Back at the hospital

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Susan asked me before her surgery to sit with Thatcher. And i liked Susan, so i was sitting with Thatcher, apparently because he has anxiety.
-You know there is nothing to worry about, right? - i asked him after an awkward moment of silence.
-What I... - he chuckled.
-Worry about is Molly living in a new city alone, with a newborn baby most of the day. That's hard. - he sighed.
-What i worry about, is Lexie starting her internship soon. She is a really good student, but it's grueling.
-I know. - i answered with a slight pain in my voice, nodding. He never worried about me. He never even had the power to worry about me.
-You know. Right. And i worry about ... you too. How you are getting on with your mom. None of that was simple. And you know it's the anniversary soon. - he brought up the death of my mother. It happened a while ago now. Nearly a year ago. It was strange of him to tell me all of these, when he hadn't really cared about me. Ever.
-Susan's really on to you to talk about me, huh? - i asked him, seeing right through him.
He chuckled:
-I got to admit, i'm envious. That she is getting to know you. And i'm not yet. - he didn't look into my eyes.
-I think she may be faking these hiccups.
-To get the same place? - i asked him, laughing lightly about the idea.
I felt an arm on my shoulder and turned around, seeing Derek.
-Hey! - he stroked my shoulders.
-Bailey sent me to tell you, Susan is out of surgery, in recovery. It went well. - he nodded, looking at my father. Looking at Thatcher.
-Thank god. - Thatcher sighed.
-You can goo see her soon, and take her home.
-Okay..Thanks. Thatcher, i ... i have to go work now. But ... see you!
-Bye...Meredith! - he said, sitting back down, waiting for further information about his wife.
I turned around, taking Derek's hand, walking away.
-This was .... awful. - i complained to him.
-He is getting to know you. - he defended him.
-Whose side are you on? He is a little late with that. - i furrowed my brows.
-Yours. Just trying to help.
-Fine...- i let go of his hand.
-I am on call tonight. I'll see you at home in the morning. - i told him, pressing a short brief kiss onto his lips.
In the next moment i was gone, walking back to the clinic.
It was almost eleven pm, i have spent some good hours at the clinic, helping patients, when Izzie entered.
-Hey! - i greeted her, while vaccinating a little girl, who was squeezing her mother's hand.
-Susan is back. She had complications.
-Bailey sent me to replace you. - she held out her hand, waiting for me to drop the girl's chart in it. I finished the vaccine, and handed her the file.
I walked back to the hospital, entering through the main door. After i've found Susan's room, i entered it taking a big breath.
-You're back? What happened?
-She's got a fever, and i think i hear a murmur. - Bailey told me.
-A heart murmur? - Thatcher asked.
-Don't be dramatic. At least it's not the hiccups. - she calmed him, but her face was paler than usual.
-Could be complications from the endoscopy.
-Bacterial endocarditis? - i asked back, and Bailey nodded. They looked at me for translation again.
-You will have to get tests, and if they come back positive, you'll be admitted for IV antibiotics. Which should knock it right out. - i comforted them.
-See? I told you. Don't be dramatic. - my father turned to her, and kissed her on the lips. After he stood up, we kept eye contact, until i looked away.
-Grey - Bailey said.
-Yeah? - i said in response with my ... father.
-Ohm, the resident, Dr. Grey. - she shot my father an apologetic look.
-Take her to get the tests done, and set her up in a room. She may have to stay here for a while.
I sighed, and helped Susan into a wheel chair, wheeling her out, with Thatcher after me.

I got home after 6 am. I opened the front door quietly, but exhausted. My tired brain remembered that Christina, who was still sleeping on the couch, has to be on call tonight. I pulled my shoes off, and with my bag on my shoulders, i climbed the staircase. I pulled off my jeans as soon as i entered the bedroom, in the half dark room, with Derek lying between the pillows. I stayed in my undershirt, and my panties. I didn't have any energy to wash my teeth, or to put on any other clothes. I crashed onto the bed, pulling the covers on, snuggling into Derek's warmth. I knew he noticed i arrived, because he pulled my half-naked body into his embrace. I fell asleep as soon as i closed my eyes, starting to snore loudly. An hour or so later, i opened my eyes, when i felt the familiar warmth pull away.
-Morning. - i mumbled, with my eyes closing back, after only an hour of sleep.
-Morning. Sleep. - he turned me towards him, pulling out the bangs from my eyes.
-When did you get home? - he asked me.
-After ... six. - i groaned.
-How is Susan? Did they go home? - he asked me, and i nodded.
-Came back too. Fever, and confirmed the bacterial endocar - i bit off the last part, mumbling something, trying to stay awake with my eyes closed.
-Antibiotics? - he asked and i groaned in response.
-Hope she's okay. Getting closer. - i whispered, barely able to say it.
-When do you have to go back?
-Noon. - i answered scooping back into his warmth, putting my back to his chest, forcing him to lift his hand over me.
-Mhm, Mer i need to go.. - he said whispering it into my ears. I shook my head in response.
-Love you. - i mumbled again sleepily.
-Love you too. - he pulled away again, leaving me cold in my panties and shirt. I got goose-bumps. He turned me over, so i was facing him, and he pulled the blanket up to my chin, covering me. I felt a wet kiss in my lips, which was soft. When he gasped for air, i pulled him back, still with my eyes closed, holding his neck, and trying to get enough energy for the day from his sweet tasting lips. Eventually, he broke the kiss again, and this time got out of bed. I closed my eyes, not even caring to stay awake for him, and dozed off immediately.

Eleven o'clock came painfully early. The sound of my alarm clock pulled me out of my dream.  I got dressed, and brushed my teeth. As i took the stairs in the empty house, and grabbed a muffin out of the basket, i sighed. I was still sleepy, and the happenings of the night still were rounding in my head like crazy.
When i parked the car in the lot in front of the hospital, at my usual place, i took the last bit of my muffin.
-Grey, check on Susan, then you can scrub in on a surgery. - Bailey greeted me.
-Thank you! - i smiled at her in the locker room, changing into scrubs.
When i opened into Susan's room, she was lying on the bed. Richard was explaining something to them. I sat down into the chair next to my father.
-We are going to take you to radiology, to get a central line to continue your I.V antibiotics outpatient.
-Okay. - she got into the wheelchair.
-Will you show your dad the cafeteria? - she asked me smiling.
-We're onto you, you know? - i told her giggling.
-What? - she asked as if she didn't know what i was talking about. I got up, and walked with him to the elevators.
-So..The cafeteria is on the first floor. You can buy lunch there. I can walk you there, if you want to. I ... have a surgery afterwards.
-Yes, thank you. - he said. I understood, that this was his way of asking me to show him the way there, but i was sure that he has already been there. When he was waiting for Mollie for example. Or for my mother, in the past. I did as he told me so, and left him there, saying goodbye. I walked to the big white board, and scanned it searching for my name.
OR 7 - 13.30
Resident: M. Grey.
Attending: D.Shepherd
Patient: Kelly Simons, biopsy
I smiled to myself, and turned towards OR 7. I still had 15 minutes until half past two, but i entered the scrubbing room.
-Hey! - i saw Derek washing his hands.
-Hey! - he said, putting on his gloves.
I turned to him, and hugged him close. He hugged me back, and kissed my lips as a greeting. His lips felt refreshing, and the usual spark was there. I kissed him back, not pulling away, fidgeting with his curls. He held my hips, and messed up my hair, by tangling his fingers in it.
I pressed myself up against him, no space between us, his torso moving slightly against mine. I moaned a little when he bit my tongue.
The kiss got more passionate, and i pulled away listening to my last sensible thoughts.
-Little inappropriate, don't you think? - i flushed him a cheesy smile, panting in myself.
-Never. - he smirked back, kissing me one last time. I pecked his lips, when a nurse entered, with a knowing look on her face. I pulled away immediately, blushing. I turned the tap on, scrubbing in, while Derek did the same thing again.
When the nurse went into the OR, i turned to him.
-Now the whole hospital will know about us, making out in a scrub room in an hour. - i looked at him showing my angry face.
-It's fine. You are not an intern anymore. And if you were, who cares? Don't listen to them. Just jealous. - he smiled, comforting me.
-Of me? - i asked laughing.
-You know, not everybody gets to kiss me like that. - he teased, pulling on gloves again.
-Good thing i do. - i answered, and entered the room in front of him.

Elevator love merderNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ