Walk me down the aisle

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In the last three weeks everything i had done was connected to the wedding. Or our house. Or surgeries. The best moments were the ones in the evening, when we went to Joe's with my friends, or i snuggled into Derek's arms in bed.
In the hospital i was drowning in surgeries. It was also good, because who doesn't like surgeries? On the other hand i was exhausted. At home choosing furnitures, and setting up themes and colours was the main activity. Taping boxes and folding clothes, getting ready to move. Or trying cakes and choosing flowers. Either way, i was feeling pretty tired just before my wedding. When i should've been resting and working. But it was worth it. We were planning on moving in to the house right after getting married. It was now doing more than standing. The pieces into the rooms were being shipped, the paints were already selected, and the rooms have been designed. Derek really chose the best in the field, because they have built kind of a whole house in months. They have spent most of their time there. Sometimes we went there whilethey were working.
My bridesmaids were supposed to be Izzie, Christina and..Lexie. We had a conversation about the wedding like q month ago, where she mentioned that:
-It's such a pity that I didn't see you in that white dress. They told me you looked amazing. And it may have been my only chance to see you...
-What? - i asked back confused.
-Well, you know, i wanted to see you in that dress. But a wedding is a big thing, so I don't expect you to put me in the it, and
-Lexie. You're my sister. So you are in the wedding. - i corrected her, and this time it was her turn to be confused.
-Well, i was hoping you could be a bridesmaid. - she was speechless, and i laughed out at her.
-You'll have plenty to say when you see what Izzie picked out for you to wear. - i patted her back.
So after we've established that she was going to be a bridesmaid, and take part in the wedding, she tried helping as much as she could. That's how we once ended up with half taped boxes all around the bedroom, asleep on the floor. Or at Joe's, planning my bridal shower. Or in the resident's lounge, after Christina's been kicked out of her apartment, because Callie wanted to spend the night with some skater girl form the hospital. Today, was the night after Bailey has announced that she's changing her specialty. Not exactly her specialty, but that she's going off to peds. Bailey was going to be a paediatric surgeon. Christina constantly kept making fun of her for that, but i thought it was a great decision. She was amazing with kids, even better than with adults. I personally thought it fit her. The position of the main resident was temporarily taken over by Callie, however we didn't know how it would turn out eventually.
I was doing an appy in the OR, while my mind kept wondering off to all of these thoughts, when one thing made it's scary and dark way into my mind. The invitations have already been sent out. To Derek's family. And his sisters. And my friends. And some attendings from the hospital. And my father. I've decided to invite him eventually. But what if he doesn't come? It'd be fine by me. I knew Molly was coming. We've already met a couple of times, and it was important for Lexie. For her to see me. But i had to walk down the aisle. Damn, i had to walk down the aisle with somebody. A man. Who couldn't be Derek. I needed somebody to walk me down the aisle. As i scrubbed out of the surgery, after my shift has already ended, my mind kept on focusing on only this once thing. I had one idea...which wasn't a terrible one. But...i needed a yes. And now i had a chance to get that yes, when i saw him talking to Dr.Bailey.
-Chief, could i talk to you...just for a minute?
-Og course! We were just finishing up here. - he turned to her.
-Grey, you'd better put me in a good seat at your wedding! - she sensed what it was connected to.
-So, is everything alright? - he asked me when Bailey left.
-Yeah, i just...Chief...Richard...- i corrected myself.
-You know earlier...you said that you could help...if i needed, and...- i muttered under my breath.
-Well...the thing is...I invited my father. But I don't even know if he's gonna show. And i..need...want somebody to you know, walk me down the aisle. And even if he appears, I don't want him to do it. After everything that's...happened. So, i thought, maybe you could..walk with me? - i looked up at him shyly.
-Yeah. Of course. - he nodded, and i relieved.
-I'm glad you came to me. I'd be happy to do it. - he assured me.
-Thank you. - i smiled at him too, and followed him to the locker room.
-So, are you excited? It's coming soon.
-Yeah. I actually am. But i'm excited for the marriage part of it. Not the wedding. It's just nice. To celebrate with friends and family.
-And did it turn to the exhausting part yet? Don't get me wrong, just before my wedding, it was a chaos.
-Absolutely. Not a chaos. Yet. But i'm pretty sure this is what's called exhausting. - i answered as we arrived to the changing area.
-Good night, Meredith!

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