Family dinner

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-Hey! - Derek greeted us as we walked down the stairs.
-Hi! You could've woken me up. - i told him, but he just kissed my lips once.
-You were tired. And you didn't miss anything. I was just about to go get you.
-Hey Zozo. - he picked up his daughter.
-Meredith! - a little girl called my name.
-Yes? - i turned to her smiling.
-Can you braid my hair too? Like you did Zola's. - she asked me.
-Sure. You are Katie, right? - i asked her, following her into the living room, where i saw Kathleen sitting, talking to Dean.
-Hi! It's nice to see you again! - i greeted her.
-You too! - she stood up and hugged me.
-We sit here. - the little girl told me, and i asked for a brush.
-Do you have hair ties too? - and she handed me a bunch of pink ones.
-Great choice! - as i started braiding her hair on the two sides of her head, some of the other girls appeared too, shyly getting closer and closer.
-So, are you a doctor too? - i asked Dean.
-Lawyer. I have an office in town. - he answered.
-You know, he's not part of the great Shepherd doctors. - Kathleen teased him.
-I think enough doctors run in the Shepherd family. - he joked.
-You're a neurosurgeon?
-General surgeon.
-Mommy is a doctor too. - Katie looked up.
-A good doctor. She heals everybody. - another bit older girl whispered to me, like she was sharing a secret. I smiled at her.
When i finished braiding one side, i asked for a pillow behind my back because sitting on the floor with Berry in my belly was getting uncomfortable. We easily kept the conversation rolling, and when Derek and Nancy entered, i was already doing a fourth girl's hair. All of them had colorful bows at the end of their braided pigtails, with matching hair-ties.
-You are really popular. - Derek hopped down next to me, putting his hand around my back.
-You never know when your skills are useful. - i smiled at him chuckling, as i finished Molly's hair too.
-When did you learn to be a hairdresser? - Nancy asked me.
-I had long hair for a long time, when i was a kid. Before we cut it. And my mother...didn't know how to do it. And i learnt it. I spent much time at the hospital, and nurses often helped me. - i explained, while letting Molly go. As i happily realized the hairs are done, at least for now, i leant against Derek. Even though i had woken up just an hour earlier, i could barely keep my eyes opened. I secretly pushed my aching back to his fingers, making him push it, so he released some of the pain. I closed my eyes briefly.
-You're talented.
-Thanks. - i smiled, accepting the compliment. She had a glass filled with red wine in her hands.
-Do you want some wine? - she asked me as Derek helped me up., thank you. - i declined it politely, and asked for orange juice instead. I got a curious look from Nancy. And Dean too.

We were settled down for dinner, actually over the most of it. Kids have already disappeared to continue playing. They were all like sisters and brothers. And i was thrilled about that. Zola had friends in the family.
-I made cake. - Carolyn appeared with a big plate, balancing a cake, decorated with strawberries. And she also brought chocolate cookies. I shot Derek a worried look when her mother wanted to give me a slice of strawberry cake. Berry seemed to hate strawberry. It's smell, it's color, it's taste, everything. And i knew damn well, that it's one of the foods which i hated now. Because he hated it too. Derek comforted me with a look.
-Can i give you a piece, Meredith, dear? - she kept slicing the cake.
-Uhm, thank you, i'm fine with the cookies for now. - i declined it politely.
-You sure?
-Yeah. - i nodded.
-I'll skip too. - he sticked by me.
-Oh, that's a pity! Are you on a diet? - she joked, and i just smiled.
-Girls, can i give you? - she turned to her daughters.
-I'd accept one. - Liz nodded in sync with Kathleen. I sawDerek take a chocolate cookie, and when Amelia was given a piece too, with everybody else, except us, we started eating. The conversation was enjoyable, and acceptable during dessert. I felt good. Up until the moment when the essence of strawberries made their way into my nostrils. And i imagined how it would taste. I took a big, calming breath through my mouth, however my body hitched when i started breathing normally again. Derek immediately noticed it.
-Are you okay? You look pale. - he whispered it to me. I just nodded once, not so convincing.
-Tell me if you're nauseous. We can go up a bit if you need. - he assured me, and i just nodded once. However i knew our secret conversation wasn't heard by Nancy, she kept looking at us. I cleared my throat a bit, and drank a sip of water. And then another, hoping it'd make the taste of the fruit go away from my tongue. But it didn't. It just got progressively worse as i kept sitting there, trying to rule out everybody. But i was also smart. And i learn from my mistakes. So i knew damn well, what could happen soon. I closed my eyes for a second, ignoring the slight dizziness, which always came with nausea. Which seemed to make it's evil way into my body, again. I came to a quick decision.
-Excuse me...- i stood up.
-I just need to got to the restroom. - i excused myself.
-You know where it is, don't you, dear? Just go. - Carolyn assured me it was fine, so i stood up, grabbing Derek's shoulder for a moment, before i steadied myself. I walked out slowly, but when i exited the dining place, i started running up the stairs, to get to the bathroom. I entered it, and sat down next to the toilet, on the bathroom rug, opening up the top of the toilet. I let my head fall into my hands, and shut my eyes. A minute later the bathroom door opened, and i didn't even bother to look up, i just kept trying to survive down on the ground.
-I'm here. - Derek sat down behind me, closing the door, locking it with a quick movement. I leant against his chest, simply exhausted. I kept my eyes closed, and he put his cold hand on my forehead. My head was on his shoulder, and i was trying to take big breaths. When i felt like something was coming, making it's way up from my stomach, i put my head over the toilet, and he came with me, holding my hair, ready for action. I just panted heavily, and spit once. He grabbed a pink hair-tie from on top of the sink, and put my hair into a loose low bun. He stroked my back, as we sat there.
-Are you dizzy? - he asked me, and i nodded once shortly, when i eventually lost control of the spinning world.
-Was it the cake? Or just food? -he asked worried, while stroking my back.
-Please don't talk about it. - i asked him, as my stomach made a turn, and gave a strange sound.

Thank you so much for reading! Two of my favorite parts are coming next....and please cote if you liked it, to let me now! 🥰

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