Taking the tumor out

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-Christina..This is not okay. And your boyfriend isn't okay. - i said as i saw her wearing a turtleneck.
-Is your boyfriend okay? - Alex asked me from behind.
-This isn't just any patient. This is Izzie.
-He's fine. - i told him as we followed Bailey to her room.
-If you enter, you come in as her friends. She needs her friends to hold her hand, not doctors. She's got enough of them. - she stopped us in the last minute, and we nodded quickly.

-Derek. - i stopped him when he was about to scrub in.
-Yeah? - he turned to me looking pale.
-You can do it. I promise. You can. - i held his hands.
-Meredith, if something goes wrong than i'll be
-The doctor who tried to save her. Who did everything he could.
-And the guy who killed her. - he added.
-Derek. I believe in you. Look at me. - i asked him.
-You will do it. Your the best in..everywhere. So please...
-Don't think less of yourself because you can do it. I know you can. - he came into my embrace, and he hid his head in the crook of my neck, and i sent him as my energy and power as much i could.
-You'll do it. I'm watching you from the gallery. - i whispered into his ear, and kissed him once softly on the lips, while pulling his curls. He melted into my touch, and i let him. When he pulled away in a better color now, he nodded.
-Thank you. - in response i kissed him once again, and stroked his forehead once.
-Now go and show them! - i walked up to the gallery, already finding Alex and George sitting there with Christina.
-He'll do it. Save her. - i stated to them after they gave me some curious looks.
-Just keep in her frontal lobe. - Alex prayed.
-And don't cut in her brain at the wrong place. - George added.
-And shut up. - Christina quieted them.
-He is the top surgeon. He'll do what he can, he's not an idiot intern. So shut up. And trust him. If you say anything at least make it sensible! - she scolded them, and i deeply understood.
-What would you do if that was Hunt there? Or Shepherd? Ot Torres? - he turned to us each.
-So don't tell me to shut up. - when he changed the situation i again deeply understood. What would i do if that was Derek lying there? His life depending on one of my colleagues. Our future depending on that one cut. On his reactions. On the medicines and drugs.
When Derek made the first cut my eyes were taped to the view in front of me, and i watched Bailey standing in there. When Derek once looked up mid-surgery, i gave him a comforting look. Our eyes met for a moment. I felt Bailey's on me too, but i only kept looking into his. Once a shy smile appeared in the crook of his mouth, and Bailey's eyebrows furrowed, but eventually a smile appeared on her face too. In the next moment it was gone, because they were concentrating on Izzie again. I kept thinking of our memories with Izzie. The first day that we met. Her in a magazine in underwear. When they persuaded me to let them move in. When se made muffins for the first time. When she saw me with Derek for the first time. When he fell in love with Denny. And out of love. But in love again with Alex. With me on her side all through it. And now she was here. She's survived most of the surgery without a problem, an it was going well. She had a chance of surviving.

-Derek. You did it. She is alive. Thanks to you. - i jumped into his arms when he stepped out of the OR.
-Yeah. - he nodded, while taking of his scrub cap.
-Grey, let him breath. - Bailey came out behind him.
-I know, i'm just...- i pulled away, turning to her.
-She's alive. - i said seriously.
-She should be awake in at least five hours. If she wakes up we'll se if she's got any damage. Worst case scenario, she can't talk. Best case she has no damage. Everything can happen in between those. But she'll live. Whole tumor is out. - Derek explained while we were surrounding him with my friends.
-What if she doesn't wake up? - Alex asked worried.
-Karev, sit. She will wake up. In some hours. - he assured him.
-Are you sure? - George asked.

I was standing outside of Izzie's hospital room. Alex was in bed next to her, stroking her forehead wirh his fingers where it wasn't covered in white gauze. He was crying silently next to her, while holding her hands. Izzie woke up half an hour ago. We haven't even seen her yet. We gave them all the time they needed alone. Alex was talking to her, his mouth moving, and sometimes Izzie nodded. In the last 29 minutes, she hasn't said one word. But now her mouth opened, giving signals, talking in words. I saw the instant relief Alex felt.
-She won. - Bailey walked up next to me.
-Yeah. And Alex is with her. They've found each other. - i told her.
-Lot of you tend to do that now. - she smirked.
-Wh..what do you mean? - i asked her confused.
-Nothing. - she enjoyed the situation with a mysterious smile.
-When do you think it's not rude to barge in? - i required some advice.
-Give them some more time. - she nodded walking away.

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