Christina's injury & Owen

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But in the next second the disaster hit. Christina asked me to help her get back on feet, so i put my hand out, waiting for her to grab it. I saw in slow-motion as a big icicle broke off from the roof above us, and was falling down in a rapidly. But when i finally reached her hand, it was already too late. The ice sculpture stood into her abdomen, and she winced out in pain.
-Christina! - i called her name out, and she groaned in pain again. I rushed into the hospital, to look for help. But of course the crowd of doctors have already disappeared. I only saw one man sitting on a bench. I rushed to him. The bloody soldier.
-You! I need you to lift my friend!
-W..what? - he asked back confused.
-Hurry! - i yelled at him, and started running back to the front door. I heard his heavy footsteps behind me, and when he got out too, i ordered him to get her up.
-Quickly! Take her in! I can't lift her alone! Please! - i asked him confidently. He immediately did what i told him to, and lifted Christina. She was unconscious, but still wincing in pain. I shew him the way towards the nearest exam room, and he managed to put her body down on the table. I put her on a monitor, when she opened her eyes.
-Hey. - i said to her.
-We should just pull it out. - she mumbled.
-No, we shouldn't. - Owen said in the back.
-Oh, what do you know? You don't even work here. - she mumbled again.
-Chris, we keep it in until we get back your chest x-ray and CT results back. - i told her, pulling out some hair from her face.
-No..I can't screw up again..
-Heard what happened, how is she? - Richard entered.
-I'm fine. I can go work. - she sat up, proving she was okay, but i saw her regret it.
-Yang, there is ice standing out from your abdomen, you won't work. Your interns look after you. Great opportunity for them to learn. And we won't pull that out yet.
-I'm supposed to treat Vincent...- she said lying back.
-Grey, you can take him over.
-Of course. - i nodded.
-Owen, could i have a word with you? - Chief asked him, and they left together.
-So, how are you? - i came back after taking a look at Vincent.
-Stupid intern. - she groaned at the interns who were trying to take films.
-Don't take it personally, there's a sculpture inside of her. - i assured them smiling, but i took the machine out of their hands anyways.
-Let's see...- i did the examination.
-Vincent's stable. - i said, as i was finishing with the films. My pager went off in the silence, and i left them in there, on the way to find the source of the page.
-Hey! - Derek got me in the hallway.
-Hi, i'm sorry but someone paged me, and i need to find - i started.
-I paged you.
-Is everything okay?
-Yeah..Could you treat my hand? - he asked sitting down.
-What happened? - i asked him nervous.
-It's okay, just injured it with a scalpel.
-You? - i asked back.
-No..- he confessed.
-Do i want to know? - i asked raising my eyebrows.
-No. - he smiled at me, and caressed my cheek with his good hand.
-Did you speak to your mother? - i asked as i sanitized his scar.
-Yes. She got it, Mer. She likes you.
-Yeah, sure. We promised to take her out, and now she had to order pizza or i don't know. And we didn't get a chance to talk. She doesn't know that much about me and -
-You're cute.
-My mum is staying for another day. We'll go tomorrow.
-She managed to postpone her flight. - he explained.
-Oh...Really? - i asked him, forgetting about his hand.
-Yeah. But Mer...
-Hm? The sanitizer is kind of killing me by now.
-Sorry! - i chuckled, and got back to his hand.
-All ready. - i put some gauze on it.
-Thank you. - he pulled me in and gave me a short kiss on the lips.
-I'll go and check on Vincent..and Christina.
-Mer. Vincent is dead. He coded during surgery. - he told me.
-W..What? - i asked back.
-You sure? - i asked him, but he just pulled me into a hug, giving the answer. When i pulled away, he looked me in the eye.
-What happened to Yang?
-Ice sculpture in abdomen. She slipped and it fell on her. - i sighed.
-Is it out yet?
-Good luck!
-Thanks...- i squeezed his hand, and took slow steps towards Christina's room.
-So what do they say? - i asked her interns.
-I guess it isn't hitting anything.
-Guess? - i asked back in disbelief.
-Don't you know how to read an x-ray? - their resident asked back with closed eyes. - Steve answered.
-Mer, please. - she looked at me with pleasing eyes. I nodded and took the x-rays out of their hands.
-Go! - she ordered them.
-They are right. It isn't hitting anything.- i cleared her.
-Those interns are scared.. - Owen entered.
-Good. - she mumbled.
-What's with Vincent? - she asked me, but i didn't answer.
-No. - she denied.
-He had another surgery..Coded. - i told her, not looking into her eyes.
-Do you want me to bring you some other clothes? - i asked her trying to change the subject.
-Yes. Please.
-I'll be back. - i nodded, and exited the room.

It was past midnight, when we got into bed with Derek, after putting Christina into her's. We gave her a ride, and Derek waited for me in the car, until i helped her change and snuggle up into bed with a glass of water.
-You good? - i asked her when i handed her a glass of water.
-I kissed Owen.
-What? - i sat down next to her.
-I kissed Owen.
-He kissed me. Or i kissed him. I don't know. He was so hot. With that injured bad boy feet.
-I mean...have you seen him?
I just shrugged my shoulders.
-I'm so tired...- i pulled Derek close to myself.
-I know...Me too. Love you. - he kissed my cheek, and i think in the next minute i was deep asleep, snoring next to him.

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