go too far . - he sent the message with his eyes, as i nodded.
Of course, we had to pass the station to get to the elevators.
-Morning. - i said politely.
-The bet is over. - Christina pronounced looking at us.
-Hey, how do you know? I was there all night. - Izzie said.
-With me...-George sighed.
-You know, just look at her...Energy is there...Mer walks strangely....- he whispered to Izzie, but i think Mark heard it. - I turned red, when everyone looked at me including Bailey and Mark, and I immediately let go of Derek's hand.
-So how many days were this? - Alex asked.
-I think...eight. - Christina answered pulling out a sheet.
-Bailey...You won... - Mark turned to her surprised. - as i became even more embarrassed.
-Bailey-knows-everything. - she said the words proudly, as we were kids.
-Okay. No more betting! Not your business, so no more betting. And keep it down inside of the hospital. - Derek turned to all of them, pulling me out of the circle, into a non-busy corner.
-Thank you...- i said gratefully, hugging him.
-Betting on us is not right.
-They won't do it anymore. - i said.
-Hopefully. - i added.
-I have a surgery. Will you be okay?
-Yeah. Fine.
-Meredith fine or really fine?
-Fine. Really. Now go.
-Love you.
-Love you too.

-Grey, Stevens, O'malley, get in an ambulance. There was an accident at the dock. Yang, you are staying here with Karev, and helping to manage the incoming traumas. Now everybody move! Grab a kit, put your names on your coats, and hurry! They need as much help as as they can get, as soon as they can! - Bailey pushed the three of us into a car.
-How can two ferries crash? - George asked us.
-They go with like three miles an hour! - Izzie added.
I zoned out, listening to the two of them, and just concentrating on our tasks when we get to the dock. Help as much people as we can. When the doors opened i switched into my doctor mode, and hopped off, trying to stand in the chaos. I spotted a little girl standing next to a man, further away from the cars. She was staring, looking in the distance. I ran to her, passing several victims, who were all being treated.
-Hi. My name is Meredith. I am a doctor. Are you hurt? - i asked the blondie. She couldn't be older than five. She shook her head.
-Is that man your relative? - i asked, while kneeing in front of the passed out man, at the end of the dock, in front of the sea. I saw her shake her head again. The man's leg was bleeding too quickly, and i tried stopping it. He will probably lose it by the time he gets to the hospital. I thought to myself. That's when i realized that the girl was still looking.
-Turn around! You shouldn't see this. - she obligated, and turned around. I was treating the man's leg, but i had only two hands. I needed more than two to open a package of gauze. My only idea was to ask the girl to help me.
-Don't turn around! Just open the package, that bag, and please hand me the gauze. It's  white, and looks like a towel. Could you do that for me? This man really needs it. - she did as i told her to, and handed it to me. That's when the man woke up, and started strumming with his hands in every direction. I was kneeling in front of the man, and he hit me hard. The next thing i knew was that i was screaming from the top of my lungs, while i was crossing the space between the dock and the water. The water was freezing cold, and on the way to the water i hit my head hard into the wooden stairs. I was really dizzy, and the water was like ice. I couldn't move. My senses went blank. I thought of Derek, as motivation to swim, my friends, and that girl on the dock. My head spun crazily, i ran out of oxygen, and a last scream left my throat. I tried swimming, but the dizziness got worse, and everything suddenly went black.

I think this chapter is a bit short, sorry for that. Meredith fell into the water, and she can't move. The next chapter is from a third person's view. I usually don't like that, but Meredith won't be awake for a while, so we need it. Continue please, and leave a rating!
Thank you :))

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