Wasted Thatcher

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-How did you sleep? - I asked Christina when she came down to the kitchen in the morning.
-Fine. But the three of us don't fit in that bed anymore. - she stated.
-Yeah..Sorry about that..- i smiled apologetically, handing her a cup of fresh coffee.
-How come you sleep in one bed? Isn't it weird? - Izzie asked us, while making some toasts.
-You get used to it. - i shrugged my shoulders.
-I wasn't asking you! Of course it's normal for you! On one side of you your boyfriend is sleeping, and on the other one of your friends! - she corrected me. Derek entered the kitchen too, dressed in a shirt, and jeans.
-Actually i'm not sleeping with Shepherd.
-That's true Yang. - Derek nodded, and i giggled at his comment.
—Oh, shut up! - Christina got back.
-Mer is between us, so practically i'm only sleeping next to her. - she kept going.
-I arranged a meeting with the architect. 6 pm, at the land, today. You're off by then, right?
-No, but i can leave earlier. - i offered, getting excited, and he got me on the lips in the corner, while i pulled on his hair. I fixed his tie, when we broke apart, and handed him half of my toast. He accepted it gratefully.
-You're pretty. - he whispered to me in response.
-I am. - i thanked his compliment in an unusual way.
-Are you coming with me? - i looked at my friends.
-Not this time. Later shift. - Christina told me, so i looked at Izzie.
-I'm going with Alex.
-Car date? - i looked at Derek, hoping a yes as an answer.
-Yeah. - i took his held out hand, and we left the kitchen.
-Do you want to go out? After the meeting? Tonight. - he asked, helping the coat on me.
-Yeah. - he lighted me up in a second.
-Where should we go? - i asked him.
-A movie? We haven't been there for ages. Just the two of us. We can grab some dimmer before.
-Perfect. - he let me out the door, and we got into his car, this time.
-I need to tell you something. - he sighed when we were driving to the hospital.
-Okay, tell me.
-Hear me out okay?
-Derek, you're scaring me.
-It's not scary, i promise. She is not scary.
-She? Another wife? - i asked joking.
-Haha, funny. My mother is coming to town tomorrow. - he revealed the secret.
-Okay. That's fine. I assume she wants to meet me.
-Yeah, that's right.
-No, not coming.
-Thank god. - i sighed, but i apologized as soon as i heard what i said.
-I'm sorry, i didn't mean it like that...I want to meet them. Just not at the same time. Steps.
-I know Mer. I know.
-Good. So when is she coming?
-Tomorrow noon.
-Mhm. Where will she sleep? Should we...accommodate her?
-No, we don't have to. She's staying in a hotel. - he answered, while driving.
-You know, if you want her to stay with us, she can. We have a guest bedroom...and the hotel costs a lot...- i sighed seeing his face, giving in.
-You sure? Mer i understand if you think it's a too big step, and -
-Derek, it's okay. We will set up the guest bedroom. - i nodded,as he took my handed while driving.
-She is nice. I promise you.

I was treating a patient in the ER, broken arm, and severed ribs. When Alex appeared next to me.
-Who is yelling? - i asked when he entered pulling the curtain out, while i put the patient's arm a cat.
-You need to go.
-What? Why? It's the middle of my shift.
-Your dad is here.
-And? - i asked raising my eyebrows.
-And he is the one yelling.
-I don't care. - i said while securing the arm.
-Chief told me to find Lexie, and keep you out, but he is the problem. Insulting my intern, making a noise, this is a hospital!
-It's not my job to deal with him. - i kept my cool.
-Fine. But the next person i'm turning to is a cop. - he exited the box. I managed to put on her cast.
-Stay here, i'm paging a doctor for you. - i said smiling politely, and pulled the curtains out.
-That's her! See, that's! Meredith! Meredith! - my father saw me, and waved with shouting. I quickly arrived at a decision, and made my way over to him.
-Meredith! I needed to talk to you. - he stumbled towards me, but i pushed him back to bed.
-I wanted to apologize to you! It wasn't your fault! You did everything to save Susan! I'll regret what i said till the day i diee ! - he kept talking clearly drunk.
-Today is her birthday! I shouldn't drink, but it's her birthday! - he kept smiling weirdly.
-Do you want me to go and get Lexie? - i asked awkwardly.
-I just want you! I need to tell yhuou - he messed up the word.
-That I also regret not knowing you in high school. But that's why you became so strong! I'm proud of that! You are stronger than Lexie. You are an impressive person! A lifetime worth of proud! - and he patted my shoulder. I kept watching his unstable movements skeptically, and looked into his chart, while pushing him back to bed.
-Thank you. You need to be quiet, you're disturbing patients. - i exited myself, and went on my way to find Derek. When i opened into a scanning room, i saw Lexie standing next to Izzie, looking carefully at an x-ray.
-We need to stop the bleeding, before it gets bigger. - Izzie said, and turned to me, sensing i was the one who entered.
-Hey. Do you know where Derek is?- i greeted them.
-He went outside, i think. - Izzie answered.
-Thanks. - and i have disappeared. When i reached the front door of the hospital, i turned left, and saw Derek sitting on a bench.
-Hi.- i hopped off next to him.
-My father is here. - i said, looking at the ground feeling his eyes on me.
-He cut himself, and ended up in the ER. He's...charming. And funny. - i said joking.
-But drunk. So wasted, Derek. - i turned to him finally.
-Actually, i may like my drunk dad more than my regular dad. - he put his hand around me.
When he didn't say a word, i rested my head on his shoulder, and asked him.
-Are you okay?
-Can't wake up a teenager from coma. His girlfriend is in the waiting area, thinking he will wake up any time. - i took his hand, and locked our fingers together, letting him lean his head on me this time. I kept quiet, showing my support.
-Do you want me to go with you? - i asked him after a few minutes, when he raised his head.
-No. - he sighed, when we entered together. I kept walking next to him, until we reached the waiting room.
-What are you doing? - he asked me kindly.
-Going with you. - i returned his smile, knowing how bad it feels when you have to tell a relative or friend that their loved one won't be back.
-Thank you. - he nodded, as we opened the door.
-So, which one is she? - i asked him.
-I haven't seen her yet. Only Yang talked to her. I'll call a name. - he said as i scanned the room.
-No need.
-Why? - he asked back confused, standing next to me.
-That's her. - i nodded towards a younger girl, blonde hair, sitting in a chair alone. I left him there, not expecting an answer, and approached the earlier spotted girl. I heard Derek's steps behind myself.
-Dr.Shepherd, is he awake? - the girl immediately jumped up, and i shot Derek a look, proving i was right.
-Melanie, maybe you should sit down. - Derek said professionally.
-Why..? What happened? - she asked eagerly, but sat back down. I felt other parents and young students stare at us.

-How did you know it was her? - Derek asked me after we've tried comforting Melanie, who started crying bitterly, when she heard about her boyfriend. My heart was aching for her.
-20 teenagers were sitting in that room, and you knew that it was her.
-Yeah. - i nodded agreeing.
-Impressive. Thank you for coming.
-No need. - i said honestly.
-There is. And I'm still taking you out tonight. - he smiled, squeezing my hand, when he had to turn left at the corner.
-Tell me you're having a great day. - i ordered Christina and Izzie at the cafeteria.
-Actually i am. - Izzie smiled at me.
-Me too. - Christina agreed.
-Really? What happened to sad Christina? Don't get me wrong, i'm happy for you. - Izzie asked curiously.
-Mer gave me the sparkly pager for another day! - she bragged, pulling it out of her pocket.
-That's not fair! Rules say you can only have it for a day!
-She needed it.
-I can't believe I'm here to buy coffee for my dad. - i said but resigned sitting.
-What's up with you? - i asked them.
-I have a surgery with Lexie. And I'm the main resident in there! - Izzie forgot about the pager immediately.
-Hanh put me off her service again...but Callie gave me advice. Hanh is doing a pulmonary embolectomy in OR 2, but according to Callie i can't go in there, because that would make me a brownnoser suck-up, and everyone hates that. So here i am, having a late lunch. But I don't know how to let it slide.
-It's like cutting a class. - i helped her out.
-Yeah, do what you did in high-school.
-I never did that in high-school. - she told us.
-What? - Izzie looked at her surprised.
-Than do what you did in university. - she came up with another idea.
-I have never done that either.
-So, let me get this straight. You slept with your teacher, but never cut a class before? - i reminded her of her med-school professor.
-Wow. - Izzie laughed out, taking some of Christina's fries. A sharp noise interrupted the conversation. The shiny pager. Christina instantly got it out of her pocket.
-It's Hanh!
-Go! - i encouraged her, and she started running.
-Remember to walk! - Izzie shouted after her, but we saw she couldn't stop herself from running.

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