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The next morning i woke up feeling a lot better. I spotted an empty chair next to my bed, in the half dark room. I looked at the clock on the wall, which was ticking without a stop. 8:34. That means pre-rounds have already finished, and my friends were working. I looked out of the window which was nearly in front of the nurses station. The curtains weren't closed, so i saw clearly. Derek was there, with Alex next to him, talking about a surgery, i guessed. I was extremely thirsty, and I didn't want to disturb anybody, so i lifted my legs to to side, and put my bare feet on the ground. It took a minute to steady myself, but i coped with it, and took small steps towards the bathroom. My shorts came up during the night, exposing my thighs, and with the hoodie on, it looked like i was wearing just panties. I didn't care. That's when i heard the door open, and turned around in the middle of the room.
-Meredith, you're not supposed to get up yet! - Alex came in.
-Bailey will kill me if she hears about this...- he continued furiously.
-Karev, calm down! -Derek also entered, keeping eye contact with me.
-Mer, he is right, you need to sit back. What do you need? - he asked me.
-Just some ... water. -i answered suddenly aware of my bare thighs, struggling to stand and pull my shorts down at the same time.
-What us happening here? - Bailey opened in.
-Grey what the hell are you think you doing? Sit back now! Karev, Dr.Montgomery-Shepherd
-Just Dr.Montgomery. - Derek interrupted her looking into the corner. He got divorced. Finally. This time he kept his promise.
- Okay, then Dr. Montgomery is waiting for you! The point is that you are here, when that's not what i told you! Shepherd, help that girl get what she needs, i have a surgery! - she ordered as usual. Alex and Bailey left together, leaving me there with Derek, while i was still standing alone. He came closer, and held my hand, helping me back into bed. I put most of my weight on him, leaning against his touch. He helped me back to bed, and grabbed my pink cup, and with a quick movement filled it with water, handing it to me.
-How are you feeling? - he asked, while pulling out hair of my face, but then suddenly dropping it, as he has just remembered something.
-I...i am fine...
-You are always fine.
-I am...Fine...Really. - i wanted to tell him so badly about Finn, but i just couldn't. It didn't come out.
-You will need to have breakfast. Do you want me to stay? Or should i just page Christina?
-No, it's fine. Christina is assisting in a surgery now. Could you...just call Izzie? Please.
-Of course. - he said as he took the cup from my hand.
-I will...go now. - he said, but first finished his movement, and put my side bangs behind my ear.
-Bye Meredith.

Izzie entered the room with a muffin in her hand, shortly after Derek left.
-How are you? Mcdreamy called me saying you need company, and some breakfast.
-Hi Izzie! Thanks for coming.
-Oh, don't worry about it! - she gave me the chocolate muffin, and sat down into the chair.
-I broke up with Finn. - it came rushing out of me, as I took a bite.
-Ohh...What's with you and Mcdreamy now?
-He walked away, telling me that Finn's the better guy, i broke up with Finn, but now he thinks i am dating the vet.
-And when exactly are you planning on telling him? Why didn't you tell hime before?
-I...I don't know... I just couldn't.
Christina came in through the door with George and Alex on her side, after Bailey.
-So, what's up Grey? - Alex asked me.
-I am fine...- i answered.
-Your Stats are good, vitals are stable, blood is okay. Did you have any accidents since last night?
-Have you had breakfast?
-Yes, just finished.
-And how are you feeling?
-I am fine.
-You are fine...- Bailey sighed.
-In that case, if everything is Ok, until the evening, they can take you home. - she nodded in her friend's direction, and left the room.
-Mer what's up with Mcdreamy? He was weird. You are weird. Where is the vet? - Christina asked looking at her closely.
-She broke it off with the vet, but Mcdreamy thinks she is still dating Mcvet, beacause he walked away, saying Finn is the better guy. - Izzie answered without a breath.
-Thanks Izzie. - I looked at her, sending an angry comment.
-Wow Blondie. You can live - Alex added sarcastically.
-Aren't you telling Dr.Shepherd that you are not with Finn? - George asked.
-Just call him Mcdreamy already. - Izzie looked at him.
-I won't call him Mcdreamy.
-But he is dreamy. - Izzie added.
-I think it's because of the hair.
-Okay, enough. - i sighed lying back.
-Thank you for the advices, actually i was trying to tell him today morning.
-But you didn't.
-He is afraid of his reaction - Alex said standing up.
-We have to leave. Bailey is already angry enough. Rest Mer! We will see you later! - Izzie said goodbye, leaving with everybody else.

I mostly spent the day with sleeping, or thinking. I just couldn't turn my brain off. Sometimes nurses came to check on me, but otherwise i was alone. Once Derek came in, but i failed to tell him. Again. It was already six pm, when Bailey entered, surprisingly with Derek after her.
-Grey, i checked everything, you are ready to go home. I signed the discharge papers. Do you have someone who can take you home?
-I think so. Did Alex and Izzie already leave?
-I put them in the pit, their shift is not over yet.
-Okay...I guess than Christina and George aren't leaving either. - Bailey shoot me an apologetic look.
-I guess i'll just order a taxi then.
-That's fine. Don't forget, no lifting, and sleeping through the night. If you are ok, you can come in tomorrow to work.
-I can take you home. If you want me to. - Derek offered leaning against the door.
-It's fine, you don't have to.
-Meredith, you need someone to take you home. I can do it. My shift is over, i am not on call today. I will go change, and be back here in ten minutes. Get ready. - he left without further arguing and closed the door behind himself.
-That's a pigheaded man, you have Grey. - Bailey smiled to herself, pulling out my IV. I left her comment without a response, and stood up, straightening myself.
-Good night Grey! - she said.
-Good night Dr.Bailey! - i sighed, putting on my coat, lifting it from the chair.

-You ready? - Derek asked me, when i put my purse on my shoulder.
-Yes. - I followed him through the doors, passing the nurse's station, feeling eyes on us. When the cold breeze of the night hit me, i trembled a bit. I followed Derek to his car, and he opened the door for me. I sat in, taking in his usual smell. He started the car, and we left the parking lot. I was sitting in silence next to him, as he carefully drove me home. I couldn't say anything. I tried telling him that i broke up with Finn, but I didn't. When he parked the car in front of my house, and helped me get out, he walked me to the front door.
-Will you be okay?
-Yes. Thank you. I mean...for...for the ride...
-You are welcome. Good night! - he turned around to leave.
-Derek. Wait! I was...i was trying to tell you this all day...I...I broke up...with Finn...
-Meredith. I need some think.
-It's okay. Take some space. Think about it. I just think...that i am....ready.

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