Post it wedding

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-Mer, maybe we should go and start getting you ready. - Lexie suggested.
-Yeah. - i agreed.
-Is it time for the dress yet? - Derek asked me quietly, and i nodded once.
-See you later? - i asked him.
-Hope so. - he pressed a quick goodbye kiss on my lips, but just a solid one, and i slightly pushed him away, because of his sisters.
-Call us if you need anything dear! - Carolyn told me.
-Thank you!
-How bad was it? - i asked Lexie while we were heading back to the changing room.
-I think you did great. Seriously. Amelia and Liz obviously like you. Kathleen is on the way, but i think she'd stand by you. Nancy needs to be persuaded.
-She hates me, doesn't she?
-Mer, she doesn't hate you. It's just...they all love Derek.
-Well, i love him too.
-I know. They want the best for him. And Nancy doesn't know yet that you are the best for him. But it's okay. We all do. - she opened the door for me.
-Grey! How did it go? - Bailey greeted me.
-Don't listen to a word she says! - Lexie warned them about my negativity, and i just sighed.
-They like me. Or i think they might. But tough.
-Yeah, well she was Mcbitchy the last time too. - Izzie added.
-Maybe you should stop calling her that, and give her a chance. - Callie suggested.
-Yeah, you might be right. - i agreed.

-Meredith, this is amazing on you! You look gorgeous! - Izzie talked to me, as i was in the dress, free from the yoga pants. I looked at Christina for conformation, and she pulled me in the bathroom, closing the door behind herself, instead of a straight answer.
-You do. And i have something for you. - she came closer, and pulled out some things from her pocket.
-Grocery list. - she handed me it.
-Something old. - she explained.
-A clean blue post it, something new. My favorite pen. Something borrowed. And i want it back.
-And all of them are blue. So you have the blue, and you are okay. And i wanted to tell you...that you look really happy. For the first time in...a long time.
-Thank you. - i smiled at her.
-Do we need a hug here? - she asked me.
-No. Yes. A short one. - i came to a decision.
-'Kay. - she said, and wrapped her arms around me for a moment. It meant a lot for me. Showed that she cared. And wanted me to be happy. When we broke apart, this time i opened the door, and we exited. I only saw Derek standing there, in the empty room. Christina looked at me encouraging and left the changing place.
-Mer. - Derek found me, and he scanned my gaze.
-You - he stepped to face me, with glowing, sparkly eyes, and he kissed my lips, not caring about anybody, who was waiting for us, sitting in their seats. I felt his fingers on the opened back of my dress, and he rubbed circles on my bare back, following the outline of my spine until he could.
-Thanks. - i blushed as he pulled away, and i held his hands.
-Sit down. - he asked me.
-Do you have a paper?
-Why? - i questioned him.
-Vows. Contract.
-I its.- i gave the sticky blue papers into his hands, with Christina's pen.
-What do we want to promise each other?
-That you will love me. Even when you hate me. - i said after a moment of thinking.
-To love each other, even when we hate each other. - he repeated it, writing it down.
-What else? - i asked him.
-No running. Whatever happens, no running. - he suggested, and i nodded, accepting it.
-And that we will take care of each other. Even when we are old, and smelly and senile. And if i get Alzheimer's - i started stopping for a moment.
-I will remind you. I will remind you, who i am, every single day. - he cupped my cheek, and then started writing it down.
-This is forever. - he added.
-Forever. - i agreed.
-Are these our vows? And the church part?- i asked him.
-Yes. If you want it to be it.
-Of course. - i took it, putting my signature on it.
-And now what?
-Now i kiss the bride. - he said smiling, and i shifted closer, letting him explore my lips over and over again. I shared the taste of my vanilla chapstick with him, and he licked it once more. Our tongues met, and he bit on mine slightly, making me kiss him back hungrily. As i felt the desire rise, he pulled me on top of himself, just to give me some more short kisses, before i got off of him.
-Married. - he whispered.
-Married. - i confirmed, repeating it.
-To make it official... we should sign the papers in there. - i made him stand up, and reminded him of the official governmental papers.
-I love you. - he told me seriously.
-I love you too. - i stood on my tiptoes, making us have an intimate moment. I took his hand, lacing our fingers, and we walked through the hallway, stopping in front of the door.
-You're here! - Richard turned to me.
-You're the first one who goes. - i whispered into Derek's ear.
-I know. I'm waiting for you. - he kissed me once more, before he stepped inside, making his way through the guests, standing at his place.
-Please don't cry. When we're up there.- i asked my bridesmaids.
-I won't. - Christina promised.
-I don't make promises. - Izzie smiled at me.
-It's our time. - Lexie looked in for a moment, and i nodded, and watched them go in one of them after another, in their simple, but individual dresses.
-Meredith? - Richard asked me.
-Yeah, i'm ready. I just wanted to say...thank you for doing this. I really appreciate it. - i took his hand, and stood on his right.
-No need. - he smiled at me, and it started. The only thing i thought i would never ever do. Walk down in a white dress, in front of a group of people. But it was real. It was the reality.
As i passed the familiar faces, friends from the hospital, Derek's mum, whose eyes were teary, Molly and her daughter Laura, my father sitting in one place, Dr.Bailey and Arizona, and Derek's sister's one by one, i thought this may not be a traditional wedding.
No priers, just us signing two papers, and putting on rings. But it felt the best.

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