Drowning 3

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Derek quickly showered and changed into his other dry clothes, that he had at work with him. A T-shirt and a hoodie, with some comfortable pants. He didn't really want to move before, but to tell himself the truth, the hot water felt amazing against his cold and wet skin, and now that his hair was wet with hot water, and not cold, ha had a better chance of staying healthy. But this didn't give him the right to spend a lot of time alone, he finished in ten minutes and ran back to Meredith. When he passed his ex-wife, he got a nod from her, as a sign of proudness that he had listened to her. He sat back in front of Meredith's room, just another spot, so he wasn't sitting in water again. He kept waiting, thinking of the possibilities, when it hit him again. How long has she been down? Over an hour. He quickly became emotinal again, and let his head fall into his lap.
-Derek...-Richard came out, Bailey following him. Hearing his tone, he had prepared for the worst. His red eyes were looking up at them from the ground.
-She is stable. - Bailey continued, making his heart easier.
-You can go into her room, if you want to. Of course, you don't have to work for the rest of the day. Take off some time together, if that's what you need. - Derek didn't even wait for her to finish, he hugged Bailey closely to himself.
-Thank you...- he whispered into the room, looking at Richard too and Bailey patted his back.
He let go of her, and quickly opened into Meredith's room. Her face was still a little pale, but redder than before. Her figure was still lifeless, but now she had a strong heartbeat. Tubed and wires were coming out of him, and Derek had figured that it could take some time for her to wake up because of the big amount of drugs that she got. He sat down next to her, pulling her hand with the IV in it to his, and held it.
-Thank god...Thank god, you fought. - he hugged her carefully, not wanting to hurt her even more.
-I was so scared. I love you Meredith...I won't leave you ever. - he sighed, whispering close to her ear. When Christina opened into the room, Derek politely stood up, letting her sit down, and backing out of the room. He was calmer now, that he saw her heartbeat with his own two eyes. He still kept looking in through the window, so grateful for her. Thankful for the doctors. He had his Meredith. And she was his. And he didn't ever want to lose her again.
Christina kept talking to Meredith.
-Thank you for not dying...You are my person and i -
That's when Meredith mumbled something.
-What? What did you just say? MER! - Christina jumped up, holding her head.
Meredith mumbled again.
-That's it...Try forming a word...So close Mer.
-Ouch! - she said with a frown on her face, and started coughing.
-Okay Mer...You are okay...Here with us. - Derek saw them from the window, and when he saw Meredith's opened eyes, he opened in.
-Der..ek- she said with a smile.
-Oh God, Meredith...You scared me so much... - he stepped to the other side of the bed, hugging her carefully again. Meredith weakly touched her lips to Derek's, just to feel some warmths and comfortableness.

This chapter is short, but now i am starting a new one again from Meredith's point of view. (I think it deserves a new chapter).
Thank you so much for reading it!

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