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I woke up with a strange feeling in my stomach, even before my alarm clock went off. I sighed getting out, and I immediately ran to the toilet, clinging over it, barely getting there in time. As nearly everything came up from my stomach, i kept my eyes shut, waiting for it to stop. Luckily everybody in the house was still asleep, and i hoped it could stay that way. When i felt like i was done, i stood up, and flushed the toilet with it's disgusting elements in it. I looked into the mirror, and saw my white colored face looking back at me. I splashed some cold water on myself, and closed my bathroom door behind myself. I pulled of my shorts, and panties at the same time, stepping into my bathtub, spending the time i had left until waking up with a bath, hoping it could make me feel better.
After half an hour i got out, feeling slightly better.
-Hi Iz - i said walking down, greeting her.
-Mer. - she said.
-Are you going into the hospital today?
-Yeah. Muffins? - she asked handing me one of the boxes.
-Mhm..No...Thanks...-my stomach flipped at the thought.
-What? Are you okay?
-You sure? Meredith Grey doesn't want any chocolate muffins?
-Yeah...Now let's go already. We are gonna be late.

When we got to the locker room, I instantly grabbed the pepto bismol i had in there, for occasions like this. I sat down and started drinking it without stopping, holding it tightly.
-Mer you okay? You're drinking it like it's tequila. -Christina asked me.
-Yeah i am just feeling a little off. - again, my stomach did a flip at the mention of tequila, i said finishing the bottle, and standing up clinging my locker room, because i felt dizzy.
-Let's get moving people! I have been on call since 2 am , and i am not in the mood right now! Get your asses out of here! -Bailey flung the door open.
We quickly followed her, but at the corner of the hallway, i felt dizzy again, so i suddenly stopped grabbing my stomach.
-Woman troubles? - Christina asked.
-No...Men troubles.
-Mcdreamy and the vet are making you sick?
-Yeah, i think so...I just need to make a choice... Finn or Derek, Derek or Finn...
-Yang, you update on the patient! Go on! - Bailey said catching us.
While everybody stood around the bed, i quietly sat down next to the wall, trying to calm down, taking deep breaths, and trying to beat the dizziness.
-Grey, you okay? - Our resident asked.
-Yeah...I just need to make a choice. That's all. - i answered hopping down onto a bench, holding my head, while the other interns were standing outside of the next patient's door. When i kept looking down, i noticed two black shoes, and i immediately recognized them.
That's when Derek lifted my chin with his hands.
-You okay Mer?
-Yeah, i am fine. How is your day so far?
-Not the best...I am clipping an aneurysm, and i am confronting surgeons, apparently.
I nodded with a strong dizziness in my head, and tried keeping down, what was trying to come up. I swallowed once, and that's when i knew it was gonna fail. I heard George shout:
-Mr.Sullivan don't light that! - but that's when i lost it, and it all just came back up, in front of me in the middle of the hallway, nearly on Derek's shoes. When i came to my senses again, i saw the puddle in front of me, and i felt Derek's hand rubbing my back, and saw Christina handing me a cup of water.
-Drink this. - i took it thankfully, and drank just a bit of it, standing up, still holding Derek's arm with my left, and grabbing Christina's with my right, to steady myself.
-Mer, are you okay?
-Yeah, I'm sure it's just a bug. I am fine.- i said while they walked me to the nurses statiton.
-Are you sure? You look beautiful, but you don't look fine.
-Just go! I'll be okay. You have an aneurysm to clip and surgeons to confront. Right Chris? - i turned towards her, however still not letting go of her arm, because i didn't trust myself with my balance yet.
-Yes. - she agreed, although i knew she wasn't convinced.
-Take care of her! - Derek said kissing my cheek on my left.
-Mhm, now i am gonna vomit.
I finally steadied myself, taking a deep breath, and looking after Derek. He was at the middle of the stairs talking to Richard, right behind Mark...and Addison. Dr.Bailey stepped out of a room, and shut the door of it, causing my head to start hurting, and with that the dizziness came back again. I felt a much stronger wave of nausea hit me, and there was no question, I couldn't keep this one down, not even until i find a toilet. I quickly scanned the room for the nearest trash can, and ran there, clinging above it.
-Holy crap, are you pregnant? - she yelled, as the whole hospital heard.
I felt Christina's hands holding my hair in a ponytail behind my back, but i felt like i could kill her right about then. When i felt like i was okay, i straightened myself, noticing Bailey's, Richard's, Derek's, Mark's, Addison's, shortly the whole hospital's eyes on me. It didn't even take twenty seconds before i had to puke again, so i put my head above the trash can again, as a reflex. The smells caused me to start gagging, and another wave of nausea caused me to puke again, filling the can with vomit.
I heard Derek's steps quickly, he came rushing down.
-An adulterous love child. - Addison said to Derek.
-Goes along with an adulterous sociopath. - he answered immediately looking at Mark, leaving them behind. I still felt to dizzy to stand on my own, so i held Christina's arm, as if my whole life was depending on it. It helped when Bailey steadied me on the other side, holding my right side. He pushed Derek away, who just got in front of me, wanting to help me.
-Ahah, you've done enough already.
They led me into an exam room, and i got on the bed, Bailey took my blood quickly, running with it to get results. My best friend kept touching my stomach, examining it.
-So whose is the baby?
-I am not pregnant. - i demanded.
-You don't know, do you? - she asked sarcastically.
-It would have to be Derek's.
-You haven't had sex with the vet yet? - i shook my head.
-You have to get out that relationship immediately. - she instructed me, pushing my stomach too hard, and i winced in pain.
-Was i this meant to you when you were pregnant?
-She is not pregnant. - Bailey entered.
-We have to run some more tests, but you are not pregnant.
-Oh in that case, can i have some morphine? - i kept wincing in pain.

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