Waking up and recovering

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I was now put into a further room from the entrance, which was quieter. Two nights have already passed since i woke up, and i felt much better now. Luckily I didn't suffer any damage to my brain, and as far as i knew, everything worked out okay. I was sleeping all day, and resting. My friends kept visiting me, and the chief with Bailey often checked on me too.
Derek entered the room.
-Hi! - i smiled at him, inviting into the hospital bed with me.
-Are you tired? - he asked scooping in next to me.
-Not really. I was sleeping all day, and night before.
-Mer...I was so scared. - he said turning me next to him.
-Do you...Do you want to talk about it? Is it too soon? - he asked.
-It's fine...I guess. It all started when that man woke up...he pushed me into the water. I fell in, and hit my head into the dock. I was swimming towards the exit, but i felt dizzy...- i trembled as saying it reliving the memory for a moment, seeing the darkness around me. Derek saw my temporary memories as i close my eyes, and he pulled me even closer. The warmth of his body calmed me, and i continued without interruption, as he stayed quiet.
-I was too dizzy. I think i was screaming for help. The water was...freezing...freezing cold. I felt like I couldn't move. I became even more dizzier and everything was spinning. - i felt his hands rubbing circles on my back.
-Then suddenly i couldn't swim, i couldn't scream. I was out of breath. I think i passed out. But Derek before you say anything...You have to believe me...I swam...I fought...I tried getting out...Please...Please...believe me...I thought of you...and Christina...and Izzie and Alex and George...And for a moment I kept seeing Doc. And Denny. And that girl who was brought in and she died from the loss of blood, who I couldn't save. - i kept telling him my memories. I got goose-bumps from the memory. He noticed it, and took off his hoodie without thinking, leaving himself in a T-shirt. He helped me into his hoodie. It calmed me down. He could help me without words. I took in the usual essence of him, his Mcdreamy smell. The comfort and warmth that he gave me by just hugging my close to him, was amazing. I put my head in the crook of his neck, and he pulled me on top of him. I breathed him in, while he kept rubbing my back.
-I believe you...- he whispered into my ears, and i let out a tear, which went down on his neck.
-I know it was hard for you...I promise i know how you felt...and i cause you problems, but it's not the time to give up on me. It's not the time to give up on me yet. Just not now...Never will be the time...I need you. - i mumbled into his neck.
-I will never leave you...I need you...And you...you are not causing me problems...in fact make mine go away... - he lifted me, and caressed my lips with his softly afraid of breaking me. I kissed back a little harder, and he fidgeted with my hair. I felt the butterflies come to life, and lay on top of him again, in his hoodie, with the essence of him, hugging him. He held me with him, no wanting to let go of me. My much smaller figure was on his, melting into him. The door opened, but I didn't let go of him, and stayed on top of him. His eyes were closed, and i felt his breath even out, not caring about the ones who came in. I didn't even know, until a deep voice groaned his throat.
-Khm, khm. - i pulled myself off of him, as he woke up from the nap we took earlier, as i rolled off. He quickly got out of bed from next to me, and hopped down to the chair next to my bed. I watched his movements with sparkling eyes, and just after that turned my head into the direction of the door. I saw Richard standing there, but as i looked further, Addison was there. My smile immediately disappeared and i began panicking because she caught me and her ex-husband in our intimate moment. On the monitor, i saw my heart beat go faster, and i blushed slightly. I nodded towards them, and i saw Addison noticing the monitor too, after Derek got off of me.
-So...- Richard started.
-I will consult with you about that case later. - Addison added and nodded to us, leaving the door. As she left my heart rate came back to normal again, calming down as i felt Derek's fingers interlock with mine.
-Meredith, you are very lucky. Brain function is perfectly fine, no damage to your organs, normal lung capacity, the place you hit your head should be fine. I see no reason for keeping you here after tomorrow. Dizziness, nausea, any pain?  - i shook my head, telling the truth.
-Then you can recover at home. I want you to take the weekend off, and rest at home. You can work on Monday, if everything goes as planned. But please... - he looked into her eyes, with warmth
-Stay as long as you need.
-Thank you...I am feeling a lot better, but i will take the weekend off.
-Chief...I want to take some time off...-Derek started.
-No! There is NO meed of that. You have already take 3 days off, your patients need you, - i started.
-You need me. - he interrupted her.
-I do, but i am fine without you for your shifts. My friends have days off too, and we meet in the morning and in the evening.
-You sure? - he raised his eyebrow.
-Yes...Totally. I will be okay.
-Are you sure that's what you want?
-Yes. Maybe...
-Maybe what? - he asked back, still holding her hand.
-Maybe no on calls for the weekend, in the middle of the night. - she confessed, hoping that he will stay with her during the nights.
-Of course.
-Chief, is that possible that - he started.
-Yes, absolutely. - i looked at the chief, finding something comforting in the way he looked at both of us.
-Thank you. Thank you Richard! - i smiled at him, and he nodded in response.

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