He's mine - jealous (mature)

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-Tequila and a single-malt scotch please. - Derek ordered for us, as we were sitting in the bar. We formed a circle, as usual. Lexie and Mark arrived a bit later, but Christina was there even before eight. Alex, George and Izzie fell in right on time.
-I want one more tequila. - Christina turned to Joe.
-Crappy day? - he asked her.
-Oh, you don't know how crappy..
-Well, it might get better. - i told her.
-Owen coming from behind. Do you want me to send him away?
-No. Be nice. - she asked me.
-Hey, Owen..-I greeted him, as she sat down next to Christina.
-You won't ever call her Grey-Shepherd, will you? - Christina asked him.
-At a bar? No. Hospital? Might. - he answered while ordering his drink. Derek stood behind me, and i leant to him, while sitting on the backless chair. As his chest raised, i relaxed my head on his shoulder.
-Please don't move..this is so comfortable. - i sighed, whispering into his ears.
-I wasn't planning on..- he tilted his head, and kissed my appropriately for the first time today. As our tongues met, a shiver ran through my body, and i held his shirt. As his eyes darkened, i had to resist melting into him, because if i did it'd lead to something probably inappropriate. When he bit into my lip, a quiet moan escaped my mouth, one which could only be heard by him.
-Please tell me yo were planning on doing this often tonight. - i mumbled onto his lips, seducing him.
-If you keep moaning, i might not be able to stop..- he chuckled at me, when i turned around.
-Oh god...They have to infect this too..-Lexie sighed, as she saw the entering the ex Mercy West doctors.
-Is it rude if i just don't talk to them? - Christina asked Owen.
-I'd consider it.
-Guys, be nice! They are just here to relax. - Izzie scolded us. Our pessimistic behavior led to a strange and disastrous change in the evening. Izzie invited them over, to sit with us. And of course accepted it, cause why not? Personally, i didn't have anything against them. Maybe April, but i didn't tell about her to anybody. Except that Lexie noticed it. And she kept watching me. As they joined our little circle, Jackson asked us.
-Do you come here often?
-What counts as often? - Alex asked him.
-Every week? - he answered.
-Then we come here all the time. - George said.
-What's your name? - Izzie turned to a short haired girl.
-Reed. You?
-Izzie. And he is Alex.
-I have to go to the toilet. - i whispered to Derek, he nodded, but first turned me to face him, and pecked my lips with his. Mix of tequila and Derek always led to something else. As he held my hips, keeping me in place, my fingers sunk in his hair. I plunged my tongue into his mouth, making him groan.
-I still..have to go to the toilet.- i mumbled onto his lip, and he groaned.
-Come back. - he asked me, and i smiled at him, licking his lips once, not letting him kiss me.
-Toilet? - i asked my friends and my sister.
-Me. - Christina stood up, with Izzie.
-You still go together? - Jackson asked us.
-Oh, dude, get used to it. There's so much you don't know..- Alex told him laughing at him, while we took the steps to the bathroom.
-Go first! - i pushed Christina in, and we guarded the door, until i heard the toilet flesh.
-Can I? - Izzie asked me.
-Yeah. - i let her in.
-So...Owen's here. That means public, doesn't it?
-I think so..
-Chris, i'm sure a cardio god will appear.
-Yeah, i know..I just don't know what to do with myself..until she arrives.
-She? - i asked her.
-You know, we adore a powerful woman. - a smile finally made it's way over on her face.
-On the way! - i went into the small cabin.
When we walked back, we found the new doctors completely in the circle. Derek took my place on the chair, laughing with Mark about something. And surprisingly, April was right next to him. Laughing too. About something too. I saw her 'accidentally' touch his hand. It was adorable. Really. She obviously had a crush on him. I wasn't mad at her. I mean Derek is hot. Definitely hot. The dreamy smile, and the hair, with the shape, made him irresistible for me too. But sadly, it was too late for her. Because he was taken. And married. Not like a marriage was forever. An average marriage. But our's was going to be. I made my way over to him, and as i appeared he immediately made me the centre of his attention.
-I took your seat..Sorry. - he pulled me into his lap.
-You solved it. - i smirked at him.
-I want to kiss you. - he whispered into my ears, while i was talking to Arizona. She was telling me about a kid, whose parent are billionaires, and donating to the peds. And i started smiling at her, while Derek's breath tickled my ears.
-But i probably shouldn't interrupt you..- i smiled at his comment, in the middle of Arizona's sentence. When she finished, i commented on her problem, trying to give her an acceptable advice. But he mumbled into my ear again.
-I-love it that you're so passionate about surgery. But i really want to kiss you. - he whispered as i finished, and i chuckled at his sentence.
-Mcdreamy. - Arizona told us.
-Sorry? - Derek asked back.
-I get it now. The whole Mcdreamy thing. I didn't get it before, but now i totally do. You know they call you that right?
-Yeah. - Derek nodded, and i had the need to laugh out at her comment.
-I'm involved by the way. In case you though i was coming onto you just now. Which i was not. And your wife is here. - she looked at me smiling.
-You make a great couple. - she told us, before she turned away to talk to Callie.
-You know, i'm - i started talking to him, but he didn't let me finish. He pasted his mouth to mine, getting me off guard. But i didn't pull away. His kiss was passionate, and he held my back so i didn't fall back. I was grateful for his hand, because i wasn't so sure of being able to stand. He shared the taste of his drink. I tasted it, licking his lips over and over, leaving small bites too. I pulled on his hair, and he fidgeted with the back of my T-shirt. When i broke us apart, panting for air, he turned me over, so i was leaning against him, straddling in his lap. I moved to take my second shot from Joe, and then to hit my glass to the others'. And then to give a kiss on Derek's cheeks.
-Want to dance? - Lexie asked me.
-Yeah. - i was ready to hop off, but his arms held me back.
-Later. Please. - he asked me quietly.
-I'll join you. - i smiled at Lexie, and rearranged the way i was sitting, when i got comfortable.
-Mer...- he groaned into my ears.
-Stop moving...or you'll never get to the dance floor. - i chuckled when i felt on my back, what he was talking about.
-Sorry. I'm good..- i laughed at him.
-Hot wife is making out with me, while straddling my lap. Don't be sorry. - he said normally, as the sound of music quietened his voice.
-So, when did you get married? - Jackson asked us.
-Last week. - Derek answered proudly.
-Thanks. - i smiled at him, lookin at April, who seemed to be less quieter than before.
-Do you live in Seattle? - i asked him.
-Yeah. At the side of the city.
-Mer, dance with me. - Christina stood up, barely stable on her own feet. Owen held her arm. I looked at Derek for conformation, and he nodded, so i hopped down, taking Christina from Owen.
-Chris, maybe you should go home. It's getting late. - i suggested her.
-No!! Dancing...- she stumbled to the floor. As i danced with her for two songs, and she drank one more shot, tricking me, i pulled her out of the dance floor.
-Derek, we're taking her home. - i held her, making her kind of stable, by letting her lie some of her weight on me.
-'Kay. You ready to go? - he stood up instantly taking our sweaters.
-I can take her home. - Owen offered. As i heard his voice, i turned around.
-Yeah. - he took her.
-Okay. Wait a minute. - i ordered, leaving him there with a dizzy Christina.
-Okay. We have one. Where is Izzie? - i scanned the room full of people.
-I'm here.
-Oh, you're not drunk. Great.
-One left. Lex? - i called her name. I saw her dancing on the floor, getting closer to a stranger, who seemed to enjoy the view her dress showed him.
-Oh god...- i sighed, and started breaking a path in the crowd.
-Stay here. I'll get her. - Derek smiled at me, and in the next moment, he was lost in the huge group of people. A minute later he appeared with Lexie in her hands.
-Mark? - i asked Derek.
-He's gonna be here in...- he looked at his watch, while keeping Lexie's balance easily with a hand, who was laughing with Christina.
-Like two minutes. He was paged into the hospital, but said will be back latest at midnight.
-And it's eleven fifty - i started, but caught the entering Mark, who came to us, when he saw my wave.
-He's here.
-That is one drunk girlfriend. - he sighed changing an understanding look with Owen.
-Can you take her home? - i asked him.
-Yeah. Lexie, honey, come here. - he took her out of Derek's hand.
-Did they have a this crappy day? - Mark asked us.
-More than you think. - i sighed quoting my friend.
- She's gonna want orange juice. Don't let her have any, because she's gonna be sick.  - i turned to Owen. Just water. But hydrate her. - i told both of the boys.
-Aspirin for the morning is the best idea.
-In second drawer next to her bed. - i turned to Owen.
-It's in the bathroom, i know. - Mark informed me.
-Not our first time.
-And put them straight to bed, before she starts undressing. - i said to Owen.
-Or before she wants to go for a walk. - i turned to Mark.
-And if any of you try anything, i swear you're in a horrible position. And save them from morning embarrassment. Thanks. - i watched them walk out.
-You're a master at this. - Derek took my hand.
-Yeah..I know. - i smiled.
-Can we go too? - i asked him.
-Yes, please. Do you want me to save you from morning embarrassment too? - he teased me, as we walked out.

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