I'm pregnant

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All this meant to be stuff...Crap. But why not believe it? Really? Who doesn't want more romance in their life? Maybe it's just up to us. To make it happen.
-Hey! - Derek entered as i was sitting on the couch.
-Hey. - i greeted him, and took a shaky big breath.
-So..I talked to Klemons. He referred the tumor patient as somebody over at Seattle Press. - he told me, while he put down his bag on a chair.
-Great. Uhm...Take..take a look at the shirt i bought Zola. It's in the bag. On..the counter. - i lifted my hand, pointing to the bag with a strange movement.
-Oh, Meredith..Guys don't get all goo-go over baby clothes. - he sighed, but turned back anyway.
-Just look. - i kept blinking nervously.
-What is this? - he took it out. I saw the look change on his face as he read the letters on the small pink T-shirt which was for Zola. I stood up as he looked into my eyes, and i was smiling wide, when he turned the shirt. World's best big sister. - i read it. Lexie helped me pick out.
-It's only five weeks. And i'm sure i shouldn't even be telling you. And i still have a hostile uterus, and terrible things are constantly happening to us. Which is why i haven't told anyone..i haven't even told Christina yet. Except Lexie..Cause she found.. me in the bathroom. So if you tell anyone..I..I swear i will kick you out of this house...that you built us. - i looked around.
-Don't worry. And good things happen to us. - he kept coming over to me quickly.
-We are gonna have another baby! - he kissed my lips once softly and brief.
-We are gonna have another baby! - i giggled out, and hugged him to myself. He didn't let me go, but just kept us close to each other, while i couldn't stop smiling.

In the morning i woke up in Derek's arms. But as i was just about to close my eyes for another hour or so, i felt a strange sensation in my stomach, and immediately jumped out of bed, rolling out of his arms, running off into the bathroom's direction. I flung the door open, and kneeled over the toilet, just getting there in time. My mouth opened itself, and i held onto the side of the toilet, while letting everything get out. I felt Derek's warm hands over my back, stroking it in the next second. He held my hair in a loose ponytail, taking it out of my other grip. I let him hold it, while my dinner was still coming out.
-It's okay. - his voice kept comforting me.
-Okay. - he held my back, as a tremble ran through my body, when i had to go over the toilet one more time.
-It's nearly over. - he whispered, as i kept my eyes closed and finally let myself fall back, keeping my eyes closed. He flushed the toilet, hiding the disgusting evidence.
-There you go. - he squatted down next to me, while he was still holding my back with one of his hands, keeping me stable, like a chair. He wiped my mouth with some toilet paper, as i still kept my eyes closed, trying to control the nausea.
-Do you want to stand up? - he asked me softly.
-Mhm. - i mumbled, not trusting to open my mouth. I held onto his hand now, letting him help me up and steady myself. He was holding me, below my elbow, and i enjoyed the darkness from behind my eyes.
-Take a breath. - i did as he told me so, and handed me a cup filled with water. I took it gratefully, and wet my dry lips. I spit out the first sip into the sink, followed by the second, and then gave it back to him. But he returned it, telling me without words to drink a little. I sighed taking another sip. He led me back to bed, not stopping to hold me still somewhere, and i sat down to my side.
-I need to get used to this. - i mumbled as i closed my eyes again, resting my head on the pillow.
-I'm sorry. - he tied my hair into a low bun.
-Not your fault. - i whispered weakly.
-Well..- he pulled his mouth, and i knew he was smiling without looking at him.
-Morning sickness is not your fault then. - i corrected myself, while i snuggled close to him.
-Thank you...for coming. - i pushed my back under the covers, into his chest, and he caressed me hip with his fingers.
-I'll come. Always. - he assured me.
-Get some sleep. - he kissed my cheek.

-Mer...Mer...It's time to wake up...- i felt two fingers slide on my cheeks.
-What time...is it...? - i mumbled sleepily.
-Seven. - he answered.
-What? - i opened only one of my eyes.
-Don't worry. Zola's ready. She's watching a cartoon.
-Why didn't you wake me? - i sat up looking at him confused.
-You were sleeping so peacefully...And i figured that - he started, but i interrupted him again, jumping up just like before. I sprinted into the bathroom, opening up the toilet with a movement. I leant over it, not even having enough time to sit or kneel down onto the ground.
I struggled there for a moment alone, but in the next second he was with me. Again. Soothing my back and encouraging me while holding my hair out of my face. When i heard the toilet flush, i straightened my back, facing him.
-I'm okay.
-You're okay. This baby really likes sending back food, doesn't it? - he joked while sat me down on top of the toilet, now of course a covered seat. I nodded, and wiped my mouth.
-Yeah...I'm..gonna take a shower. - i spit the water into the sink. Again.
-Do it. - he leaned close to get me on the lips for a second, but i pulled away.
-Stinky breath. - i warned him.
-I can handle it. - he smiled at me, and pressed his mouth to mine for a second.
-We'll be waiting for you. Call me if you need anything. - he assured me, and closed the door behind himself.
The warm water made me slightly feel better. It washed of the smells, and toothpaste definitely did a great job.
When i was standing in a towel in front of the wardrobe, i chose a warm sweater, collecting some power.
-Hey Zozo...How'd you sleep? - i kissed the top of her head, while she was sitting in front of the telly, amazed by the newest episode of some kind of Barbie. She gooed back something, as i went into the kitchen.
-I made you a toast. - Derek pushed a plate towards me.
-I..ew. - i pulled the corner of my mouth.
-Mer, you need to eat something..And drink a lot. - he came closer, pulling out my freshly washed bangs from my face.
-I..can't. - i answered honestly, and as i thought about food, my stomach grumbled, reminding me that i haven't eaten anything since last night's dinner.
-Just a bite. - he asked me.
-Fine. - i took it.
-Do you want coffee?
-No...no coffee. Tea.
-Giving up coffee? - he raised an eyebrow.
-Baby doesn't need it. And i'll survive. - i sighed.
-I love you. - he kissed my lips, and some crumbs fell off of my mouth.

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