The candle house

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-Meredith. - Christina stopped me.
-Yeah? - i asked her as we were standing on Derek's land in front of the trailer.
-Are you sure you want to do this? - she asked me.
-Of course she is! Look at her! - Izzie cheered.
-I can't believe that you made me come here too. - Alex sat down onto the grass.
-Well Karev, Barbie gives you sex in return, so shut up! She asked us to help. And we are helping. - Christina continued bopping her head at me.
-George didn't come. - Izzie stated.
-He had a surgery. - i defended him.
-Okay. So Derek gave me the keys to the trailer. We have matches and lighters in there. It's getting dark, so we need to start. I know how i want to do it. We have - i looked at my watch.
-An hour and a half. He will get here at half past eight, i think. - i opened the trailer door, letting them in.
-So...this is the magical trailer. - Christina hopped on to the bed. - i tried covering my blushing cheeks by turning around to open a cabinet.
-Wow, somebody is like a tomato! - Izzie teased me, while looking into the bathroom.
-I am not! And what are you doing? - but i didn't turn around, just saw her from the corner of my eye try out the bed too.
-I am in Mcdreamy's trailer. That trailer. And he is my boss. So I'm just looking around. - she defended herself.
-Well, i heard some stories about it... - Christina continued, and i reddened even more when the memories came back.
-Grey, how can you blush so fast? - Alex came closer examining me.
-Okay, stop. Please. It's not like I haven't heard Izzie. And you. - i faced him.
-But do i rub it in your faces? No. - i answered for myself.
-So stop, and help me with those candles. - i opened the door of the trailer and handed him some matches. I heard their steps follow me.
It wasn't easy. First i drew the outline of the house onto the grass. Then we put the candles out. And just five minutes before eight we were ready with the organization. The only thing that was left was to light the candles. But it was too early for that.
-Do you want some coffee? Or tea? - i asked them. The cold breeze of the pre-winter was tricky. It made you cold just under a minute if you weren't dressed properly.
-Yes, please. I'm soo cold. - Izzie accepted the invitation to the trailer. Alex pulled Izzie into a hug, and i caught her excited look, when she noticed Alex's hands around herself. I saw him whisper something into Izzie's ear, and she giggled out loud at his comment.
-Coffee. - Christina asked when we entered the house, enjoying the warmth inside of the trailer.
-How is it warm in here? Does Derek have heating?
-Yeah. I turned it on previously. - thinking of the radiator, being grateful for my earlier self.
-I'll start making the coffee. - I turned on the water boiler for tea, and the coffee-machine. I grabbed four pots. Izzie sat into Alex's lap.
-When are you telling people that you are together? - Christina asked them.
-We are not. - Alex claimed.
-Nope. They will find out anyways. Gossips travel the fastest at the hospital. - Izzie said.
-Coffee is ready. - i gave Alex and Christina one-one pot filled with the brown liquor. I also handed Izzie a cup of hot tea.
-We're changing. - Izzie said out of the blue a minute later.
-What? - i asked back surprised.
-Well, look at us. I am seeing Alex. And we don't care if people find out or not. Christina is over Burke, renting her own apartment. George and Callie broke up. You are building a house with Mcdreamy. The same Mcdreamy who you screwed before your first intern day. And we are sitting in his trailer, drinking from his pots. - she explained in more details.
-And we're residents. Not interns. Residents. - Christina added.
-Yeah. - i smiled at them.
-I have to use the bathroom. - i excused myself, going into the small bathroom.
When i was washing my hands, i heard Alex's voice.
-Do you think they are going to last? - he asked.
-Yeah. - Izzie answered for him.
-Like 30 years last? - He asked back. I pushed myself to the door to hear him better.
-I think....-Christina started.
-They will. I mean...they will. - she finished. It meant a lot to me. I needed their support. I was sure that difficulties were going to come up, so i needed them. And they needed me too. But it felt good that they believed in us. I dried my hands with a towel, and entered the kitchen.
-Okay. I need to light those candles. - i put my coat on.
-We'll help. - Izzie stood up from Alex's lap, letting him help put her coat on.
We stayed quiet until the last candle was lit. We went from one to another, slowly making lights in the black of the sky.
-Thank you. I really appreciate it. - i said when the last candle was lit.
-This is...beautiful. - Izzie stated with her eyes all over the land.
-Actually, it is. - Christina finally agreed in something.
-Thank you. Once more. - I looked at Alex too, and he just nodded.
-Well, good luck! - Izzie whispered to me at half past eight, when we were saying our goodbyes.
-Thanks. Good night! - i smiled at them one last time.
It was quarter to nine. And Derek was nowhere. I sat down onto the middle of the candles, and pulled out my phone. I dialed Derek's number. Hi, you've reached Derek Shepherd's - i
pushed the red button shutting up the voicemail. I cannot believe this. He is just late. Long surgery. I calmed myself. But it wasn't. It was nine o'clock. And he was nowhere. And then 9.05. Still nowhere. At 9.08 i dialed him again. Voicemail. At 9.11 i stood up, and started walking from one point of the house to another. Trying to call again.
-I cannot believe this. Stupid, corny, idiotic. Stupid, loser, son of a .... I could be at... ah stupid. - i kept pushing the buttons of my phone.
-Meredith. - i heard a voice.
-Where have you been? I've been waiting and waiting for you! And i did this stupid, embarrassing, corny, humiliating thing! And i was just gonna tell you that this - i pointed yelling.
-Over here could be our kitchen! And this is our living room! And over there, that's the room where our kids could play! I had this whole speech planned, i was gonna build a house, but i don't build house because i'm a freakin' surgeon! - i yelled showing him the house plans laying out on the grass.
-And now i'm here feeling like a lame ass loser! I just wanted to show you this! And thank you for the week! I got all whole and healed, and you don't show up! You are never late! - i stopped looking at him angry. - i kept rambling.
-And now it's all ruined, because it took you so long to get home! And i couldn't even find that bottle of champagne! - i kept speaking furiously, making him remember the alcohol we bought together after a successful surgery. He raised his hand with the bottle in it.
-Is this the kitchen? - he asked, as i nodded.
-Living room, too small. The view is much better from here. - he entered our house coming in between the candles, which were still burning. And that's the room where are kids will gonna play? Mhm. - he nodded, taking another step towards me.
-Where is our bedroom? - he asked, smiling.
-I'm still mad at you! And sometimes i am scared. But i'm gonna do it! Because i believe we can be extraordinary together, rather than ordinary apart! I wanna be ...- i could barely finish the last sentence, because he crossed the last two meters between us, and cut me off, sticked his mouth to mine, by grabbing my head on the side. He shoved his tongue inside of my mouth, and I immediately granted him the access. He pulled on my tongue, and pushed me up to himself, by my bottom. I put my hands around his neck, and leant my head on his shoulder, breathing him in, and continuing kissing him like that. He pulled his fingernails on my bare and exposed neck, and now lifted my head, making the kiss more passionate again. As the heat rose between us, he grabbed my coat, and pulled me up. I clutched my feet behind his back, and he kept me locked to him, as we kept kissing.
-We need to take care of the candles. - he mumbled onto the kiss, in between sweet kisses.
-Why? - i asked breathless.
-I wanna do more than just kiss you... - he whispered again.
-Then do it. - i teased him by grinding against him.
-Mhm...- he pulled of my coat, while i undid his, and dropped it to the ground, making a "carpet" for ourselves. When the night breeze hit my exposed chest, i got goose-bumps. He immediately noticed them, and kissed into my neck, then warmed me up by catching my lips again. When i felt him share his warmth with me, i surely wasn't cold anymore. In between the candles, nakedly exposed in front of him, in our future bedroom, i felt like everything was perfect.

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