Derek sleeps over

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-Do you want to come in? - i asked him in front of the front door.
-I'd loved to. - i opened the front door for him, and pulled him up the stairs, into my bedroom.
-Come in! - i smiled at him, inviting him in.
We stepped in, and put his coat on the chair, revealing my shoulders.
-I am so tired....- i said , yawning once, and trying to unzip my dress.
-Let me help you. - he came behind me, and as he unzipped the dress, his finger followed it on my bare back. I stepped out of the dress, just in my underwear and bra, tossing it in the direction of the chair. I pulled out my shorts and the grey shirt that i used for sleeping.
-Do you want...your T-shirt? - i asked him, afraid of his answer.
-You have my T-shirt? - he asked with a huge surprise.
-I...I kept it...You left it here...And I didn't want to give it i kept it...and your toothbrush...i kept that too...- i rambled trying to make it less embarrassing, than it was.
-Come here. - he asked me, sitting on the bed. I went to him, and he pulled me in for a kiss.
-You don't have to be embarrassed. About anything. And thank you for keeping it. - he pecked my lips once more.
-Okay then. - I lifted the covers of my bed, and pulled out his T-shirt. He gave my another Mcdreamy smile, and starting unbuttoning his shirt.
-I'll be in the bathroom. Come if you're ready. - i left and opened the door of my room's bathroom, and sat on the toilet to pee. When i was ready, i washed my hands, and took out both of our toothbrushes, putting on some toothpaste on both of them. I looked into the mirror, and washed my make up off. That's when Derek entered the room, and he washed his teeth too. I got into bed, leaving the lamp on. He came in after me, in a T-shirt and boxers only. I felt his hug from behind, cuddling me softly. He turned the lamp off.
-Tonight was great. I enjoyed it.
-Mhmm, me too. - i mumbled.
-Goodnight Derek!
-Goodnight Mer...- he kissed into my neck, pulling me closer, our bodies touching each other everywhere.
-I love you. - it came out suddenly. I didn't think about it, it just flipped out. It was true. My breath hitched as i heard myself say it.
-I love you too Mer.

When i woke up in the morning, i was in the safeness of two muscular hands. I was still pressed against a chest, which was rising and falling evenly. A minute later i heard the irritating sound of my alarm clock go off. I groaned, but hit it anyway, making it stop.
-Mhmm. Stay...Just for a minute...Please...- i heard Derek groaning.
-Uhum. Just for another minute. - i agreed. He turned me around, so i was facing him.
-I like sleeping with you. - he said with his eyes closed.
-I like sleeping with you too. - i answered kissing his lips softly.
-I need to get up...I am gonna be late...
-No, you don't. - he smiled as he didn't let me go from the warmth of his arms.
-Yes...Yes, i do...
-Can we leave together? - he asked me, finally opening his eyes. The warmth of his chest made me shimmer.
-I promised to give the guys a lift.
-We could take them
-Would you be okay with that?
-Yes, why not?
-Mhm, super...How can your hair look perfect after you woke up? - i giggled agreeing his idea.
-Yours is perfect too. - he kissed me, playing with my bangs.
-Yeah, of course. It looks like a bird cage. But you really need to do something about your breath... - i pulled away giggling, getting out of bed.
We got dressed, and went down the stairs, into the kitchen together, he letting me in front of himself, and opening every door for me.
-Good morning! - i greeted Izzie and George in the kitchen.
-Hi Mer! How was your dat - Izzie started but she quickly stopped when saw Derek enter behind me.
-Dr.Shepherd, good morning!
-Izzie, George- he nodded towards them.
I saw Izzie shoot me a curios look, but i was just smiling for myself, not making anything too obvious.
-What do you want for breakfast? - i asked Derek.
-Are you making the breakfast? - he asked in a spectical tone.
-Hey! I can make toasts!
-No you can't. Last time you burned them, and they were black as hell. - George said attacking me.
-Okay, then we are having muesli. Derek is that OK? - i asked him, already taking out the bowls.
-Yes, if you'd like that. But i can make you something, if you want. Scrambled eggs? Pancakes? Toast? - he said with a cheesy smile on his face.
-Oh no, i am avoiding scrambled eggs. - i said and even if i thought about it, my stomach made a spin.
-Ops, sorry. - he said with an apologetic look.
-What's wrong with scrambled eggs? - George asked.
-Ohm, i ... i had an accident... in the hospital... - i said trying not to think about it.
-Sorry...-George said, seeing the change on my face.
-It's okay...So pancakes? - I looked hopefully at Derek.
-Should i help?
-You would just make it more difficult.
-Mer are you still giving us that ride? - Izzie asked.
-Yeah, if you want to come with us. - telling her that Derek is also a passenger, hoping it's okay with them. Izzie just looked back curiously, but nodded.
-Okay, in that case, i can actually help with the pancakes. - she stood next to Derek, opening the different cabinets, taking out the ingredients.

When we got to the hospital, Derek has to turn left, and i had to turn right. Izzie and George was waiting for me to separate from Derek. I hugged him, and whispered to his ear.
-I'll se you.
He whispered back:
-Can i kiss you? Cause i want to.
-Mhm, i want you too to kiss me. But shortly.
He pulled away, and pecked my lips just for a brief moment, and he wasn't even there in-the next moment, but it was enough for my friends to notice it. I saw their curious looks on their faces, and knew the couldn't keep in their questions for long. As soon as we got to the locker room, they started it: Christina and Alex was already there, changing into scrubs.
-What was that Mer?
-And the whole sleepover? And the being kind and Mcdreamy smiles!
-You were having eye-sex on the way here! With us in the back!
-Hold on, what happened? - Alex wanted to know everything.
-They came down in the morning from her room as a happy Mccouple holding hands and hugging. He made her pancakes and we all came together, and they were having eye-sex in the car! And now they kissed in the hallway! - Izzie confessed
-Hey! Stop reporting on me!
-Mer, did you and Shepherd? - Christina asked me.
-No, we didn't.
-Izzie, did she and Shepherd? - Alex asked turning towards her.
-I don't think so. I mean we didn't hear anything, did we George?
-Oh god. No we didn't.
-I't's because we didn't do anything!
-Oh, I don't believe that! - Alex added.
-Okay we did some things, but we didn't do that thing... he just slept over, and we cuddled, and said things to each other ... - the memories came back, as he confessed that they loves each other. And he made me breakfast, and stop now! We weren't having eye-sex in the car! And yes, he kissed me in the hallway, so what now? I will even kiss him today. More than once probably! So get over yourselves! - i turned even redder, and turned around just to see Dr. Bailey standing next to the door, watching us.
-Oh no...Dr. Bailey....Good morning! - Christina burst out in laughing.
-Ohm, Dr. Bailey, how long have you been standing here? - i asked afraid of her answer, but i needed to know.
-Long enough to know about your morning...and yesterday. And honestly I don't care about it! I just needed to know that the bet isn't over yet! Now get out! Rounds, now!

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