I have interns

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-They are the new participants of the hospital's program. 15 of them, meaning each of you gets three. Grey, you have Ryan Spalding, Megan Moscol, and Tina Harris. Take them.
-Heard her! Follow me! - i started walking, wanting them to follow me. When i heard their footsteps, i relaxed a little, preparing for my speech. We discussed with my friends that we were all going to give Bailey's death speech, scaring them a little.
-I have five rules, memorize them. Rule number one, don't bother sucking up, i already hate you, that's not gonna change. Trauma protocols, phone lists, pagers, nurses will page you. You will answer every page at a run. A run! That's rule number two. Your first shift starts now and lasts 48 hours. You're interns, grunts, nobodies, bottom of the surgical food chain. You run labs, write orders, work every second night until you drop, and don't complain. Stay with me until i tell you that you can leave. On-call rooms. Attendings and residents hog them. Sleep when you can where you can, but not...with whoever you can.. - i added a little of my own advices, remembering the start of our relationship with Derek.
-which brings me to rule number three. If I'm sleeping, don't wake me unless your patient is dying. Rule four: The dying patient better not be dead when I get there. Not only will you have killed someone, you woke me for no reason. We clear? - i asked them, when one of them raised her hand.
-You said five rules. That was only four. - she said with a notepad in her hand.
-Rule number five: When I move, you move. - i took the path between between them, walking towards the incoming traumas, so i can have a surgery. With a help of my intern.
-What do we got? - i asked the paramedic.
-Older woman, 60 something, hit her head in a car crash, already coded once. BP is too high, paralyzed arms. Husband is in the other one. - i wheeled her into the trauma room, my interns running after me.
-Blondie, get a CT, not so blondie, blood test. - i nodded towards the girls.
-You help me here. - i said to the boy, possibly Ryan, while i started examining him.
When the woman was breathing on her own again, after nearly giving me a heart attack, because she coded again, one of the girls came back, handing me an envelope.
-Stay with her, set her up in a room, i will follow you. Blondie, you stay here. Now what can you see on this? - i handed her the scan, pulling off my bloody gloves.
-The crash definitely damaged her brain.
-Continue! - i nodded at her finally taking a breath.
-A hard blow could explain it. It could be a Coup-Contrecoup, or a concussion, a TBI, -
-Good job, but not perfect. Definitely more than a concussion.
-Will she need surgery?
-I think yes, but we need to run some more tests.

-How are your interns? - i asked my friends hopping down at the table in lunch-break.
-Idiots...One of them wanted to insert a chest tube when -
-Hey! They just need to learn. - Izzie interrupted Alex
-Two has potential, one is garbage, and i haven't figured out three yet.
-You calling them by numbers? - i asked her surprised.
-Yeah, well i couldn't remember their names. - Christina answered.
-Did you give Bailey's speech? - George asked us.
-Yeah, of course! They have to be scared! - Christina started, and i nodded too.
-Actually i gave it too. - Izzie confessed.
-Were you all mushy and kind? - Christina asked.
-Actually not.
-Sure as hell i wasn't. - Alex handed Izzie his muffin, and she gladly took it. It didn't go without recognization, my eyes met Christina's, discussing it quietly, but Izzie noticed it.
-How was the trailer, Mer? - she asked with a kind smile, but obviously wanting me embarrassed. She did it. I blushed, turning away.
-That good, huh? - she asked me again, showing that she noticed our looks.
-Yeah...- i turned back, trying to regain my normal color.
-I have to go. I am doing a surgery. Coup-contrecoup. - i answered their curious looks.
-I am doing a surgery too soon. - George bragged.
-How did Bambi get a surgery before me?
-Well, managing traumas. - he answered proud.
-Come on, let's go. We have a lot to do. - i stood in front of my intern's table.
-You! - i looked at the blond girl.
-Megan, right? - i asked her, and she nodded.
-You can scrub in on the surgery. Just observing. Not touching anything on your first day, just breathing in an OR.
-Thank you! - she kept nodding.
-You two! Did a great job too. One of you rounds on patients while i'm in, and the other can observe from the gallery. You decide, this time. - i left, but they didn't follow me.
-You're supposed to come! - i turned around, sighing, and they quickly got up, coming behind me. I ran into Derek at the hallway.
-Hey! - he greeted me.
-How are you? - he asked me, holding my hand for a moment.
-Fine. They are OK. - i nodded towards my back. My interns stopped while i was talking, but in a distance they could here what we were saying.
-I'm tired, but i have a brain surgery. - i hugged him quickly.
-Really? Well next time we go to bed earlier. - he said.
-Derek! They can hear you! - i whispered.
-And? They will find out anyways...
-That's true, but still i am their boss for now. - i mumbled so quietly even he could barely hear it.
-Then i can't kiss you from now on? - he acted hurt,
-You can! Just not now. We are in the hospital Derek.
-Yeah well it wasn't a problem before. - he smirked at me.
-Okay, you will kiss me in the hospital, just not on my first day as a resident. I am serious, and bossy, and .. confident. - i said building up an image,
-Your shoelaces aren't tied. - he smiled wide, arranging my bangs, and going down, tying them for me quickly.
-Thank you. - i smiled at him.
-I'll see you. - he said, passing me, nodding to my interns.
-Sorry about that. - i turned towards them sighing, while they were still standing there, as in the last minute and a half. I knew they followed with their eyes every movement of ours.
-Now, Ryan, prep the patient. Tina, you will get to the post-ops. Megan, we are scrubbing in. - i tried staying fair, walking to the previously booked OR.
-Dr.Grey, can i ask you a question?
-Yeah, Megan.- i sighed.
-Uhm, why did you choose to be a general surgeon?
-I had....a lot of impacts. But general was always close to me. I get to operate on most parts of the human body. I still have favorites too. I am not keen on ... liver surgeries, but brain, yes. And i'll still get to decide which parts i want to focus on more. - i smiled at her slightly, grabbing a glove from the box.

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